
The Shadow of Fate

A normal world, A seemingly normal person. Aiken, an average guy who had just graduated college recently, and started working at a good job, drives to work one day, but nobody is there. the parking lot is empty, the lights in the office are off, and its dead silent. Intrigued, he goes in, and what he finds changes his life, and the future of everyone else on earth, forever. --- Hello, Author here. I'm not a very good writer and this is my first novel, but please give it a try before you drop it. I'm not planning on making the novel very long, so don't expect anything over a few hundred chapters. Also, I suck at writing fast, so don't expect more than 7 chapters a week. I will try to aim for around 5 chapters a week, but sometimes it may be less than usual due to not having much free time to write. (I will try to achieve an every other day release schedule so 3-4 chapters per week)

SleepingChaos · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Entity (2)

"HELP!" screamed Aiken reflexively, as he shot up off the ground in a cold sweat. This was after getting attacked by the heavenly sword before being knocked out.

'Where am I?!?!?!?' He thought, still disoriented from before.

Once he came to his senses, his body calmed down a bit and wasn't tense anymore. 

'Hahhhhhhh, so I guess this is actually real and I'm still stuck here on this weird, miserable and dark island.' He thought. 

Recalling what had happened to him before he woke up, he thought 'Where is this damn sword!?!?!? It's like it disappeared out of thin air!'

Only at this point thus far, he looked down and noticed that all of his stress fractures, broken bones, cuts, bruises, and even the ripped flesh that had been taken from him by the fish-type entity had been completely healed, and in fact, they felt even stronger and sturdier than ever before, just like it was when he came into this weird island-type place.

Feeling weirdly energized and happy in the miserable hut, he realized that his mood and how he felt was most likely because of that sword. He still couldn't find the sword after turning over the entire hut inside. 

Although there was no sun in this bizarre place, it seemed to him that he had been asleep for longer than he originally thought. He looked at the crimson moon while walking out. It seemed to shine brighter and more sinister, believing that it was already daytime, which would make it March 30th, 2024.

Although March 30th was what the date was supposed to be, he had no way to determine how time flowed there currently. He also had no way to determine how long the days were wherever he was. For all he knows, the days could be 21 hours long, or even 40 hours for all that he knows.

Clearly still confused and scared about what happened yesterday, although not too scared, since his mental state had been completely fucked up way before anything like this happened, he exited the weird hut he had been in.

Aiken, being more organized and in control, starts walking away from the hut, going to explore some of the other huts to see if there's any useful supplies.

As he leaves the vicinity of the weird hut, he glances back for a split second. But when he looks back, he is surprised to see that the sword was literally thrown on the ground right next to the doorway to the hut. It was stuck in the stone like before, but this time outside the house.

'What kind of novel-type shit is this?!?!?!' He thought to himself after seeing how blatantly ridiculous that the sword would just appear out of nowhere. It was as if it just flew away and then flew back, conveniently placing itself in front of the door for him to grab and use.

'I mean, why not grab the sword if it's stuck in the stone there? If I'm attacked, I'll have more than a rusty dagger to protect myself.' He thought, swiftly moving towards the sword. He moved faster and swifter than he ever had before, since he now had a body that was twice as strong and athletic as he had been.

As soon as he reached the sword, he slowly pulled it out like before, and held it. However, this time the heavenly glow of the sword from before was gone, although it still looked magnificent and refined.

Grasping the sword, Aiken's body felt much stronger and he seemed infinitely more powerful than before. He felt like he could do anything easily. 

Of course he couldn't, and he knew that, but that didn't stop him from trying, miserably failing at everything

The sword felt warm and refined. It had a blinding shine from the blade's silver, making it magical. The blade handle had what looked like a sun dragon carved into the majestic, stunning brown handle.

Albeit not as flashy as many swords, it was still striking and majestic, and strong and sturdy.

Finishing admiring the sword, he placed it on his makeshift tool belt with his knife, and walked away from the hut.

All of a sudden, his body had an intense wave of hunger, as if he hadn't eaten in years. 

'Fuck it all! Even though I have this dumb sword, I'm still damn hungry! I haven't eaten in over a day!'

He realized that his only source of known food was the fish-type entity that he had almost died fighting. He had newfound confidence after receiving the sword, still thinking that he was so much more powerful because of it.

So, naturally, since the entity is his only source of food, he let his confidence, ego and hunger decide and naturally concluded that his only choice for now was to eat some nice fresh monster meat!

An hour later, he was ready. He had looted some more of the huts, and now had, at least what he believed, was enough. His new toolkit consisted of many things now, which included:

30 Throwing Knives

2 Rusty old daggers

1 Heavenly Sword

Makeshift Rope 

Leather Tunics

Leather Masks

Leather Pants

Leather Armored Jacket

Makeshift Stone Shield (really just a big, flat rock)

2 Empty Drinking Canteens

Huge Cleaver (originally used for butchering)

After accounting for all of his supplies and reorganizing it, he swiftly made his way across the abstract village, ending where he had originally found the lake, and saw the entity.

Unsurprisingly, there was nobody or really anything there.

