
the cow girl

"Hello. I'm Elsie, from Andersen's Dairy. I have an appointment for eight o'clock?"

"Yes, good evening. I'm Ada," said the attractive ewe behind the counter. She wore silver-rimmed glasses, her wool was sparkling white, and she had a genuine, welcoming smile. "Please have a seat, and I'll be right with you."

Elsie sat down in one of the comfortable waiting-room chairs and looked down at herself. She was six-foot two, about average height for a cow. Her hide was milk-chocolate brown, just light enough to contrast with her long, dark, wavy hair--both of which she had shampooed thoroughly after getting off work. Her white blouse was unbuttoned far enough to show a considerable length of cleavage as it hugged her impressive udders. That and her tight suit skirt gave her a look that was simultaneously businesslike and terribly sexy, which was exactly how she wanted to look...and feel.

The ewe came over and sat in the chair next to her. "Miss Elsie, how are you this evening? Did you find your way here all right? I hope you didn't get too chilly on the way--I just moved up here to the mountains a few months ago, and I didn't realize how low the temperature can get at night, even in July."

Ada stopped herself. "Oh, listen to me rattling on. Welcome to O'Leary's Stud Service, Miss Elsie. I understand this is your first visit. Have you been bred before?"

"Oh, yes, I had a calf two years ago," said Elsie, "by Zack, our stud at the dairy. But not long after he bred me, he threw his back out one time too many and took early retirement, so Farmer Andersen has been sending us girls to your service ever since."

"Yes, he's been a very good client. And he's paid for four breeding sessions for you."

"Well, my milk production has been a little low recently, and I've been thinking about having another calf for a while now, so Farmer Andersen and I agreed that this would be a good time for me to get bred." Elsie sighed. "He's a sweet man. If he were a bull, I'd ask him to breed me himself."

Ada smiled slyly. "And have you ever...I mean, he doesn't need to be a bull to show a girl a good time, does he?"

"Why Miss Ada! A lady would never reveal such a thing!" Elsie declared, but she knew her wicked half-grin was giving her away.

"Please forgive me," Ada said with a knowing smile as she adjusted her glasses. "What with all that goes on around here, I sometimes lose my sense of propriety. Now then," she said, glancing at a clipboard, "I see you've chosen Jeffrey as your stud."

"Yes. I was very pleased with what I saw in his profile online, and several of the girls at the dairy recommended him."

"He's definitely one of our most popular. And he's waiting for you in breeding room three. Are you ready?"


Ada led Elsie out of the waiting room and down a white corridor to a door with a number 3 stenciled on it. A green light was on above the door; the red bulb next to it was off.

"Here we are," said Ada. "I hope you have a very nice session."

"Thank you kindly," said Elsie.

Before doing anything else, Elsie willed her milk ducts to close--a trick she'd learned in her first week at the dairy. After all, she was here to make a calf, not a big mess. Besides, Farmer Andersen paid her by the fluid ounce.

Then she knocked.

"Please come in," said a bass voice.

She had thought that the breeding room might look like a doctor's office, but it bore very little resemblance to one. Instead, behind the white door was what looked like an attractively furnished master bedroom. The walls and floor were light-colored wood; by the back wall was a king-size, four-poster bed; and, just beyond the royal blue throw rug, a pair of armchairs flanked a handsome fireplace, where a fire was currently roaring. There was a small bar near the armchairs, and on the wall near them was the one unusual piece of furniture in the room: a dining-room sized table that was padded on top.

The overhead lights were dimmed, so the fire was the main source of light in the room. Combined with the faint smell of wood smoke, the firelight created an atmosphere that was comforting and homey and yet mildly erotic.

From one of the chairs by the fireplace arose the bull whose pictures Elsie had seen on line but who was far more impressive in person. He was perhaps six-foot ten, with a medium-brown hide, shiny black horns, and warm brown eyes. Like most bulls who didn't have office jobs, he wore no shirt--just khaki slacks and cordovan loafers. His chest was broad and muscular, and Elsie suddenly imagined how it would feel to run her hands over it.

