
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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The Long Road Back

Part LI: The Long Road Back

Harry woke up in an unfamiliar bed, held in someone's arms. He looked back over his shoulder to see Emma sleeping soundly, spooning him. Harry leaned back against Emma's naked breasts, enjoying the feeling. Emma's hand slid down from Harry's chest to grasp his cock, and Harry's hips bucked in response.

Emma's lips pressed against the back of Harry's neck.

"Good morning." Emma murmured.

Harry flopped over onto his other side so that he was facing Emma.

"Morning." Harry smiled, and pressed himself up against the gorgeous blond MILF and kissed her.

Emma made a soft sound of enjoyment.

"You know, we got interrupted yesterday by some horny goddesses. I don't suppose you want to pick up where we left off." Emma wondered. Harry grinned.

"Absolutely." Harry said, and Emma kissed him warmly.

She pressed against his chest so he laid flat on the bed, then slid up on top of him.

Harry smiled up at his future mother-in-law, and she slid her hips back until his cock nestled between her plump ass's cheeks.

"I haven't had sex in a very long time. Well, if you don't count Isis." Emma smiled.

"I don't mean to be rude, but is your husband a total idiot?" Harry questioned. Emma laughed softly, and touched Harry's chest.

"No. Well, maybe sometimes. He's too wrapped up in pureblood politics and his job. He values other things than me. Him and I were paired just like you and Daphne are. Except we didn't ever fall in love like you and Daphne have. We've had sex three times in our entire marriage. Once on our wedding night, once for Daphne, and once for Astoria. The last two times I took a hyper fertility potion. Victor didn't want to chance the sex being a waste of his time." Emma explained.

"Merlin, I thought he was just stupid, but is he gay? What man would ever call sex with you a waste of time?" Harry asked in genuine astonishment. Emma leaned down and kissed Harry hard and sweet on the mouth.

"You're a charmer, Harry Potter." Emma whispered, and lifted her hips up, grasping Harry's cock with one hand and guiding the tip so that it pressed against her entrance.

Harry and Emma's moans joined together as Emma dropped down onto Harry's length, throwing her head back as she did.

"Fuck… how are you so tight?" Harry groaned.

"Magic." Emma winked. To Harry's delight, Emma started riding his cock, bouncing and rolling her hips.

Harry did what he could to thrust up into her tight pussy, but Emma seemed to be handling things just fine herself.

Emma's satisfied moans filled the room, and Harry arched up in pleasure, his groans as loud as Emma's.


Freya met Harry and Emma downstairs in a living room. Emma's clothes had been turned to mist during the sex last night, so she wore only one of Harry's shirts, which barely covered her pussy.

"Oh, you need clothes. I evaporated yours, didn't I?" Freya realized.

"A little bit. I don't need clothes though. If you could just send us to my house, I'll be fine. I can't seem to Apparate out of here." Emma said.

"That's because this is Vanaheim, a whole other sphere of existence." Freya said, and turned to Harry. She walked forwards slowly and held out a pendant to Harry. It was a silver symbol on a black cord, the symbol looking like a triangle with spirals coming off each of the points.

"What is it?" Harry asked, slipping it around his neck.

"It's a necklace imbued with my power. With it, you'll be able to cross into Vanaheim whenever you want. Be careful you don't drop into a different realm though. There are 9, and you come from Midgard, so there are 7 possible realms you could fall in that you don't want to be in." Freya explained, "So, in fact, you don't need me at all. The pendant has power of the Bifrost contained in it, so you'll be able to get yourself and Emma home."

Harry nodded.

"How does it work?" Harry wondered.

"Well, to transport others, you need to be touching them directly, skin to skin. If they're holding onto clothing, it won't work." Freya said, "For some reason, this pendant won't transport material items."

"Wait, so what about our wands?" Emma asked.

"Well, I'll confess I dropped your wand in Fólkvangar. As for Harry's wand, I believe it was left on the floor of the hospital room when I transported you two." Freya said.

"Oh, so we'll appear naked when we transport back?" Emma asked in surprise.

"Yes." Freya nodded, "Using the pendant will always transport you naked."

"Maybe we go to Potter Manor, then. Just in case Victor's home." Emma suggested. Harry nodded and took Emma's hand.

"Now, touch the pendant and focus hard on where you want to go. This can take you between realms and across realms, so it will be able to replace your Apparation, with the small downside of appearing naked." Freya said.

