
Chapter 16 - A Clear, Two-Way Communication is vital to make any endeavor a success.

After lunch and a bit of rest, we started walking on the grassy, bushy, root-lined ground of the forest again.



"Did I really say all of those things?"

"Yes. Yes, you did."

"I didn't know I was so talkative!"

"Yes, you are."

"Don't you get tired listening to me talk all day long?"

"No. Not really."

"Thank you for being patient with me."

"Oh, it's nothing. I understand that you have no one else to talk to so even though you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, I still listen. I know that listening and appreciating the things a person says makes that person happy. So I keep on listening. Besides, all those things you've said inspires me."

I blushed...

"T - Thanks..."

"You're welcome."

"Am I that so open to you...?"

"YLike a diary."

"Oh, man..."

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're friends, remember?"

"Yeah... You're right."

Silence... For quite a long time...But now, it's alright with me. Even if we're not talking, just being with her, walking under the shade of mighty trees, it feels so nice, light, and happy.



"Can you tell me something about you?"


"It seems you know a lot of things about me. But, I know nothing about you. Who are you? Where do you live? What... Is your dream?"

"Good questions."

"P - Please don't be offended! I - I know that we're friends. Maybe we see each other everyday and talk a lot but... I only knew little or maybe nothing at all about you. It seems that I'm the only one who's always talking. This time, it's your turn. I want to hear your story."

"Okay. No problem. I said this before, but for the sake of a healthy conversation, I'll say it again. My name is Kaoru. I came from a rich, kind, loving, family, and we live in Iris City. I'm a student at Iris Elementary School of Academics, Magic, and Swordsmanship, you already know that. And, I'm an Elementalist-in-training, you also know that too. Anyways, what you didn't know is my dream. Well, my dream is very simple. I want to be the best baker in the world and have a bakery of my own! It will be the best bakery there is! And I will bake the best chocolate cake ever in the whole wide world and eat it! Oh yes! I will eat it! That's not all! I also want to travel the whole world! Having a ship, an airship, and a carriage of my own! But sadly, it can never happen..."

"Aw... Why not?"


"... My parents want me to serve in the Iris Tower. They want me to be the Tower's Master Element Bearer, in simpler words, an Electric Wizard."


"Uhm... Do you want it that way? I mean, Is it okay with you?"

"Well, because I'm such a very good child and their only daughter, I'll obey their commands. Even though I don't like it, I need to accept it. They have high expectations for me, you know. Maybe someday I'll get used to it. I don't want to break their hearts now, do I? Anyway, it's okay. Because I'm such a talented, gifted, intelligent, and beautiful girl, the Electricity Element is not a problem for me."

"Yes... Right..."


"Don't worry..."

"What do you mean, Lionel?"

"Once I've got my hands on those star crystals, you'll have your own bakery! With good servants too! I'll give enough star crystals for you to study again in baking classes! With that, you can be a wizard and a baker at the same time! Or in your extra time at least. About the traveling part, maybe, after you've finished serving in the Iris Tower, you can do that too! Your dreams can come true! It's possible, I tell you! It will happen!"

She looked surprised.

"Thanks, Lionel..."

She smiled... I would really melt...

"Aw, shucks, it's nothing really."

"You know, you're really sweet and thoughtful..."

I blushed...

"But still, good luck!"

"Ha...? Why?"

"You're still going to climb up to Exosfir and collect those star crystals. I'm not carrying anything! I'm a very delicate lady, you know. So, good luck!"

"B - B - but I thought..."

"Yes, we're together in this adventure but I'll only 'assist' you, remember? That's our deal. You fight the nasty overpowered monsters..."


"And carry the star crystals all the way back home. Who knows how big and heavy those things are!"

Oh man...

"Me, I'll just hike along and enjoy the trip! So, good luck!"

"Yeah... Thanks..."


For hours, we've both walked in silence. And I'm starting to get a little bit worried.

"Kaoru... Do you know where we are...? Is this the right way? We're going deeper into the forest. The trees and the shrubs are getting thicker, and it's getting darker too. Are you sure we're not lost?"

"I thought you know where we're going. I'm just following you! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, Lionel, it's really a good thing that I still remember all the details of 'your' plan. Of course, I know where we are! You should too! We're at the Trofosfir, the lowest part of Iris. And don't worry; we're going the right way. The path to Exosfir is very easy, we'll never get lost!"

I exhaled.

"That's very good to hear..."


"Wait, did you say 'my plan'?"


"You mean I should know that this route is also a part of my plan?"

"Yes. It's so sad that you've forgotten because of that nasty curse."

"I'm sorry... I'm really having a hard time. But, how could that be? I don't know this... I don't even have an idea where Exosfir is... I can't remember..."

"Would you like me to tell you of your plan?"

"Yes, please... I'm sorry Kaoru..."

"It's okay Lionel. I understand."

Silence... Man, this is depressing...

"Don't feel bad about yourself, Lionel. Oblivion is a really harsh curse. I'm not mad at you."


"Don't be sad. Cheer up! "


"Now, let's get back to the plan!"

"Wait, would you please tell me how I made this plan first? How did I know about such things? I don't even go to school..."

"Yes, you did."

"Ha...? How...?"

"When you have free time, you secretly go to our school. You climb that big mango tree outside the wall of the building, jump from its branches and into the roof; climb down a chimney, up the rafters, and into my classroom. You'd observe secretly through the holes you've made in the wooden ceiling."

"Wow... I did all of that?"

"Yes you did. You're really determined to learn."

"Did I learn something?"

"Well, you really did your best, but, in that place, it's really hard. You can hear the lessons but... You can't really see the illustrations and how it's done in the blackboard..."

(Kaoru's thoughts: How can I say that he can't understand the lessons we're taking? He doesn't even know the basics...)

"I guess you learned something..."

"Did I learn how to read, write, or count? Have I learned those letters and numbers? Please tell me, Kyrie!"

"I... I'm sorry Lionel... You didn't..."



"Don't be sad, Lionel! You really did your best! You really tried hard to learn! You've even copied all the letters you can see in your notebook! You showed it to me! And I'm proud of you! The effort you've poured is enough proof that you want to learn! And that's very good, Lionel!"

"But... I didn't learn anything..."

"No. I'm not finished yet. You did learn something. Something very important."