"You must be Miss Elsie," the bull said as he strode toward her, holding out his hand. "I'm Jeffrey. It's a pleasure." His voice was deep and rich and, Elsie found, incredibly sexy.

She shook his huge hand; his grip was simultaneously firm and gentle. "I'm delighted to meet you. I've heard very good things about you."

"That's kind of you to say." Jeffrey gestured to the small bar near his easy chair. "May I offer you something? A whiskey, perhaps, or a bourbon and cola?"

"Oh, no, thank you, Mister Jeffrey. Alcohol goes right to my head, and I would like to be entirely possessed of my senses for this experience." She couldn't help but smile a bit.

"I see," said Jeffrey with a somewhat slyer smile. "Then I take it you would prefer...thorough service, rather than simply getting things over and done with?"

"Oh, yes indeed," Elsie said with only a hint of embarrassment. "I would like all the trimmings, if you don't mind."

Unabashedly, he looked her over, his big brown eyes travelling over her face, her neck, her heavy breasts, her wide hips, her strong legs, then back up again until he was looking her in the eye.

"I don't mind in the least," he said. "You are a very fine woman, Miss Elsie."

Elsie felt her face getting warm. "Why thank you, Mister Jeffrey," she replied. "And you are-" she looked at his broad chest again "...well, I don't believe I have the words, but I am, to say the least, very pleased with my choice thus far."

Jeffrey took a half-step closer. She could smell a bit of cologne, combined with the smallest hint of his natural musk. For a faint scent, it was surprisingly heady.

"You are very kind, Miss Elsie." She could practically feel his bass voice tickling the inside of her chest.

She couldn't help herself; she put a hand on his upper arm, feeling soft hide over hard muscle.

"Would you like to begin?" Jeffrey said warmly.

Elsie slid her hand upward, over his shoulder and behind his neck, taking her time to feel every muscle, every soft fiber of his hide, as her eyes admired him in the firelight--the way his shiny black horns reflected it, the way his big brown eyes captured specks of it, as if he were magic. Her hand entered his neatly cropped black hair, and she gently pulled his face down to hers.

She kissed him softly, then moved against him, her large breasts coming into full contact with his broad chest. The mere feel of his body against hers made every square inch of her skin begin to heat up with arousal.

Their kisses grew longer, stronger, deeper. Jeffrey matched Elsie's softness or ardor with every kiss, responding to her like an expert dance partner. His hands, too, wandered over her back even as she explored his. Her breasts began to swell with arousal, her nipples growing hard against Jeffrey's chest until her bra began to feel tight on her.

She put her lips to his ear, half-whispering, "If you don't mind, Mister Jeffrey, I would like you to remove my blouse for me."

"It would be my absolute pleasure," Jeffrey answered softly. Carefully, his big hands undid each button of Elsie's while blouse, then opened it and pushed it gently over her shoulders, exposing her satiny white bra. Elsie shrugged her shoulders, allowing the blouse to drop to the floor behind her.

"And, if you please..." she said, turning her back to him.

Wordlessly, Jeffrey undid the four hooks of Elsie's bra. She pulled it off and let it land on top of her blouse. Then she turned back to Jeffrey, allowing him to gaze at her huge, round udders, their dark-brown nipples stiffening despite the warmth of the fire. The look in his eyes made it clear that Jeffrey appreciated her natural gifts as much as anyone at the dairy did.

She pressed her bare torso against his and kissed him again, harder, open-mouthed. She entered his mouth with her tongue and he responded in kind, his broad tongue massaging the length of hers, first gently, then with increasing vigor.

Her hands wandered down to Jeffrey's firm, trousered ass, and she felt his hands do the same, his fingertips tracing the curves of her plush, round bottom. His hands expanded over her globes and squeezed gently.

Then she felt him lift her up off the ground. She weighed just over two hundred pounds, yet Jeffrey picked her up as easily as if she were a small child. He lifted her until her face was level with his.

