

  "It's here ...really here".  My friend kept saying and shook me back and forth. I put my hands over my ears and looked around the game store. The girls who were all over the place where enthralled by a new game called 'choose your prince'. I snorted at the title and the game absurdity. Seriously what kind of moron would give their game a weird name like that. It's merely a low-cost dating game. The more I see those girls rushing into the store in the hopes of purchasing a copy, the more irritated I become. Shame on you all!. In my head I screamed. Why would you waste your parents money or something so useless. 

"Do you really have to go, Jos ?". I asked. I was annoyed by the screams around us. Any second now and I feel like I will punch the next person to scream in my ear. 

"Yes Jade...I do have to go. if you are a normal teenage girl then you will do the same". She said and I rolled my eyes at her foolishness and sighed.

"Yeah and if you are not only a fool but a smart girl then you would keep that money of yours and rather buy some lollipop for your younger siblings and ice cream for yourself". I said. 

"No way! Jade I don't really care about the insult, because I have waited for this day to come I need to get that game". Her already poppy eyes sparkled as she gazed dreamily at the poster where the banner of the game was posted. They were seven gorgeous boys pictures. I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze from it as it annoyed me more to watch. 

 " If you badly needed the game, then why did you drag me along". That idiotic fool in front of me promised me that we were going out to get some fried chicken and drink at that little dessert bar near our school and not some crappy video game store. 

"Because you are my beloved bestie". Looking at her voice, she needed something , her tone was soft and gentle which sound unusual of her.

  Still not believing that it was the only reason why she brought me here. Her eyes rolled around in its socket when she saw the look on my face.

  "Fine.. I brought you here so you can sacrifice yourself on those girls if I have some problem getting a copy. I want you to tackle any girl that gets in my way.


" Oh what.. isn't that what friends are for". She gave me an innocent grin which I countered with a glare. 

Just look at the nerve this girl has gotten, sacrificing me, her one and only friend for just that pervert game? But her purpose was clear. She will definitely use me for that, I'm doomed if I don't find a way out of here. Knowing her, I can't convince her to change her mind about not buying the game.

And now I wish I had a few more friends instead of one. It's my fault why I don't have that much friends. I wasn't used to being with many people when I realised my skin tone immediately, my eyes averted to the reality of the world I lived in, 16 years ago. I'm a black Korean and the only girl with such skin colour in my family of four. Although my mum is a black woman she is fair ...very fair. Well maybe I didn't appear well.

"Jos.. do you mind if I take a look around for a while as you go ahead and play your game?". She looked at my face for a while before letting out the words that were aching in her throat.

 "Planning on ditching me again..huh.. come on Jade be alive for a little. Do you know how you are looking now ..like a dead zombie".

She said while looking at me. She knows how much I hate the crowd and she knows me too well that I don't have the heart, the patience for those kinds of stuff.

I looked at the crowd of teenage girls who had gathered around the shop and sighed tiredly at her. I wrinkled my nose at the prospect of entering. After I charged in there I might not be able to get out alive for good. "Jos, I'm serious, you can't expect me to accompany you there. You know how I feel when I'm surrounded by many people". I confessed. Just imagine, imagine getting into a store full with rabid girls all vying for a chance to get their hands on a game.

Since when did dating games become so popular? She puckered her lips and begged me with her whole heart. 

"Won't you do it for a friend.. I mean a good friend as such". 

  "No and with a capital 'N 'O."

"I might need some backup".

" Not really my problem." 

She looked at me then finally sighed with resignation.

"Fine but if you ever beg me to lend you the game, then expect a big No as well. A friend you are indeed leaving your friend all alone.."

I stifled a laugh.

  " Sorry Jos.. I will make it up to you I promise. Hey, and don't give me that look or try to guilt me with our friendship, it's not working. And besides mum and dad are going on a business trip leaving Jen alone with me". She let out a huff..

  "Like seriously Jade.. you are choosing a seven-year-old kid over me a good friend". 

"A seven year old kid who is my blood, my sister? Yes". I nodded my head. She locked her gaze on me for a few moments before realising that I will not and will never accompany her on her silly quest to obtain her game.

"Fine you have my permission to go". With her hand she shoved me away. 

"And wait you must understand that after this you own me a drink and chicken... Get it".

I patted her on the back. 

"So sorry Jos, maybe you should rather look for a boyfriend to spend his money with instead. That way you won't even need a game and you will have another companion". 

She reached out her hand and attempted to slap me. I laughed and move away from her attack.

"Okay okay get lost. Just say hi to Jen for me". I left the shop. I tried to be as casual as I could and also made sure I was pretty far away from that place as possible. Once I was a good distance away, I felt relief then checked my right then my left. 

"Yes yippee..!"

I whoop and yell, gaining a lot of people's attention.

In any case, I can finally go home and watch some fantasy movies. I don't really know why but for some reason I have become so addicted to it. Especially those that were made in Korea, China and Thailand. I have this whole bunch of collections in my room that I kept hidden from Jos. Knowing her, she would throw them in the trash bin and replace them with some bunch of romance chick flicks.

  I looked around the Mall, trying to find something edible to eat. Maybe I will buy some popcorn or something better like cake or ice cream. Now will be the perfect time since mum and dad won't be home until tomorrow. Seriously after I reached the age of 17 they always have their weekly trip like a cold CEO and his shy secretary tagging along. And yet they wouldn't allow me to even have a date in case I feel lonely sometimes. 

But not really, cause I don't care. 

I took a breath when I noticed a woman tripping over her grocery bags. Her silver hair and wrinkled fingers indicated that she was well into her matured age. She struggled to pick up the fruits and other items that had rolled out of her shopping bag. I couldn't help but notice that no one seemed to notice or care about her. they could have at least... I mean at the very least assist her. They acted as if they didn't see her despite the fact that she was right in front of them. 

  What is the matter with this new generation now? Don't they feel sorry for her?What is she? invisible?

I shifted my weight and caught one of the fallen apples that had rolled in front of me. As much as I could, I cradled them in my arms. And made my way to her then handed her the fruit because I couldn't carry them any longer.

  She grabbed them from me with wrinkled hands and gave me a kind smile.

  " Oh thank you, child God bless you". She said,

  " No problem granny". I said and eyed her grocery bag. No wonder she tripped.

  " That's a lot of bags for you to carry, are you sure you can take them home?". 

" Yes I can, don't worry..by the way, did you just come out of that game shop over there?..were you interested in that game?". She asked.

I looked behind me to the shop which was currently crowded for sure. I'm pretty sure that one of them is Jos. Although I couldn't really see her right now. She must be dead. Poor her. I petit for her life.