
Chapter 5 - Pride shall be our downfall.

Josiah's face is indiscernable. His facial expression is like someone whose playing a multi-million dollar, high stakes poker.

I really have no clue what he's thinking right now.

Will he accept my offer...?

Finally, after what seems like an eternity for me, but actually just a few seconds to him, he responded.

He gave out a big sigh.

"I appreciate your eagerness, Teslan. But please seat down. You're embarassing yourself."

That doesn't sound good...

"Oh! Sorry about that! I'm just so excited about this project!"

I quickly withdrew my hand and sat down. He then slowly raised his right hand and a cute waitress wearing a sky blue wig, azure eye contacts, and a french maid costume approached us.

"~May I take your order, Senpai?*~" She said in her sweet, charming voice.

(*Senpai is a Japanese word that means "Senior Schoolmate" or "Someone you admire or had a crush on whose a few years older than you.")

"Please... Don't call me Senpai. I want two tablets of Aspirin and a glass of water, please."

"~We're not a drug store, Senpai! We don't have Aspirins here!~" The waitress cheerfully replied.

Josiah gave out an exasperated sigh.

"Please... Stop calling me that. If you don't have Aspirins, fine! Give me two cups of your strongest coffee with cream and sugar. Don't worry, Teslan. My treat."

"Wonderful choice, Senpai! I'll be right back!~"

And the cute waitress cheerfully went back to the coffee shop's counter.

"I think she likes you. :)"

"I think she's irritating."

"Oh, don't be like that. So... What do you think of my business proposal...?"

This is it... The moment of truth...

Josiah let out another great sigh.

"Let me get this straight, you want me to hack into the United States Government's Mainframe Computer Database..."

"Yes! Although I'm not 100% sure if the blueprints are actually there. It could be in FBI, CIA, or in the Pentagon. You might hack into those places as well."

"Right... And you also want me to develop your role playing fantasy game."

"Correct! So, are you in? :)"

He just stared at me, and we're both silent for what seems like another eternity.

Once again, he let out a big, heavy sigh.

He seems to be so tired.

"Your head is up on the clouds, Teslan. You need to get back into the ground."

The waitress returned with a stainless tray and gently placed our ceramic cups of coffee in our table.

"~Here's your coffee, Senpai! Be careful now, it's very hot! Just like me, teehee! Enjoy!~"

"How many times should I tell you? Please. Don't. Call. Me. Senpai."

She totally ignored his request.

"~Just call me if you need me, I mean, if you need anything else, Senpai! Happy to serve you! (Wink!)~"

And she cheerfully returned to her post.

"Whoa... It's like I'm invisible or something... She doesn't even notice me at all! She's totally in to you, man! Just look at her, smiling and waving at you! I think she really likes you."

I must admit, I kinda felt a little bit jealous of all the attention the cute waitress is giving to him. But Josiah just brushed it aside.

"Tss. Flirt."

He took a sip on his coffee.

"Hmm... Not bad... That redeemed my wasted time. Try yours, Teslan. It may help you wake up to reality."

This... is not turning out well...

"You're chasing rainbows, Teslan. Everything you just said, all of it, is crazy talk. My answer to your ridiculous business proposal is no. I will not join you in your pipe dream. I'll be crazy to do so. Let me ask you something, can you pay me?"


"Can you pay my rate? Don't tell me you expect my services to be free."


"Just as I thought. Don't worry about the coffee, I'll pay for it. Question Number 2, Do you have the capital for the construction of your magic tower?"


"Where do you plan to get your funds? From the bank?"

"I... I was hoping you could also help me on that part too, Josiah..."

"And how many years do you think your business can reach ROI (Return On Investment)?"

"I... I don't know..."

"And you think I'm gonna invest in your project?"

He laughed.

"See, that's the difference between you and me. You're all theoretical knowledge, head knowledge. Your plan looks good on paper. But only in paper, only in theory. And I'm not like that. I don't do things like that. I'm not 'hypothetical' and 'experimental' like you. My knowledge is based on hard facts, established scientific laws, and proven techniques. I put all of that into consideration before I make my move. I know what's possible and what's not. I know what's going to succeed and what's going to fail. And your so-called 'Grand Plan' is not feasible.

It's only bound to fail.

That's what set us apart, Teslan - 'Practical Application'.

That's why I'm wearing a Queensman Suit, and your only wearing a black shirt.

That's why I have a sportscar, and you only have a bike.

That's why I have a condo, and you're still renting on an apartment.

Every action and decision I make is calculated to give the best possible result. Yours are all trial and error, 50/50, a gamble, a shot in the dark.

That's why I'm successful, and you're not.

I'm realistic. You're not.

Let me give you a reality check, and you'll thank me for this later in your life. If Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower Blueprints are real, shouldn't the U.S. Government already used it to their country's advantage? Shouldn't they be using it right now? Look around you. It doesn't exists. Tesla's Energy Tower is not real."

I tried to defend myself.

"The U.S. Government didn't use it because they can't understand it..."

He laughed.

"And you can? Who do you think you are?"

I meekly replied.

"Ever since I was in college, I've studied the life work of Nikola Tesla. 120 years ago, their technology is very limited. That's why constructing the tower became so expensive and the funds run out. The technology wasn't efficient enough! But now, with all the technological advancements of our time, if I have the blueprints, I can build it! I can make it work!"

He laughed again.

"You don't get it, do you? You're missing the whole point. You don't have the money to build your fantasy tower! You don't specifically know where Tesla's blueprints are! You're not even sure if it exists in the first place! And yet you place your hope, your energy, your resources, the future of your entire project and its actualization on the existence of such documents! Can't you see? Without it, your Server of Iris is as good as dead! You're just wasting my time!"

The cute, cheerful waitress returned with our bill and Josiah paid a 1000 Peso Note.

"Keep the change."

He then finished his cup of coffee.

"On second thought, give the change to him. He badly needs it."

He stood up and left...

That's just... cold... and harsh, man...

You have changed, Josiah...

You have really changed...