"If you don't mind, Miss," Jeffrey said, "my neck gets a touch sore from bending down."

Elsie just smiled and wrapped her legs around Jeffrey's waist, then resumed kissing him with even more ardor than before. Almost involuntarily, her body moved subtly up and down so that her panty-covered mound rubbed against the front of Jeffrey's pants...and the sizeable lump therein.

After a few minutes of intense tongue-kissing, Elsie broke off to take a breath.

"Please...put me down now...Mister Jeffrey...," she panted. "I believe...I need to...be free of...more of my clothing."

Jeffrey gently lowered her to the floor. Elsie went to the four-poster bed and sat on its edge to remove her shoes. Jeffrey sat down next to her and took off his loafers and socks.

"Perhaps," Jeffrey said, "you would like me to finish disrobing first?"

Elsie smiled. "Why yes, I believe I would."

Jeffrey stood up, facing her, and removed his belt. Then he began to lower his loose-fitting khaki trousers, taking his boxers down with them.

Elsie watched raptly as Jeffrey, perhaps deliberately, slowly lowered the waistband of his slacks, revealing the base of his cock. His member was thick and an almost glossy black, and it seemed to be hanging down one leg of his pants.

Inch after inch, he uncovered more of his endowment as he gradually bared his strong thighs.

My stars, where does it stop? Elsie thought as the waistband descended past Jeffrey's mid-thigh, revealing ever more thick, glossy cockshaft.

His waistband was nearly at the top of his knee by the time his slightly conical glans was revealed. And he wasn't even fully erect.

"Oh, my, Mister Jeffrey," Elsie said in awe. "Never have I seen one so...beautiful."

Jeffrey's bass voice was full of warmth and humility when he answered, "Thank you very kindly, Miss."

Elsie found herself reaching for Jeffrey's member, her hand moving almost of its own accord.

"Do forgive me," she said breathily, incapable of looking at anything but Jeffrey's big, beautiful penis. "I find that I am...unable to control myself."

"There's no need for self-control here, Miss Elsie," Jeffrey said as he gently touched her hair with his big hand. "Please, indulge yourself however you like."

"Ohhh," she said as her hand closed around the shaft of his thick bull-cock. "It's just so lovely...."

She began slowly stroking it, growing more excited as she watched it stiffen and rise. Soon, it was a full fifteen inches long, and Elsie could barely get her hand around it. She put her other hand on it, too, gently but almost obsessively massaging it to rock-hardness.

"My goodness, Mister Jeffrey," she gasped, "I am not certain that a cock such as this will fit inside of me, but I am very anxious to find out." Hearing herself say it out loud caused her cunt to gush, utterly soaking her panties.

Suddenly, merely handling Jeffrey's huge member wasn't enough. Almost without thought, Elsie dropped to her knees and began kissing and tonguing it all along its length. Her mouth and chest and belly and cunt ached with the need to make fierce, passionate love to it, this gorgeous cock that would soon be inside her, giving her the calf she wanted.

Jeffrey groaned and placed his hands on Elsie's head, stroking her hair in appreciation. Elsie worked her way up from the base of his cock to the tip. Opening wide, she could just fit the glans in her mouth, moving her tongue all around it as though she were French-kissing a lover. Jeffrey groaned louder.

Elsie momentarily came to her senses. It would be a terrible waste if Jeffrey were to come now. She reluctantly removed her mouth from his cock and stood up.

"If you wouldn't mind," she said, "I would like to move to that padded table by the wall over there."

"That would be...just fine," Jeffrey replied, breathing a bit hard.

They moved over to the table, and Elsie removed her skirt and soaking-wet panties.

"As I said before," said Jeffrey, looking approvingly at the fully nude Elsie and her lovely, plush backside, "you are a very fine woman."

