
The Shadow of a Luna

An Alpha arrives at a packhouse party one night only to find out that his mate is the Beta's abused daughter. Knowing that she is abused, he takes her away from there immediately. Her mother died when she was young and took a lot of secrets to the grave with her. She starts finding out that she's not a typical werewolf and she needs to find her way around and navigate through these waters while trying to be a Luna and a leader, which is uncommon territory for her when she has been abused her entire life. But will her mate reject her after knowing how damaged she really is, or will he help of her find that happy ending that she's always been looking for.

Kylie_McKeon_9763 · Fantaisie
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55 Chs



I was in the hospital all afternoon hooked up to that IV and throwing my guts up before the IV's were finally empty. Luckily Dr. Missy didn't make me stay at the hospital and she let Tyler take me home.

He mind linked the whole pack to stay away from the packhouse and the main area's of the packhouse until I got up my room. I didn't want anyone seeing me like this. It wasn't me. I wasn't volnerable and I hated people taking pity on me. I had grown accustomed to dealing with crap on my own. It was even weird having Tyler by my side every step of the way. But I knew that he wasn't going to leave me. No way.

When he got me up to my room I went running for the bathroom and I through up in the toilet. And then I sat on the floor next to the toilet.

Tyler left just for a minute and came back with a bottle of water.

"Dr. Missy said to keep you hydrated." He says handing me the water and he sat on the side of the bath tub and he put my hair up in a hair tie.

"Do you hate me for telling Dr. Missy?" He asked me.

"Ask me again when I'm not feeling like shit. Because right now I will probably lie just to make you feel like shit as well." I admitted.

"I like the honesty." He smirked.

"Keep smirking and the one will be aimed at you." I threatened.

"Sorry." He said wiping his smirk.

"What time is it?" I asked. So he looked at his watch.

"A little after 7pm." He says.

"Why aren't you downstairs eating dinner?" I asked.

" I'm not leaving your side." He says adamently.

"I promise that I will still be in this exact same spot when you get back. Just go get something to eat. And don't bring any back here to me." I threatened him and he chuckled.

"Alright. I've got my phone and you've got yours. If you need anything then call me." He says.

"I'll be fine while you're eating dinner." I say. So he got up and kissed the top of my head and he left my room.

I was enjoying the quiet for a little while and I rolled up a towel and put it under my head on the floor of the bathroom enjoying the way the cold tiles felt on my skin.


"Are you sure you aren't going to change your mind about this?" Mason asked standing outside my bedroom when I was 8 years old.

"I don't give a shit. Do what you want with her. Just don't make any marks show. If you have to hit her then make sure they can be covered with clothing." My father's voice boomed through the door while I was lying in my bed. I had the covered right up to my face and I was terrified right now.

I heard my father's footsteps receeding down the hallway and then the door opened. Mason, Levi and Lochie were all standing there. Mason was only 18 at the time. He started young. But I guess pervs are just born like that.

They stalked towards my bed and Levi and Lochie held me down while Mason climbed onto my bed. He ripped the blanket off of me that I was clutching and he had extended his claws and used them to tear my pyjama pants off of me.

He looked me up and down and actually licked his lips. " I'm going to enjoy this." He says leaning back and undoing his jeans.

I was struggling under Levi and Lochie but they tightened their hold on me.

"Please. Leave me alone. Don't hurt me." I begged. But my pleads went unheard. They didn't care.

Mason got his pants all the way off and he was already hard. I felt his erection against my thigh and I started freaking out and screaming and yelling. Fighting even harder to get away. But one of the other boys put a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.

Mason then used his hand to adjust himself and in one quick thrust he was inside me. He didn't take it slow, he wasn't gentle. The pain was excruciating. I could feel a thick liquid spilling down my thighs and I knew that it was blood. I could smell it. But that didn't stop him. He kept going, faster and faster until finally with one finally thrust he stilled inside of me. But he collapsed on top of me panting really heavily.

When he caught his breath he climbed off of me and looked at his friends. " So, who's next?" Mason asked.


I felt someone shaking me by the arm and I woke up flailing and beating my arms around and Tyler caught one of them before I hit him in the head and I realized where I was. Then I quickly got to my knees and threw up in the toilet again.

"Are you okay? Were you having that dream again?" Tyler asked.

"No. A different one." I say. This time he sat on the floor rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. But I was still really sick and I didn't even want to go to sleep.

