
The Shadow of Fate

A normal world, A seemingly normal person. Aiken, an average guy who had just graduated college recently, and started working at a good job, drives to work one day, but nobody is there. the parking lot is empty, the lights in the office are off, and its dead silent. Intrigued, he goes in, and what he finds changes his life, and the future of everyone else on earth, forever. --- Hello, Author here. I'm not a very good writer and this is my first novel, but please give it a try before you drop it. I'm not planning on making the novel very long, so don't expect anything over a few hundred chapters. Also, I suck at writing fast, so don't expect more than 7 chapters a week. I will try to aim for around 5 chapters a week, but sometimes it may be less than usual due to not having much free time to write. (I will try to achieve an every other day release schedule so 3-4 chapters per week)

SleepingChaos · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Power System (Spoilers)

The Realm of Accumulation

The Realm of Accumulation is broken into 10 layers, with each layer being broken into 3 sub-layers.

Layer/Stage 1 - Red core. Broken into three sub-layers, Gas Red Core, Liquid Red Core, and Solid Red Core.

Layer/Stage 2 - Crimson core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Crimson Core, Liquid Crimson Core, Solid Crimson Core.

Layer/Stage 3 - Orange core. Broken into three sub-layers, Gas Orange Core, Liquid Orange Core, and Solid Orange Core.

Layer/Stage 4 - Yellow core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Yellow Core, Liquid Yellow Core, Solid Yellow Core.

Layer/Stage 5 - Green core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Green Core, Liquid Green Core, Solid Green Core.

Layer/Stage 6 - Blue core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Blue Core, Liquid Blue Core, Solid Blue Core.

Layer/Stage 7 - Cyan core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Cyan Core, Liquid Cyan Core, Solid Cyan Core.

Layer/Stage 8 - Violet core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Violet Core, Liquid Violet Core, Solid Violet Core.

Layer/Stage 9 - Prism core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas Prism Core, Liquid Prism Core, Solid Prism Core.

Layer/Stage 10 - True core. Broken into 3 sub-layers, Gas True Core, Liquid True Core, Solid True Core.

The Realm of Law

The Realm of Law is broken into 7 stages.