

This is the tale of a hardcore fan of Solo leveling transmigrating into the world of his dream. He even manage to get the opportunity to surpass the original protagonist and become the new Shadow Monarch. Follow the trail of the Usurper of the Shadow Monarch as he become the ultimate hunter. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights of the masterpiece known as Solo leveling or any of its franchise.

DaoisthJLtFe · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


'It's been more than 6 hours, since I followed the party with Jin-Ho... Hmmmm... Trying his best to protect me without being very successful, according to me... The others spent more than 2 hours to slaughter only around one hundred of insect-type monsters.... Afterwards we only found the dead bodies of the monsters littered everywhere, and we looted those corpses for essence stones....

The party have followed several dead-ends for about four boring hours, due to the maze-like structure of the dungeon. Even though, the others were having difficulties navigating through that dungeon, I already knew the location of the Boss Monster due to my enhanced sense from the start. This raid is such a pain... But at least, the party has finally reached the Boss Monster's location, still this dungeon is too vast for a strike force that is not affiliated to a guild...

But the sizes of dungeons can't be deduced by the amount of mana that leaks out... Still this one only took a couple of hours to reach the boss room, it could have taken longer... Some dungeons need days to reach the boss room and defeating the Boss Monster, can also be very difficult due to the accumulation of fatigue... Anyway after carrying these two bags filled with mining equipment for hours, things should become more interesting now, at least for me... ' An faint, ominous smile appeared on his face as his eyes momentarily glowed with purple light.

"That's weird!!... It's been roughly an hour, since we didn't encounter any monsters that either alive or dead... But since there is no sign of the dungeon closing, so the Boss Monster must be still alive... Gyu-Hwan!.. Can you light up this part of the cave some more as it is very much larger compared to the other parts?.. This part of the cave is giving off an ominous feeling... " Dong-Seok said as he kept staring at the darkness in front of him with perplex eyes.

"Okay!!" Gyu-Hwan said as he supplied more mana to his light ball, causing it to become bigger and to light brighter. As soon as darkness vanished from the cave and everyone witnessed a gruesome view in front of them. The walls of the cave was completely covered by webs.

Hundreds of insect-type monsters were entangled in the webs with their entrails all over the webs, and several dozens were still alive in cocoon-like structures, made of threads. Behind these cocoons and corpses, there was a tunnel with its walls were covered with webs, and a faint bluish glow came out of it.

"Guys! Get ready! This tunnel seems to lead to the lair of the Boss... Also, it seems to be lit up by some luminous stone... Therefore, Gyu-Hwan... You can dispel your light ball ball.... Thanks... Now, everyone let the raid begin!" Dong-Seok charged into the tunnel as soon as he finished his talking with the party following his lead from behind.

After travelling through the tunnel for two minutes, the raid party finally stepped into the Boss's lair.

"hmmm!... For real!"

"T-This is!.. "

"It's the jackpot!"

"There is no other word to describe that view..."

"You are right, guys!... It's not your common luminous stone, but instead those are mana crystals... And there are thousands of those crystals." Dong-Seok said to his comrades as he tried to calm himself down.

Gyu-Hwan moved closer to the wall of the cave and touched a mana crystal of the size of an adult's head.

"It has lower energy compared to essence stone, but with their size and number, these mana crystals should fetch a higher price that all the essence stone that we collected so far... Just looking at the crystals, they should fetch over a billion won."

"Hey! Boss!.. With this huge gain, I don't doubt that even your younger brother will be jealous of us..." A young slender man with pale blue, high-collared jacket, said to Dong-Seok.

"Hey! Idiot! Don't bring him up... You already know that you shouldn't talk about his brother lightly around the boss and mainly in a situation like this... I don't need to remind you of their strained relationship... " Gyu-Hwan scolded his friend while Dong-Seok kept on staring at the crystals.

'Look at this... Hwang Dong-Soo... I wish you were here and you could look at this... I would have enjoyed to watch your expression more than all the money of the world.... You think that you are always right, and you ignored me because you awakened with a higher rank... You even ditched Korea for America as soon as they offered a huge sum of money!...

I can tell that he is still being treated as a very important person in America, and he still ignore me... His big brother... I can tell that he is ashamed of me, just because I am a C-rank Tanker... But if he thinks that I'll grovel at his knees... My little brother is dead wrong, I will take advantage of this dungeon and loot all of its riches... I will also increase my squad's power, no matter the sacrifices... Those two losers will be the firsts.' Dong-Seok finished his train of thoughts and immediately stared at Jae-Hyuk and Jin-Ho.

"Wooow!! With such an incredible haul, if we divide it equally among the nine hunters; excluding the porter, 100,000,000 won will remain..." A young man equipped with a full set of medium quality armor that didn't possess a helmet, said to another man who wore light protective gears, made of leather.

"Jae-Hyuk... Hand me the contract that you signed earlier for a second... I will like to check the terms of the contract thoroughly."

"Just let that be Jin-Ho... "

"Trust me Jae-Hyuk... Nothing bad will happen after all I said that I will protect you."

'That Idiot, does he thinks that he is a superhero... Anyway, If those guys go for his head, I will simply send them to their makers.'

" Leader Dong-Seok, I have something to ask you quickly regarding the contract of Jae-Hyuk." Jin-Ho said to Dong-Seok after he read and reread the contract for three minutes. At his words, the expression of all the original members of Dong-Seok's raid party hardened and hostility towards Jin-Ho could be seen in their eyes.

Sensing the hostility that his comrades were emitting, Dong-Seok moved towards Jin-Ho with a jovial expression and started to speak.

"Okay! Tell me everything that you find unfair in the contract, I assume that the reason.... You want to talk to me..."

"Yeah! As you can see on the contract, it does not mention anything about the sharing of mana crystals... Only the sharing of essence stone is mentioned... Can you enlighten both me and Jae-Hyuk... Leader!"

"I understand... Indeed, this contract needs to be modified as it was written, because we never got any mana crystals in our past raids.... Of course, we are splitting evenly among all of us, even the porter Jae-Hyuk... But before that we have to deal with that big guy up there...." Dong-Seok pointed at the Giant Arachnid Buryura.

"The Dungeon Boss!..."

"Calm down!.. That Giant Spider has been there the whole time... I think that this Dungeon Boss is either sleeping after it had its fill of those insect-type monsters or it is territorial, and we are outside of his territory... Since it is common knowledge that a dungeon is closed within 30 minutes after its Boss has been defeated... We must mine the dungeon while we still can... Cheul-Bin, bring out the equipment?"

" Sorry... Boss, I forgot the equipment... Who would expect that there would be mana crystals in a C-rank Dungeon.."

' Those bastards... They intend to feed us to that Giant Spider from the start... It's clear that all the mining equipment are in the bags that I have been carrying... This is definitely not their first time, doing such a thing... ' Jae-Hyuk thought as he stared at Dong-Seok and Cheul-Bin.