"I really wish I could take that all back for you." Tyler says and I could hear the breaking in his voice. So I turned to look at him and he looked like he felt just as guilty.

"It's not you're fault. It happened and I need to deal with it." I say.

"I know that you act strong and pretend like it didn't happen. But you're dreams say otherwise." He says.

"I can't help my dreams. They just happen. But I am alright. I promise." I say. Then I turned back to the toilet and threw up again.

Tyler finally got me back to my bed at around midnight and put a bucket beside my bed. And he climbed in bed next to me.

"I'm not going to be able to go to that Ball tomorrow night." I say.

"How did you know about that?" He asked.

"I hear people talking. And I also know that you promised Rachel that you would take her." I say.

"I promise Rachel that I would take her when we were still engaged." He says.

"Well, she thinks that you're still going together. You might want to talk to her about that. But anyway, I won't be able to go. Dr. Missy says that I will be like this for a few days. I won't be able to go." I explain.

"I know. I was already thinking about not going." Tyler says.

"You have to. It's to build relations between packs. It's important." I say.

"I know. But I don't want to leave you here alone." He says.

"I will probably be in bed all night and I will be fine. You're not taking all of the warriors with you, are you?" I asked.

"No. The patrols will still be here." He says.

"Well then. There's no problem. I'll be fine. Go to the ball and have a great time." I say.

"Okay. But I will be calling to check on you." He says.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I say. And he cuddled closer towards me with his arm around me and rubbing my stomach trying to calm me and help me feel better while I was feeling absolutely horrible and sick. It was a nice feeling. But it didn't stop the vomiting.

I couldn't believe he wanted to be anywhere near me when I was like this. It's not exactly something that a good relationship can be built on.

By the following day I wasn't throwing up anywhere near as much as I was the day before but I was still sick and I got up and had a shower as soon as I thought it was reasonably possible that I could do it myself.

When I came out in a clean change of pyjama's I saw Tyler standing in my roon wearing a tuxedo. I stood there staring at him with my mouth open for a second looking at the greek god. I finally exhaled, not realizing that I was holding my breathe, and I walked back over to the bed.

"Well, I think you're going to have the attention of almost everyone tonight." I tell him.

"I don't care. There's only one person that will be on my mind. Now, I want you to stay in bed and get heaps of rest." He says walking over to me and pulling the blankets over me properly.

"Yes sir." I said sarcastically.

"Sir. I like that." He smirked.

"Don't get used to it." I say rolling my eyes and he laughed. Rachel then came to the door wearing a short right figure hugging red dress with her make up caked on and her hair all done up.

"Babe. We have to get going." She says seductively leaving on the doorframe. But he just glanced at her and then back at me.

"There's two bottles of water here. Keep hydrated and if anything goes wrong, or if you start to feel worse again then call me and I will be right back." Tyler says kissing my forehead.

"I promise." I said. And he walked out of my room. Rachel tried to reach for his arm but he just walked past her and she followed him. But I could hear them talking down the hallway and her shrill laughter made it all the way back to my room. I knew that she was going to do everything she could to get back into his good books tonight.

They had been gone for about an hour when I got a text message on my phone. It was from Rachel's phone but I don't know who took the picture. Because it was of Rachel and Tyler dancing at the ball. Her hands all over him and he definitely wasn't pushing her away.

I got a couple more messages like that before I put my phone under my pillow so I couldn't hear it anymore and I tried very hard just to ignore it. It was just Rachel playing her stupid games and wanting to piss me off and come between me and Tyler.

I was definitley going to ask him about it, but I wasn't going to lie here and obsess about it.

I ended up falling asleep not long after that and it was actually a peaceful sleep. As peaceful as I have had in a while. Until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder that jolted me awake.

I thought I was dreaming. I thought it was one of those dreams that you just can't wake up from. It was terrifying. Mason was standing over me and Levi and Lochie were in the room too.

I tried to jump up but I couldn't feel my arms or legs. That pain in my shoulder. More wolfsbane. The same shit I've been trying to get out of my system for two days.

"Wow. I can't believe that dickhead was actually telling us the truth. These people must really not want a screw up like you as Luna." Mason chuckled softly.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" I asked.

"Oh. It was all planned out for us. All we had to do was walk straight in. Your little friends want you gone. And that's what we're here to do." Mason says. And I completely froze.