"Oh, cool." Harry grinned. Harry focused hard on Potter Manor, focused on the big manorhouse looming over the gardens, over the patios, over the pool-

There was a rushing of rainbow colored light, and then Harry and Emma were falling and then there was a great splash.

Harry was the first one to break to the surface, and he dived back down to pull Emma up, who was very disoriented.

"What happened?" Emma gasped, clinging to Harry. Harry kissed Emma reassuringly, rather enjoying the sensation of her wet, naked body. His hard cock pressed against her entrance, and Emma gladly slid down onto him, making both of them groan in pleasure.

"I ended up thinking about the pool. Sorry." Harry laughed.

"Mmm… don't worry about it." Emma smiled, "I ended up with you inside me again, so… no harm, no foul."

Harry laughed and squeezed Emma's ass as he kissed the blond heatedly. Harry and Emma stayed like that for a solid few minutes, Emma impaled on Harry while they clung to each other and kissed.

Harry let out a sigh of disappointment when Emma slid off of his cock and paddled over to the side of the pool and hoisted herself up so she sat on the edge facing the pool. Harry stroked over to her and spread her thighs with his hands, kissing each of her thighs before planting a kiss on her pussy. His mouth came away wet with her juices, and he smiled.

Emma smiled back. Harry dove between Emma's legs, his face pressing up against her, his forehead against her navel while his tongue lapped up her juices before delving deeper into her hot pussy.

Emma moaned in pleasure as Harry's tongue slid inside her. Harry thought suddenly of an ability he had, and spoke Parseltongue into Emma's pussy. Her moans turned into shrieks and Emma shook with ecstasy as his tongue quivered and slithered against her wet folds.

"Fuck! How are you doing that?" Emma screamed, her body wriggling in pleasure.

"I'm just that good." Harry replied cockily in Parseltongue, which brought Emma only more pleasure.

Emma's legs came up to wrap around Harry's neck, and her moans turned more desperate and wanton until Harry tasted a rush of juices and Emma was writhing like crazy. She had just orgasmed on his tongue. Harry lapped up her nectar eagerly, and Emma used her legs to pull Harry's face closer against her pussy.

It was only when Emma's orgasm had subsided that she let Harry go, but he didn't mind. When he drew back from Emma's soaked entrance, his lips and chin glistened with Emma's juice, and he licked his lips, enjoying the taste.

Witches had some very delicious juices. Lily had told Harry that once in the last few weeks, that Muggle girls' pussy didn't taste half as sweet as a witch's, though Lily had reported that a Muggle girl's juices certainly didn't taste bad.

That had raised some questions for Harry about whose pussy Lily had been tasting, but she had been strangely secretive.

Harry pulled himself out of the pool, and the two grabbed some towels off the rack, dried off, and headed inside the Manor.

Harry led Emma up to Lily's room, which was Harry's room, too, now.

Emma opened the closet to see Lily and Harry's clothes side by side, and gave Harry a curious look.

Harry stepped up behind Emma and wrapped his arms around her.

"You'll keep this secret, right?" Harry whispered.

"Of course." Emma whispered back, "I would never betray your trust. Not after how you saved Astoria."

"I'm pretty sure you saved Astoria by letting a goddess take you over." Harry pointed out.

"You brought me to her." Emma maintained. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck.

"I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you. If I had lost her, my baby girl… I don't think I could have handled that. I may have broken down and never recovered. If either of my girls are lost, I would just be… destroyed." Emma shook her head, "I owe you everything, Harry. You've saved Daphne from a loveless, bitter marriage like I'm in, and now you saved Astoria's life."

"The Daphne thing was all you and Mum. I didn't plan that one, even if I am very happy to be able to help." Harry shook his head. Emma kissed Harry hard.

"Stop being modest. I owe my daughters' happiness and lives to you, and I can never repay that." Emma said softly.

"I don't need repayment." Harry assured Emma, but she shook her head.

"You do. I'll find a way one of these days, I assure you. Now, get dressed. People are probably worried about us." Emma said.


After a quick stop at Fólkvangar to find Emma's wand, Harry and Emma Apparated to St. Mungo's, where they returned to the Janus Thickey ward to find Astoria looking much healthier than she had even yesterday.

"You're OK!" Bella exclaimed, jumping up. She wore the same clothes she had been yesterday, and she clearly hadn't slept, but she was nothing but enthusiastic as she tackled Harry with a giant hug, mashing her exceptional Black tits against his chest, and kissing him full on the mouth with absolutely no shame.

