
The Sexy Futa Player

A man dies and for some mysterious reason is given three wishes. The man, a pervert and even degenerate (just a little), asked to be sent to a world full of sex and lust, just for pure fun, unfortunately he was not very specific and ended up going to a world much bigger than he could imagine. His other wish was the System he read in one of the many stories he read, the System of [The Gamer], which due to various reasons, perhaps due to laziness of the person who created it, the System is not 100% identical. But this didn't affect our protagonist much, who had the opportunity to create his own appearance and decided for nothing less than a hot Futanari with a big dick! ====== If you are interested in chatting with me, please join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/4CdW8ygQQX If you are interested in additional chapters and would like to support me, please support me: https://www.pa-tre-on.com/Ero_Hacker (I don't have the rights to the image, if the creator sees it and wants me to take it down, contact me and I will.)

Ero_Hacker · Fantaisie
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224 Chs

Chapter 51

As I get closer, I already notice the movements coming from the Oasis, I have certainly been noticed!

Not to mention that the dots that used to be yellow have all turned red!

I was expecting this, but I didn't start attacking, as I waited patiently and soon saw the group of Lamias running towards me, men and women.

The total number, as I opened my [Map] and asked the System to count everything, 40 Lamias!

All using spears and bows, the women being smaller in stature, so most are using bows, while the men are more corpulent, so they are using spears.

I smile and just throw a grenade, as I notice their arrows pulled, some have even loosened their strings!

And the moment I throw a grenade, I already raise a [Mana Shield] in front of me.


A huge explosion sounds, followed by the angry and frightened screams of the Lamias.

I draw my rifle, take aim and start shooting, but I don't focus on the head or vital parts, I already see them as my subjects, why would I kill them?

And it's something I discovered, beings capable of having [Territories] and [Factions], are no longer limited by the rule similar to my [Player Body].

That is, they can be dismembered and killed by Fatal Damage!

Of course, this rule continues for monsters and wild creatures, but not for beings considered sentient!

Me being the only exception!

So I shoot them in the shoulders and tails, hoping not to hit any very vital parts!

And so the Lamias begin to fall agonizingly to the ground, but many furiously advance against me!

The arrows shoot, but are defended by my shield, which is consuming a lot of Mana!

It turns out that the arrows fired are coated with Mana, which significantly boosts the damage of the arrows, meaning that I put even more Mana into the shield so that it doesn't break.

Luckily I am Level 99 and have lots of Mana, I can't wait to upgrade to a [High Human] again, where it will double!

And well, soon my weapon proved to be not efficient enough, as I knocked down about 20 Lamias, but in the end there are too many and I need to reload.

And they are fast, very fast indeed!

It doesn't take long for the first ones to come at me, their spears aiming at me, some even throwing them!

I'm already activating my [Negative Power], +198 in all my Attributes, the gap in our physics is closing.

I soon jump up and unleash a heavy kick to the face of a male Lamia, sending him flying!

Spears advance on me, where I conjure several [Mana Shields] and metallic sounds echo.

They seem to have noticed that their spears are not that effective against me, even though they are surrounding me, not to mention that the Archers have stopped shooting and are getting closer as well.

Soon they all draw two scimitars, where the pressure on me has increased!

My Mana is pouring out of my body like water, and I'm getting some attacks that take a significant chunk out of my HP!

So I started using [Mana Shot], which does more blunt damage than piercing or cutting.

In the end, my desire is to suppress and subdue them, not kill them!

So I drive them away, drink a Potion of MP and HP, I can't take several, as there is a time delay.

But while my HP and MP recover a bit, I clash with the Blades, drawing swords that I bought to use more as a defense.

My focus of attack being my kicks, where I put several of them to sleep!

But of course accidents happen, I may have cut where I shouldn't have, causing fatal injuries that could result in death.

I'm sorry, but it happens!

It doesn't take long before the entire troop of Lamias are on the ground, either in agony or unconscious, many looking at me with intensity.

Without hesitation I ignore them and spend 500 Mana to form a [Mana Shield] in front of me!


My shield breaks in moments, I bring my hands to my chest and immediately grab a huge arrow!

I am pushed as I hold this arrow, pushing me about 2 meters, before finally stopping!

I take a deep breath and throw the arrow on the ground, I look at the village, where I see on the roof of one of the adobe houses, which has two floors, a very big female Blade, with a huge bow in hand!

Already preparing a second arrow, I draw my Precision Rifle, aim and shoot!


A bang sounds and the Blade falls backwards!

But it didn't do much damage, since she defended herself with a scimitar at the last moment, but the impact still caught her.

Lamia, already standing upright, looking at me, prepares to shoot, but with a pull on the rifle, I fire another shot, Lamia wasn't expecting this, certainly not knowing what Firearms are!

This time the shot hits her shoulder, throwing her to the side and she falls out of the house.

I hear his shrill scream and I am already running, in the process a spear comes from my side, a male Lamia attacked me with his last strength and hit me, damn, that hurts!

I aim and blow his head off with a shot, take another potion and keep running.

That Tamia I shot in the shoulder was coming towards me, maybe she knew the difference between our weapons, so she knows that long distance combat is not good.

So she pulled out two huge scimitars and ran towards me, the right one would be sliding quickly towards me!

It won't be long before I have your information!

[Lukaria(Elite) - Level 50]

[HP: 10,560 / 12,000] [MP: 4,000 / 4,500]

An Elite level creature, she is strong, look at that absurdly high HP, I don't even have half that HP!

When it comes to MP, it's obvious that she doesn't specialize in Intelligence, but she has 1/3 of my MP, and I have +1,000 Intelligence!