I could move my arms and legs a little but they felt really heavy. I knew that I couldn't get away from them. Not like this. Mason started undoing his pants and he climbed on top of me while the other two watched on. They knew that they didn't have to hold me down because the wolfsbane was doing it's job.

"Wow. I was told you were getting that wolfsbane out of your system. We only gave you half the normal dose and you can't move. She was right. Wow, that girl is impressive." Mason laughs.

"Why don't you go harass them then if their so impressive. They obviously want you more than I do." I spat at him.

"Because, you're the only one for me sweetheart. I was the first person to fuck you and I will be the last person." Mason says. "Well, your dad did say that Tyler Lowe was never going to get you. I guess he was right." Mason continued as he smelt the crook of my neck.

He grabbed my arms and lifted them above my head and he started undoing his pants but he didn't know that I had put my phone under my pillow.


When we arrived at the Ball we needed to greet all of the other packs that were in attendance and Rachel was stuck to my side the entire time. I think I am really glad that Tessa decided to stay home.

Once we had greeted the other Alpha's and made small talk with some people Rachel pulled me onto the dance floor and had her hands all over me at one point.

"You do realize that I'm not your date tonight." I tell her sternly.

"Just humour me, please. We were going to be dates tonight. We were supposed to be getting married in a couple of days." She says.

"I am aware of that. But you know that things change when people find their mates." I reminded her.

"What does Tessa have that I don't? I would make a great Luna for you're pack." Rachel says.

"That's something you need to take up with the moon goddess. Not me. I don't know why Tessa is my mate. But she is. And there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for her." I said harshly.

"Please Tyler. Can we please just try to enjoy ourselves tonight?" She asked.

"Alright. But only tonight. Because this has to stop." I commanded.

"I know. And it will. I guess I just need closure." She says.

"Well, make sure that you get it tonight." I say. And she nods her head and rests it on my chest.

A little while later dinner was being served so we sat down at our tables that were designated for each pack that attended the ball and I was at the head of the table and Rachel insisted on sitting next to me. Cade was on my other side, Carter and Aria were on the other side of him. And I definitely didn't miss the death stares that Aria was giving Rachel.

My phone then started ringing and I saw that it was Tessa. Rachel grabbed my hand to stop me from answering it.

"I thought you said tonight would be about us. So I could get closure." Rachel says.

"Tessa is sick. She might need something." I said snapping my hand back and I answered the phone. But it sounded really muffled.

"Please. Don't do this Mason. Don't hurt me again. I'm not your mate and I will never be your mate." Tessa pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up. You are going to be whoever the fuck I tell you, you are." A man's voice boomed through the phone.

I stood up so abruptly that my chair fell back on the floor and the entire room looked at me while I was still listening in on the phone call.

"Cade. Get in touch with Parker. Tessa's in trouble. Big fucking trouble. Get him to the packhouse now." I demanded. So Cade pulled out his phone and called Parker. " I apologize. But I have to leave. My pack can stay, but I can't." I apologized to the other Alpha's and I took off running for the door with Cade, Carter and Aria running behind me.

We got in the limo and I told the drive to step on it. Don't take it slow. Get there as fast as possible.

I still had Tessa on the phone and I put it on speaker phone. Cade, Carter and Aria could hear what was happening as well. It was muffled but there was definitely something going on and Tessa crying. I knew what he was doing to her. Something that I vowed he would never do to her again.

I then heard voices in the background. " Fuck. The whole three of them are there. How the fuck did they get past patrol?" I yelled. But the others didn't have any answers for me there.

I tell the driver to pull over. He was going to slow for me. So I got out of the car and I started running towards the woods and shifted in mid air with the other three following right behind me. Shredding our formal clothes and all, but we didn't care. We needed to get back home.

We got to the packhouse a lot faster than we would have in the limo and went in the backdoor and I grabbed shorts from the laundry and put them on while running into the house. But two of the warriors tried to stop me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"The albulance is on it's way. You don't want to go up there Alpha. Parker is with her." The warrior said. But I pushed him to the side with so much force that when he hit the wall he actually dinted it.

He was right though. When I got to Tessa's room, it wasn't something that I wanted to see. It wasn't something any mate should ever see. It was horrific. It made me heart stop. I froze at the door and Parker looked up at me with so much sorrow in his eyes and he was unable to form any words at all.