"I was terrified that I had lost you." Bella practically sobbed, "You were there with a goddess! I left you for five minutes and I came back to see a mess on the floor from a smashed wall, your wand laying on the floor, and no sign of you or Freya. I thought she had killed you and taken the body away!"

"I'm fine, Aunt Bella. I talked Freya into releasing Emma, and then we were taken to Vanaheim, a different realm where Freya lives." Harry explained.

"And you were there for eighteen hours?" Bella demanded.

"Time works differently there." Emma jumped in to explain, "We were only gone for a little while."

Harry was surprised Emma had lied so readily, but he nodded in agreement.

"You guys are in different clothes, though." Bella noticed, ever eagle eyed.

"Well, Freya gave me this pendant that lets me travel anywhere on Earth or across the eight other Norse realms. The issue is that it doesn't transport material items, so we appeared at Potter Manor naked." Harry explained.

"Prove it." Bella said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I'm interested to see this magic pendant. Teleport me somewhere on Earth." Bella said, offering Harry her hand. Harry took it.

"Um… ok. Where do you want to go?" Harry asked.

"Somewhere private." Bella whispered in his ear.

Harry looked at his godmother in total surprise, but he grinned.

"Coming right up." Harry said, and squeezed Bella's hand while focusing on his bedroom in Potter Manor. The bedroom he no longer used, having moved into the master bedroom with Lily.

The pendant flared with rainbow light like last time, and then he and Bella were standing beside Harry's bed.

"Good choice." Bella said, and Harry openly ogled his naked godmother. Her round, large breasts were full and inviting with large areolas and hard nipples. Her tan body was curvy and firm, with a round ass, long legs, and a toned stomach. Her long, wavy black hair fell down to just past her breasts, and Bella's dark eyes trailed hungrily down Harry's own body.

"Losing you like this… it made me realize how much I care for you. No, not care, how much I love you, in ways that I shouldn't love you. It's… it's crazy." Bella breathed, "When I thought you were dead, it felt like my world had ended. I don't know how, or when, but I'm in love with you, Harry."

"You're serious?" Harry asked, stunned. Bella nodded, looking very nervous. That wasn't an expression Harry could remember ever seeing on Bella's face, and he didn't like seeing it. Harry stepped forwards and kissed Bella heatedly.

When Harry drew back from the kiss, he was able to see the heat in Bella's eyes for just an instant before she lunged back into the kiss. Harry and Bella fell back onto Harry's bed, Harry atop Bella as they kissed feverishly, Bella's large tits, which were solidly bigger than Emma's, pressed up against Harry's chest, and he squeezed her hips hard while kissing Bella.

Bella very much enjoyed the feeling of her godson's hard cock dragging across her flat stomach, and she was getting incredibly aroused at the taboo of it all.

"I want you inside me, Harry. More than that, I want a child. I broke off my betrothal to Rodolphus Lestrange to live my own life, but I'm not that wild girl anymore. I want to settle down, raise a baby. And I can't think of any other man I would want to knock me up." Bella pleaded.

"I love you, Aunt Bella." Harry whispered. Bella touched Harry's cheek.

"It's just Bella, sweetie." Bella said, and Harry smiled, lining up his cock with her entrance.

"Now knock me up." Bella said, and Harry slammed inside her.

Bella moaned at the sensation of Harry inside her, and Harry slammed into Bella over and over again, using every ounce of his strength to fuck his godmother silly. Bella was visibly enjoying it, her eyes closed in enjoyment, her breathing coming hard and her pussy soaking wet around Harry's dick.

"Bella!" Harry grunted as her long legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her. Harry drove balls deep inside of her, then pulled all the way out except for the tip and drove all the way back inside. Bella's body arched at that sensation, and Harry ran his hands up her flawless body to those big tits of hers, which he started eagerly groping, loving the coos that left her lips as he did.

After fucking Emma this morning and fucking Freya well beyond his natural limits last night, Harry's stamina wasn't where it usually is.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." Harry grunted.

"Do it! Inside me, baby. Fill me up!" Bella begged, and Harry slammed all the way inside her pussy, and pulled her body up to his where he kissed her hard as he exploded inside her.

Harry thought he felt Freya's presence brushing past him, and wondered if the fertility goddess was going to be ensuring Bella got pregnant.

Harry fell on top of Bella, and the older woman scooted them back onto the bed, where she wrapped one arm around his lower back and placed the other on the top of his head.

"I love you so much." Bella panted.

"I love you, too." Harry replied tiredly.

"Get some rest, honey." Bella said maternally, "I'll take you back to Hogwarts in the morning."