Jeffrey helped Elsie up onto the table, which put her hips at the same height as his. They kissed again, then Jeffrey's head moved down to Elsie's breasts, where the bull teased one of her nipples with his tongue. Elsie spent every work day connected to a milking machine, but this was infinitely more stimulating; Jeffrey's lips and tongue moved with such gentleness and skill that she could feel the sensations not just in her nipple but in her whole chest, her stomach, her groin.

"Oh, my," Elsie gasped, "this is just...exquisite."

Jeffrey lifted his head and smiled. "Well, Miss Elsie, you DID ask for all the trimmings."

With that, Jeffrey placed his big hands on Elsie's breasts and knelt down so that his head was between her thighs. Elsie felt his hot breath on her cunt and felt a lightning bolt of anticipation through her groin.

"My goodness, are you really about to- OH!" she cried as Jeffrey's broad, soft, masterful tongue found her clit and moved around and around it as his hands gently but firmly fondled her swollen, nearly aching breasts.

She writhed slowly and sinuously on the table, unable to keep still but trying very hard not to interfere for even a moment with what Jeffrey was doing to her, over and over, his lips and tongue and fingers pleasuring her almost unbearably, making her wetter than she ever imagined possible.

And then he took one hand from her breast and began to circle her clit with one big finger as his tongue penetrated her.

"Mister Jeffrey!" she cried almost desperately. "I- I- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Her powerful thighs clamped around Jeffrey's head, just under his horns, as her fingers gripped the edges of the table and she thrashed hard with orgasmic ecstasy.

After several seconds, Elsie's body stilled, and her thighs relaxed their grip on Jeffrey. She lifted her head to look at him.

"Oh my," she said breathlessly, "I do hope...I did not...injure you in my...enthusiasm."

"Not at all, Miss Elsie," he replied. "In fact, your enthusiasm is very stimulating."

Jeffrey continued to lick Elsie's vagina, more slowly now, his broad tongue repeatedly making gentle upward passes from her entrance all the way up to her clit. After a few minutes of this, Elsie found herself needing much more than Jeffrey's tongue.

"Mister Jeffrey," she breathed, "if you would...try to...put that...glorious cock of yours...in me now...I would be...most appreciative."

"I am more than happy to oblige," Jeffrey said, standing up and allowing Elsie to put her legs up on his shoulders.

Elsie was so wet, there was no need at all for lubricant. Jeffrey simply opened the lips of her vagina with one hand and placed his cockhead between them, positioning its tip at her entrance. Just seeing him there in the firelight, ready, poised to push into her, was driving Elsie mad with desire.

He looked in her eyes, as if to say, Shall I?

Oh yes please, she thought as she very slightly nodded her head.

Holding her strong thighs, he began to ease his cockhead into her, slowly but firmly, trying to let her adjust to each quarter-inch before introducing the next. When the head was fully inside her, she gasped.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked.

"Not at all. This is just..." she paused to think of the right word "...extraordinary. Please, do not stop for anything."

Elsie lay back and opened her thighs as wide as possible, inviting more of him into her. And in he went, inch by inch by inch. The sensation was overwhelming.

"Oh, my," Elsie gasped, closing her eyes and gently squeezing her sweetly aching breasts. "This is...this is...I can hardly believe I have enough room in me for...oh my goodness...I'm so FULL inside...please, don't stop until I'm all full up..."

Finally, Jeffrey touched bottom and stopped pushing his cock into her. She reached down between her legs to feel; only about three inches of him remained outside of her. She had taken an entire foot of his thick, beautiful bull-cock, which now stretched her wide open in the most exquisitely wonderful way.

She looked up at him and breathed, "Please fuck me."

Jeffrey began to move inside her, his big hands gently gripping her thighs as he slowly withdrew most of his cock and then pushed it back in.

"Ohhhh, that's…delightful," Elsie moaned.

Jeffrey kept up this pattern of slow entry and withdrawal. The sheer girth of his cock stretched the rim of her cunt to the extent that every movement put pressure on her clit.

