
Chapter 14 - Go outside your room and explore the world.

"Hmmm... Why are we taking this adventure? You should know that Lionel, because you're the one who planned this quest in the first place!"

"I did?"

"Yes, you did."


"Well, because you're under a curse of oblivion, I'll make an exception, my friend. I'll gladly tell you the excellent reason behind this adventure. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Please, do tell."

"The reason why we're taking this adventure is for adventure itself!"


"Yes! We're taking this adventure because of adventure itself! You know, I'm quite impressed when you said that. It's really... Deep! And mature! You said that one day; we're going to have an adventure! Explore places unknown! See wonderful sights and things never been seen! Go outside the boundaries! Go beyond our limits! We're taking this adventure to know more about ourselves, how far we can go, and know more about each other, to strengthen our friendship! We're taking this adventure for excitement, thrills, and surprises! To train ourselves and make ourselves stronger! So in short, we're taking this adventure for adventure itself! For that's what adventure is all about!"


"I - I said all of that?!"

"Yes, yes you did."


"Wow, indeed..."

"And that day of adventure today?!"

"Yes Sir!"


"You can say that again."

"Your parents... Do they know about this?"


"Did you ask for their permission?"



"Now, now, don't you fret my little friend. Even though you can only swing your sword and can't use any of your special sword techniques because of the curse, with me as a Junior Elementalist-in-training and you as an intrepid Swashbuckler, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!"

"Wait! Just wait a minute! Did I heard that right? I can only swing my sword?!! I have no superpowers or flashy skills?!! Are we tempting misfortune or something?!! This is dangerous! And you're still in-training?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!"

"You worry too much about the little details, Lionel. Relax! EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!"


"H - How about school?"

"Vacation time."

'Please tell me the truth."

"Well... I skipped classes..."


"It's just for today..."

She looked at me with those big, charming, silver eyes... I - I - I can't resist! Must resist!

"Man... If I only knew, I'll never do this. What would your parents say to me? I didn't know I was such a bad influence to you..."

"You're not a bad influence. That's just ridiculous! I really liked your idea so, I said to myself, 'Why not?' and thus, our adventure begins!"

"Did I know that it's your vacation?"


"You're a very bad liar."

"Hey! I could use a little adventure for a change! With all those boring magician elders with their boring lessons in boring classrooms with their super duper many assignments, who could blame me?"

"Right... I think we should go back now..."

"I promise! This will be the first and last! Please!"

With clasped hands, she looked at me with those big, charming, silver eyes again... This time, it's bigger.

"Oh dear... I - I guess I could let this one pass..."


"Oh dear... What did I just put myself into? What kind of danger lies ahead? Can we survive? Can we even go back home?!"

"Now, now, where is that brave Swashbuckler I knew? I know he's just here somewhere..."

The worn path we've been walking has ended. The ground is now covered with grass and bush. In front of us lies a lush, green, forest filled with humming sounds and rays of light piercing through the thick, leafy canopy of trees.

"Uhmm... Kaoru...?"


"Where are we... exactly going...?"

She did not answer. I looked at her and saw that her eyes were closed and her palms open. Her head is slightly tilted upwards, breathing the cool air...

After a minute, she opened her eyes, smiled, and pointed her forefinger toward the sky. With all her might she said:

"Lionel, my oblivious friend, we are going to the highest point of the known world in which no one has ever ventured before! We are going to the Exosfir! HA HA HA HA HA!!!"



She punched the air and out came a stream of fire.



The incineration made a path to the forest and she ran on it.


Is that a Battle cry?!!

Just then... I realized that Kyrie is a girl of great spirit and enthusiasm. Quite the opposite of me. She's so cute...

"Hey! Wait for me!"


(Game Master's Point of View)

Now my dearest viewer, let us shift our attention for a moment, to another important character in our grand story. As I have said before, the Server of Iris is a Massive Multiplayer Game. For the longest time, the majority of players in the gaming world are male. But not anymore. In S.O.I., female players are most welcome and highly encouraged to join our game. For me, girl gamers is one of the most important part of the gaming community, so I would never, ever exclude them. I'm all for women empowerment, and I also want them to experience the fun and joy of playing R.P.G. So, in this little segment, I proudly introduce a heroine shrouded in mystery, with a different kind of story.

I'm not just "all fantasy", you know? I also like a bit of drama and... a post-apocalyptic scenario, perhaps...? :)


"Hmmm... Strange, my lunch should be here by now. Khooooohk."

She reached for the telephone beside her bed and pressed number 1. The other line rings...

After three minutes...

"Strange... No one's answering. Khooooohk!"

She replaced the receiver down and waited for another five minutes.

After that...

"Miss Nurse! Doctor! Can you hear me! Please! I need some assistance! I'm really hungry! Khooooooohk!"

No reply.

"Hmmm... Maybe there's an emergency. I think I'll get some lunch on my own. I know there's a sandwich vending machine somewhere on the ground floor. Khoooohk."

She got up, moved the dextrose-on-wheels to her side and firmly held the oxygen tank-on-wheels on the other.

"This...Khoooohk! Will be complicated. Khooooohk."

She walked slowly. Holding the dextrose-on-wheels like a staff and the oxygen tank-on-wheels like a trolley bag. After a few paces, she reached a sliding door. She opened it gently, walked outside, closed the door behind her, and turned to look at the hallway and windows.

"What... On Earth... Did just happened...?!!"