He continued to walk, walking across the field, eventually passing the foggy, mysterious lake. 

Eventually, he arrived at the huge hut that stood out above all the others, which happened to be the one that Aiken had originally hid from the entity inside of.

He entered the huge hut, which he suspected to be where the leader of the destroyed civilization had lived.

Inside the hut, he took in his new surroundings, having never really looked too closely at the inside of the hut before.

Without looking closely, it would just seem like an oversized version of the normal huts, the only oddity there being that the hut was separated into 3 different rooms.

But, obviously, Aiken wasn't one to pay little attention to detail. He swiftly scanned the room that he was in, noticing a few oddities.

Like normal, the room had a bed in the corner, a table, and everything else that would normally be in a hut.

(A/U Note: each of the 3 rooms that was in the huge hut were 2 times bigger than a normal hut, making the huge hut 6 times bigger than the normal hut. So, naturally, there was naturally a lot of extra, unneeded space)

Although it looked normal, it looked a bit off, since the room was a good bit bigger than a normal hut. After looking at the walls closely, he noticed that there were faint markings on the wall that seemed to form pictures. They wrapped around the walls, and seemed to continue into the other 2 rooms.

Intrigued, Aiken wanted to look at them and see whatever the pictures were trying to depict. 

But, as any normal person would realize, he wasn't in a position where he had the time to inspect and waste his time at the moment looking at old drawings.

For all he knew, the entity could be in the other two rooms. Albeit unlikely that the entity was in the huge hut, there was still a possibility, and that was a risk he wasn't willing to take.

'Well, I guess I'll have to come back later and look around here. For now, I have to focus on my current objective.'

Walking into the next room, he quickly scanned the room, seeing that there was nobody in it.

'Well, next room it is!'

He walked out of the room, into the doorway of the next room.

'Uhhhhh, what the hell is that?'

After walking into the room, he noticed another huge sacrificial altar, like the one that he was in when he woke up in the place, drawn out of what looked like to be someone's blood.

'Heh, I'm getting the hell out of this creepy hut, and I have no intention of coming back here. Well, I guess it could be worse. There could've been another monster in here!'

Creeped out, and frankly scared, he swiftly walked out of that room, and the other one, making his way back to the first room. While thinking about where to go next, he suddenly hears a distant sound.

Throughout the ever silent abyss, sound is a blessing. The Abyss is so lifeless that it's a miracle for there to be a sound, for any reason at all. But defying all odds, there was a sound, from something other than Aiken.

The sound was like a splash of water, like a medium sized object, or person, had fallen in.

Aiken, at this time, was suddenly alarmed. After staying in the ever so silent abyss for even just 1 day had made him alert whenever he heard anything. He tensed up, and immediately grabbed out a dagger, taking a fighting stance out of instinct.

Realizing that it was nothing near him, he slowly walked over and looked out the doorway, over in the field in front of the hut. By the entrance to the lake, was a grayish-looking fish-type monster. It was the same one he had seen before and fought.

Without realizing it, he had basically repeated what had happened last time.

The Entity slowly submerged himself in the lake, and Aiken watched as its skin slowly regained its color.

Thinking about this, Aiken suddenly had a realization.

'Why should I make fighting this thing so difficult? If this thing needs water and moisture to survive, fire is its perfect enemy! It will burn that fish to a crisp, although I need fire to do that. And with what i know, there's nothing in this village that can allow me to start a fire. So, for now, scratch that idea!' 

Taking advantage of the entity recovering, he gets ready to attack. After all, he still needs some well deserved food!

He left the hut, swiftly making his way across the field quietly, so as not to be noticed.

As soon as he made it to a short rush away, suddenly the zoned-out, oblivious entity jerked its body, turning around so fast towards Aiken that he could barely react.

The Entity immediately dashed towards Aiken, aiming to rip apart his abdomen with his Claw-like nails.

Out of pure instinct and luck, Aiken managed to dodge the attack and jump backwards, safely landing a few feet away from the Entity.

'Goddamnit! That was close.'

Without wasting any time, he dashed backwards as fast as he could manage, already starting to run out of breath, due to his lack of food and energy. As he dashed a safe distance away, he grabbed out throwing knives, and threw them at the Entity while still moving away.

Unfortunately, none but one of the 4 knives he threw hit the entity. And for the one knife that did hit, it just barely swiped past the edge of its arm, giving it the tiniest cut possible.

Cursing his bad luck and aim, He took out more knives before the Entity got a chance to run over and swipe him again like the last fight.

He swiftly threw 5 more knives, already depleting a third of his throwing knives. The knives cut threw the musty and gloomy air, arriving by their target.

Fortunately for the Entity, it managed to see the knives coming due to the distance between, and made a move to dodge them, albeit mostly unsuccessful. The entity managed to avoid 2 of the 5 knives, but was still hit with the remaining three knives.

The first knife was aimed originally directly at its head, but ended up piercing the entity's shoulder, which cut straight through the scaly skin on the top of its shoulder. With the knife hitting at the very tip of the shoulder, it flew straight into the skin, almost piercing all the way through his shoulder. Although the knife acted as a plug and prevented much blood from escaping its shoulder, it was still very painful.