This just shows that the Buff provided by an [Elite] creature is too absurd, what a fucking envy!

Well, drawing my swords, I collide with her, the loud metallic sound echoing, I am gritting my teeth fiercely as I am suppressed, sure she must have around 500 Strength!

"Until for a Human, you're pretty strong!" - Said Lukaria in her strange language, which I am able to understand due to the System.

"And for a Lamia, you're fucking strong!" - I reply back and see astonishment in Lukaria's eyes, he certainly didn't expect that I could speak his language.

This gave me opportunity which I used to step back and deliver two heavy kicks to her abdomen, where I hear her rearing and backing away.

But her snake part gives her enormous balance, so she didn't pull back much.

"That was low blow!" - Lukaria said snorting.

"We're fighting, no one told us to let our guard down!" - I reply smiling.

"I didn't expect you to be able to speak my language...who are you?" - She asked.

"I am Juri Han and you my pretty?" - I ask in an obvious flirtatious tone, to which Lukaria ignores.

"I am Lukaria of the Godrak Clan, memorize well the name of the one who will kill you!" - Roared Lukaria who advanced against me fiercely.

I frown, soon I create a [Mana Shield] and stop her attack, but I see the shield begin to crack, this is one hell of a woman, I think I might fall in love, but only a little!

I advance, taking advantage that her Scimitars are colliding with my [Mana Shield], I get a view of her stomach and snake part, she happens to be quite large and easy to hit.

So I cut towards her stomach with sword weapons, where Lukaria reacts very fast, showing that her Agility must also be around 500 points!

She trims my attacks and I see her smile, she is really quite beautiful accompanied by her long red hair.

Smiling back, I quickly jump up and unleash a ferocious kick at her again, only this time, I feel like I've hit a not-so-nice spot!

I watch her beautiful face twist as she steps back, taking one hand with the scimitar to where I hit it.

[Image] →

"Damn you!" - She growls shakily, I look and understand, I just kicked her pussy!

"Sorry!" - I apologize, but I am already running at her, which roaring furiously attacks me!

Our swords collide, mine are beginning to show signs of severe damage, they won't last long.

Without much thought I throw them away and draw an axe, where Lukaria is surprised that I pull an item out of mid-air!

And what I pull out is the [Axe of Carnage], which has more effects than shown!

I move forward and slash viciously at its snake part, where it lets out a shrill, painful scream.

Its scales are hard and tough, I think this is even why in fantasy stories, people tend to focus on its humanoid part rather than its large snake part, which is even an easy target.

But because of the hard scales and high defense, it becomes a not very practical place, not to mention that at most it is for locomotion and only the tip for attacking.

What I mean is that it's not efficient to attack the snake part of a Blade, unless you have the ability to fuck with its natural defense!

And well, my [Axe of Carnage] with +25% Physical Damage, as well as 25% of the Damage caused carries the Elements of Blood and Flesh!

What does this mean? That the pain Lukaria is feeling, is far greater than a mere cut, at least 3~5 times more!

And such pain is a shock, even to Lukaria's mind, as I see her squirm and recoil!

But I don't allow it, as I manage to conjure a [Mana Shield] on her back, where she found herself crashing into something as she tried to retreat.

I then step back and immediately launch a [Mana Shot], right into her stomach, where she crashes more viciously into the still floating [Mana Shield].


She lets out a shrill and painful scream, I launch another [Mana Shot] at her face, she quickly protects her face with both Scimitars.

I take advantage and run to her side, pull the axe and strike her body, making her let out shrill screams.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" - She roars frantically, in response I pull the axe, tearing her flesh and scales, causing lacerating pain!

Along with this, I add Mana into my fist and punch, using it to launch a [Mana Shot], which hits Lukaria's back!

Lukaria ends up going to the ground, the pain from her tail wounds being very intense, as she moves, the pain only gets worse, she can't understand it.

Now she has fallen face first into the sand, trying to stand up shakily, but I spring up and step on her head, forcing her against the ground, then I throw two small [Mana Shots] and send her scimitars flying away.

Lukaria moves his head, dropping it to the side as his brown eyes focus on me, his teeth clenched.

Smiling I crouch down. - "I initially thought you were the leader, but as I feel the chills coming from the center, it means the real Matriarch of you is there, I wonder if she is as beautiful as you!"

Lukaria looking at me with hatred, soon smiles and says. - "The Matriarch will kill you you slut! Unfortunately I won't live to taste your flesh!"

"What are you saying beautiful? Who says I'm going to kill you?" - I smile as I pull her head back, I see the confusion in those beautiful brown eyes.

"I don't want to kill you or your people, I want you to join me, for that I need this Oasis, so after I subdue your Matriarch, do me the favor and be good, if you follow me, your people will prosper and I will allow you to become 10 times stronger in the future!" - I soon release her and she falls face down on the ground.

Stretching, I take a few potions, before launching a [Mana Shot] at Lukaria's head, who tries to stand up.

Her head sinks to the ground and she is unconscious within moments.

I restrain myself, as said, I don't want to kill her, she is too precious for that.

But of course, I pull her head out of the sand, I don't want her to suffocate, I even make her drink a health potion to vaguely heal her wounds and any serious damage she has suffered from this attack.

I look at the other Lamias, many standing, but slow, unable to do anything.

I then look back at the village, ignoring the angry shouts of the Lamias behind, and enter the village.

Looking at the [Map], I see many red and yellow dots, where I begin to see Lamias inside the houses, all below Level 10, many of them children.

I ignore them, but still paying attention as I head towards the center of the village!