
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


"WHY, YOU BOTH IDIOTS!!! MAYBE NOW YOU GET IT!!! NOW, ANSWER ME WHO WILL GONNA PAY FOR ORPHANAGE BILLS!! HUH?? ANSWER ME! GET LOST AND BRING BACK MONEY OR ELSE GO DIE!!!!!" yelled by a furious lila aka miss.ever green . Still owner of the orphanage and yes, you get right, it was scarlet and catriel who she was yelling at as both teenagers just finish their punishments and sits on the bench placed outside of the orphange. Both clothes were dirty by working in the mud for whole night. Both tired and just wanted to take a rest and nothing more but they both know it was never gonna happen as long as miss.lila is the owner of the orphanage or at least, until they both get out of this hell like all the others before them did. But miss.lila have some special love (hate) for both of them especially scarlet as she never let a little thing go unnoticed.

Anyways, catriel release a deep breath as she and scarlet was about to walk out when miss.lila stops them.

"Not you miss.Catriel. who will made the breakfast, huh?? You!" she points at scarlet "And You! go 'alone' " that being said and lila walks inside. Catriel looks at scarlet who was looking down. She placed a hand on his arm and called.

"Scar, you don't have to-" Scar cut her off in between and looks at catriel with a small smile and shakes his head while placing a hand on catriel hands on his arm.

"It's okay, cat. I will make sure we both get out of here soon. I promise, i will take you with me-" scar gives a dirty glare at where lila just have vanished before continuing "-far away from her at least." catreil smile small at scarlet and nods "okay...you be careful..." scarlet nods and after a hug. Catriel watches as scarlet disappear from her sight before sighing deeply and walking inside to make breakfast for everyone.


Scarlet didn't know where he was going, it was still dark outside, just a little light through the dark clouds surrounding the sky. It was quite chill outside as when he breath, fog comes out.

Scar put his black hood over his head as his black combat shoes hit against the streets where water pounds due to raining are still present, often hit one of the pound as well. He and catriel after reaching last night change their cloths and so, now he is wearing all black. Black shirt, black hoodie, black skin tight pants and black combat shoes. He had dust on it but no worriers cause he had already dust off most of all by a wet tissue while walking to look somewhat presentable.

Scarlet put his hands in his pants front pockets while walking with his head down. He was walking in his own world when a grunt snap him out of his thoughts, he looks at his surrounding and found that the yelp was coming from the alley. Gluping he takes small steps towards the alley.

"Maybe, this is a bad idea scar.. let's just go back. " he mumbled to himself looking around when his hazel eyes fell on a group of people. It looks like that four people or more like tugs were robbing a woman.

"Oh, shoot" scar whispered harsh as he tried to run seeing the gun in one of the tugs hand but due to his 'beautiful-never-on-his-side' luck, he make a noise as a rock comes beneath his feet and...

"WHO'S THERE!!!" yelled by one of the tug. Scar not having any other choice show himself and curses at himself in mind when one of the tugs again states.

"Oh! what a luck, you got their kid. Now, get ready to 'die' " scarlet close his eyes as his hands still stand in a surrending position.

The only thought in his mind was 'i am sorry, catriel. I couldn't full fill my promise'.

"Now, say bye to this world kid." just then the click heard and....


Scarlet open his eyes to look at the source of the noise to find all of them, who was their in the alley including the woman 'dead'.

Eariler, when scarlet close his eyes, in-fact his powers got outside. The tattoo of dragon glow red and a black smoke release from him and 'killed them all'.

Scar eyes were as big as sausages and he did what he felt was right. He run away leaving the place.


On the other hand, back at orphanage, catriel release a deep tired breath as she sits outside on the same bench in front of the orphanage after making everyone breakfast and shower herself.

She was wearing black skirt that reaches her knees and black tights below them, with a black blouse above and not to forget her only pair of light brown boots. Her wet hairs move freely around. Even tho it was cold outside and there's a chance that she might get ill by sitting in this cold with wet hairs but she didn't care now.

Her mind went through the past. Now that she thinks about it. Her and Scar's stories are very much alike. Both were found outside the orphanage on the very day they born. and not only that, but both are not like normal kids. There's always been something different about them. Maybe that's a reason miss.lila hate them both more then others?

Catriel watches as kids play around. She wonder how it felt like to play like normal kids? it's not like she also has some weird kind of powers or that she knows of? but the thing is, their's always a difference between them and other kids. It felt like, they were destined to meet each other but the question is.....


"Congrats on your fifth time getting fired 'or resign'.' catriel was cut out her thoughts by the voice. She looks at the source of the voice and smiles.

"sister.cotny? what are you doing here?" ask catriel.

cotny smiles and sits besides her on the bench.

"How are you and Scar?" catriel sigh as she shakes her head in no slowly.

"I don't know anything, anymore sis. It's all-" catriel stops and release another breath before continuing while looking at the kids again "-it's all so confusing. It felt like, we are born to be someone else. We don't belong here." cotny nods her head as she plays with catriel right hand fingers.

"Maybe i could relate? who knows? But, hey! at least.. you both have us. me, ron and..eden. cleo sister is out of country so i am not sure of here. By the way, Do you know, brother zan and sister. bella have another son!"

"Oh My God!! Congrats!! if you talk with brother. zan, tell him I said hi."

"Sure, will do." cotny nods and looks around with a little frown and turns back to catriel.

"Anyways, where is Scar?" catriel looks down bringing her hand back in her lap and plays with her own fingers.

"Not here." was her reply. She looks up and looks at the kids again before stating "somewhere, 'alone'"


Chapter.No.2 (complete)


1211 words.