
Chapter 21 - Let us take good care of our oceans.

"Uhmm... Not that I'm being negative but, how can we cross the sea? Do we have a boat?"

Yes, the sea. The big, beautiful, blue sea. With its crystal-like waters, waves, seabirds, cool wind, and white sand, it's a wonderful sight. This is the first time I've ever been to the sea. I've seen it on pictures before but this is the first time I actually saw it for real. It's so amazing... I want to take a break. Take a dip and enjoy the beach but, I can't swim... No! I'll stay in the shallows! But... I've been unconscious for awhile... We've lost some time, and if we want to get the star crystals and go home before it gets dark, we need to hurry.

"What'll we do Kaoru?"

As I looked, I saw her lips moving. She's mumbling something but I can't hear what it is.

"There! It's done!"


"I casted a magic spell for both of us. Now, we can walk across the sea! Well, under the sea, to be specific."


That's so cool! But...

"Uhmm... We won't drown, right?"

"Of course we won't! I'm an Elementalist! I can control the elements, remember?"

"Yes, of course. Just making sure, Kaoru."

"So, let's go?"

"Let's go!"

As we walked towards the sea, our feet sank deeper into the water. I'm quite nervous at first, but as we got further, I realized that we're not getting wet. This is so cool! It's like there's a bubble around us, protecting us from the water.

We continued to walk until our heads were underwater. I can't believe it! We're seriously underwater now! And we can still breathe! We're not floating too! Kaoru is truly amazing! I looked around this new underwater world we're on and got surprised. I'm like a kid on a candy store!

"Kaoru! Look! What's that weird thing?!"

"Oh, that's a manta ray."

I drew my sword.

"Will it attack us?"

"It won't, silly. The spell I casted will protect us from them. Besides, they won't bother us. We're just passing through."


I sheathed my sword. The big manta ray swam above us.


"Cool, and scary at the same time! That's one weird animal... Oh! Oh! Look, Kaoru! Fishes!"

There are big fishes, small fishes, very small fishes, colorful fishes, groups of fishes, lots of fishes!

"There's so many of them!"

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Oh yes!"

This is so great! This is the first time I saw them up close, alive, and swimming! This is the first time I've gone underwater and see all of this! I'm so happy!

"They have different colors too... Oh look Kaoru! What are those weird colorful plants?!"

"Those are corals Lionel. They're so beautiful, huh?"

"Oh yes! You see, this is the first time I experienced this. I didn't know there's such a wonderful place under the sea!"

"This is a first for me too."

We both smiled. We're truly enjoying this adventure!

"What the... What's that giant fish?!"

"That's a great white shark, Lionel."

"Will it eat us?"

"Yes, if it's hungry. But don't worry. It won't mind us."

The great white shark passed on our side... That's quite scary.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Look! What's that weird thing?!"

"It's a sunfish Lionel."

"And that?"

"That's an octopus."

"What's that?!"

"A stone fish."

"Look! Look! Look! What is that?!"

"It's a killer whale."

"Will it... kill us?"

"Maybe... But don't worry, it won't mind us."

"Oh... Look Kaoru! What's that?"

"It's a cow fish."

"A cow fish... Can we eat it?"

"It's poisonous, Lionel..."

"Oh... Whoa! What's that creepy thing?!"

"That's a giant electric eel."

"It produces electricity?!"


"Oh! Oh! Look! What's that fish?"

"It's a swordfish."

"It has a sword?! Where is it?"

"In its snout."

"Oh... Cool... And that?"

"That's a lion fish."

"It doesn't look like a lion."

"It's just a name Lionel..."

"What is that?!"

"It's a puffer fish."

"It looks like a balloon. Why don't they call it balloon fish?"

"I really don't know, Lionel..."

"What is that Kaoru?"

"It's a sail fish."

"Uhmm... It doesn't have a sail."

"Look at its fins. They're very big, right? That's the reason why it's called a sail fish. Its fins are so big, it looks like a sail. Got it?"

"Got it, oh, what's that?"

"It's a crab."

"It doesn't look like a fish."

"It's another kind of fish, a shellfish."

"Is it because it has a shell?"


"Ah... I see... Oh look! A bigger one!"

"That's a lobster, Lionel. It's different from the other one."

"Ah... Amazing... Hey! What's that?!"

"That's a sea horse."

"Uhmm... It's too small for a horse. You can't even ride it."

"Sigh... It's just a name, Lionel... but if you look closely in its head, it does look like a horse."

"I see. Cool! Hey! What's the name of that cute little fish?"

"It's a clown fish."

"Can it juggle? Can it tell jokes?"

"No, Lionel... It's just a fish..."

"Hey! What's the name of that another cute little fish?"

"That's an angel fish."

"Now that's a very good fish. I wonder where its wings are..."

"Oh Lionel..."

"Oh dear... Not again..."

"What is it? Oh! Jellyfish! Don't worry, Lionel, they won't harm us."

"I hate those guys... Oh! Look at that, Kaoru! What's the name of those small fishes?"

"Those are gold fishes, Lionel."

"Gold... Fish...? Uhmm... Can we catch some? We can really use the gold..."

"No Lionel. We can't. Besides, they're not really gold. It's just their color, silly."

"Awww... That's disappointing... Whoa... What's that big, black thing?!"

"That's a scuba driver."

"Oh... It doesn't swim that much?"


We watched it as it floated in random directions.

"Is it dead...?"

"Nah, it's just sleeping. It's very lazy you know."



I really enjoyed walking under the sea. I've seen so many sea animals that I've never seen before and I also learned a lot of things (Thank you very much, Kaoru!). It's an amazing place! I will never forget it! I'm so happy!

I really wanted to stay for a few more minutes and explore but we already reached the shore...

"Awwwww... We're here already?"

"Yes! We're finally here!"

(Kaoru's thoughts: "One more question about fishes, Lionel, and you're really gonna get it!")

"Once we get those star crystals, we'll walk back through the sea, right?"



(Kaoru's thoughts: Nooooooooooooh!!!)

"By the way, where are we going next, Kaoru? I'm really excited!"

"Huh? Oh! Just follow me!"

"Okay! Lead on!"

We walked on and after a few moments, we turned right, then to the left. We passed a few bushes and trees, and then we stopped...

"We're here..."

"Whoa... What is that?!!"

"It's the bridge to the clouds, the Iskascrapah Mountain!"