She took hold of his wrists, and he allowed her to move his hands up to her breasts, now swollen huge and nearly hard with arousal. He pinched her big, brown nipples between his fingers and rolled them gently as he slowly fucked her.

She undulated her hips, gracefully but powerfully, fucking them back at him in time with his strokes. Doing so made every sensation even more wonderful.

"Ohhhhhh," Elsie sighed. "A…a little faster please, Mister Jeffrey."

Jeffrey obliged, starting to move his cock in and out of her more vigorously and pinching her nipples a little harder.

"Oh, my, yes," Elsie gasped. "Oh, your hands…and…your COCK…" she whimpered.

"Miss Elsie," Jeffrey groaned, "it is…so very…beautifully…HOT inside you…"

"So…wonderful…please…more…," she panted.

Jeffrey gripped her breasts firmly and started pumping her. Yet his eyes were open, gazing at her admiringly even as his cock plunged into her again and again. She looked right back at him.

"Put a calf in me," she gasped. "Use that big, lovely babymaker and FUCK ME PREGNANT you beautiful man!"

Jeffrey gripped her tits hard and pounded her, grunting his pleasure.

"Yes, YES, YES!" Elsie cried. "Fuck me! FUCK ME FULL! AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

She had never come so hard in her life. She grabbed the big hands on her breasts and squeezed them as she thrashed, her cunt gripping Jeffrey's thick cock like it never wanted to let go. Jeffrey threw his head back and bellowed as he began pumping a torrent of semen into Elsie's womb, so hot and thick and MUCH that she could feel it filling her, flooding her, heating her from deep inside.

When their orgasms subsided, Elsie sighed, "Oh, my…." She looked at Jeffrey, who was panting but smiling. The look in his warm brown eyes suffused her with contentment.

"Mister Jeffrey," she breathed, "would you very much mind staying inside me for a little while?"

"Miss Elsie," he replied, breathlessly but affectionately, "there is nothing I would rather do at this moment."

Elsie sat up, and Jeffrey wrapped his big arms around her and lifted her up. Staying fully within her, he carried her a few steps to the big four-poster bed and lay down on it, so that she was on top of him, her head on his chest.

They lay there for a while, Jeffrey's arm around Elsie's shoulders, while Elsie idly ran one finger along the contours of Jeffrey's muscular chest.

"This is...lovely," Elsie said softly.

"I entirely agree," Jeffrey answered. She liked hearing his deep voice through the wall of his chest.

After a long moment, Jeffrey said, "I believe I am going to be slipping out of you soon. Would you like a-?"

"Oh, yes, please," Elsie said.

Jeffrey reached into the drawer of a side table and pulled out a tampon-like device, which he handed to Elsie just as his now-flaccid penis began to slide out of her.

"Thank you," she said, inserting the device. "I suppose it's important to maximize my chances of conception. Although given the sheer amount you put into me, I should think the chances are rather high already. And," she added with a grin, "I DO have three more sessions paid for."

Jeffrey smiled and lay back down next to her. She put her arm around his chest and snuggled up to him, head on his chest again, just listening to his breathing and the strong beat of his heart.

Then, when she'd had her fill, she released him, and they got up to collect their clothes from the floor. They dressed, not exactly looking at each other, but not turning away, either.

When they were both fully clothed, Elsie turned to Jeffrey and held out her hand.

"It has been an extraordinary pleasure, Mister Jeffrey."

Jeffrey took Elsie's hand and kissed it. "The pleasure was entirely mine, Miss Elsie. I very much hope to see you again."

"I should like you to do more than see me, Mister Jeffrey," she said with a smile. Jeffrey smiled back.

She walked to the door. Just as she opened it, Jeffrey called, "Miss Elsie?"

She turned back and looked at him where he stood in the firelight, still so very handsome. "Yes, Mister Jeffrey?"

"I know that I called you a very fine woman, but you are also...a very fine lady."

Despite everything Elsie had just done with Jeffrey, she felt herself blush.

"Thank you, Mister Jeffrey," she said. "Thank you very kindly."