The second knife managed to land right on the entity's upper left abdomen, but unfortunately didn't make it very far. The Entities scales and abdomen around that area were especially tougher than all of the surrounding areas, to protect injuries of its internal organs. It pierced the scales, but only made it past the first layer of skin. The knife was barely hanging onto the entity, as if it were going to fall out from the slightest movement.

The third and final knife managed to pierce its upper middle chest (where the sternum is), not very far away from its neck. It pierced through all of its skin and scales, piercing and stopping at the muscle in front of the sternum, ultimately not reaching its sternum. Although it did not reach its sternum, the knife had landed very deep into its chest, causing internal and external injuries. Like the first knife, it didn't bleed much because the knife acted as a plug, which kept most of the blood inside of its body.

Aiken was pleasantly surprised at the result, albeit still a bit disappointed that it had not breached any vital areas.

While the entity had just gotten hit and injured by the throwing knives, it didn't slow down its resilient body. While Aiken was preparing to throw even more knives, he didn't have the chance to. The Entity took advantage of the situation and quickly dashed in the direction of Aiken. By the time it was almost in the reach of Aiken, he had already prepared 5 more throwing knives.

Aiken, without wasting any more time, chucked the 5 throwing knives straight at its throat and neck. The Entity didn't have any time to react, due to their distance relative to each other, getting sliced by the 5 knives.

Although it had gotten sliced and hit with another 5 knives, it didn't slow down and instead continued to dash towards Aiken.

The entity within fractions of a second was already right in front of Aiken, giving him no time to grab out his sword.

The entity slashed at Aikens abdomen, barely hitting the side. When Aiken was hit, the skin was ripped away, revealing blood, skin and muscle.

In pain, Aiken tried to dash away, but wasn't able to before getting slashed once again by the entity. Like in the first fight, the entity slashed his arm, revealing his forearm muscles. While still in great pain, Aiken managed to get away from the entity. With his right hand out of commission, he only had his dominant arm left to be used.

Without wasting time, he quickly pulled out the silver blade from before, getting ready to use the sword.

Unsurprisingly, he had never used a sword before, so he felt awkward and off-balance, but it was his best shot for now.

Holding the sword, Aiken attacked the entity. 

They were now back in a close combat zone, but this time Aiken had the advantage, instead of the entity.

Having the upper advantage, Aiken swiftly swung the sword, aiming to slice right through its neck.

To his surprise, the entity dodged the sword attack, ducking under it. Aiken was left exposed from his attack, allowing the entity to swiftly swipe at his abdomen, slicing Aikens abdomen completely open to the point that you could see his organs inside.

In unbelievable pain from having his guts basically ripped out, He stumbled backwards, almost passing out from the pain.

Still not willing to give up, He ran at full speed away, trying to prevent himself from getting any worse wounds.

Abruptly stopping, he quickly pulled out leather pants and makeshift rope, tying the leather pants around the wound to keep it covered, and using the rope to try to stop the bleeding as much as possible.

Once he finished this, the entity was almost to him, so he swiftly pulled out his dagger, getting ready to use his final burst of energy to try to kill his enemy.

Taking the initiative, he rushed towards the entity, swiftly swiping at its upper arm, slicing through most of its nerves and arm, rendering the arm useless. He then managed to swing once again at its abdomen, and shallowly cut it, mostly missing because of the entity's swift and fluid movements.

The entity, with one arm useless, leaped towards Aikens neck, trying to bite his head straight off. 

Although Aiken was already fatally injured, his adrenaline kept him moving like he hadn't been injured at all. Taking advantage of an opening, he waited for the entity to get dangerously close to his neck, and in the last fraction of a second he quickly stabbed it in its neck, and at the same time bringing up his leg and kicking the entity in the abdomen, sending it tumbling back a few feet.

With only adrenaline and hate keeping him alive and conscious, he pulled out his sword, and before the entity could get up, the sword sliced right through its neck, beheading the entity.

Believing he killed it, he slowly put away his sword, and fell backwards onto the ground.

Right before he fell asleep, he was jolted back to his senses, seeing the tattered and beheaded entity standing up before him. The entity slashed his chest, ripping it open, exposing his rib cage and fracturing a few of his ribs. Unable to even get up because of his injuries, he had almost completely given up.

By a miracle, the heavenly sword ignited into a burst of flames, which had been lying on the ground a few feet in front of him, right where the entity was standing.

The naturally water-born entities cells were instantly burnt to a crisp, destroying its insides and body like it was paper. Finally dying, the entity fell backwards onto the ground, done with his magnificent fight for survival.

Meanwhile, Aiken was amazed and felt accomplished. But only then did he finally run out of his adrenaline. He realized the severity of his injuries, and saw that it was finally his time to join his family and friends on their vacation to heaven.

Giving up everything, his consciousness slowly faded away, leaving his body on the cold, hard stone of the island.

Not even 10 seconds later, his heart slowed to a stop, giving him one final rest, which would be the best and last rest he would ever have.