
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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The Duel

Part V: The Duel

Harry glanced up from his book at the sound of footsteps. He gave a surprised, unsure smile to Cassandra Malfoy, who was walking up to him.

Harry could take Draco and his thugs no problem, but a fifth year? That might be a problem, if she decided to take out Harry so that her little brother didn't get his ass kicked in a duel.

Harry's hand strayed casually to his robes, extremely wary of the prefect.

"You don't have to reach for your wand, I'm not here on Draco's behalf." Cassandra said calmly.

Harry's hand paused and he returned it to the edge of his book.

"So, then why are you here?" Harry asked. Cassandra dodged the question.

"What are you doing sitting out in a courtyard by yourself?" Cassandra asked.

"Studying for History of Magic. I fell asleep in that class, and so I need to make sure I don't miserably fail the test, and instead just barely fail the test."

Cassandra chuckled.

"Binns is certainly a bore. Nice initiative, though." Cassandra complimented. Harry smiled at the pretty older blond.

"You asked why I'm here." Cassandra said after a pause, "I'm here to give you some words of caution. Draco knows he's going to lose his duel against you. He's got extra help than just his second, and they plan to overwhelm you with numbers."

"No way they can beat out me and Daphne." Harry said instantly.

"There's going to be three of them and two of you." Cassandra said in a low voice, one that had a bit of a husk to it, "In a fair fight, you and your betrothed would have it for sure. But I know my little brother doesn't plan on losing."

Harry contemplated that.

"You're right. Draco's a cowardly weasel, but he's not in Slytherin for no reason." Harry admitted, "So, what do you think I should do? I'm not backing out."

"No, of course not. Then he'll really be smug." Cassandra muttered, "I figured I'd be there hiding, and if you and Greengrass can't win, I'll jump in and help you guys. If you do win, then there's no reason for me to interfere."

"Why are you helping me?" Harry asked curiously.

Cassandra looked at him, and Harry found his stomach doing some flips as the gorgeous blond girl's eyes held his. How did the same genetics produce a marvel like Cassandra and a ferret like Draco?

"We spoke on your first night at Hogwarts. I liked you. I still do like you. My little brother is insufferable, and I don't ever plan on spending much time with him." Cassandra said, and Harry detected the truth in that statement.

"A fifth year and a first year aren't likely friends." Harry smiled.

"Let's be the first, then." Cassandra smiled back.


Harry met Daphne in the Slytherin common room a few hours later, as midnight crept closer. Harry knew that Draco had already left, as had Crabbe and Goyle.

They hadn't even tried to be all that sneaky.

"Ready to kick some ass?" Daphne smiled wryly at Harry.

"Definitely." Harry said. Cassandra took that opportunity to come down the steps from the girl's dormitory. She gave Harry a small smile, one he couldn't help but return.

"What's she doing here?" Daphne whispered to Harry.

"I'm here in case my brother tries to pull something shady that's too much for you guys. I trust you guys are capable, but Draco's a schemer. He definitely has both of his goons with him at least. Unless something goes majorly wrong, you won't see me." Cassandra promised.

"C'mon, you don't really think we'd lose a fight to Draco and his idiotic friends, right?" Daphne asked.

"No, you would easily trounce him in a fight. I'm more worried about an ambush or something." Cassandra said, "I have a responsibility for you kids."

"Kids?" Harry protested.

Cassandra quirked an affectionate smile at Harry.


Harry and Daphne walked into an abandoned trophy room and found Draco standing there with Crabbe.

"Hello, Potter." Draco said venomously.

"Hullo, Draco." Harry said amiably, and even gave a little wave to Crabbe, who looked at him in surprised silence.

"Look, boys, I'm tired, and I'd like to get to bed soon, so could we wrap this up?" Daphne gave a sarcastic yawn.

"Fine." Draco said. Harry moved to square up against Draco, and both first year boys drew their wands.

Harry felt a certain power in his wand, a peculiar yearning to be used in a duel. It was odd how closely the wand mirrored his feelings.

"On 3." Draco said, and the boys turned away from each other.

"1." Daphne said, and the boys took a step.

"2." Crabbe grunted.

"3!" Harry and Draco cried in unison, both of them whipping around.

"Impedimenta!" Harry shouted.

"Furnunculus!" Draco shouted at the same time. The two spells collided in mid-air, and went rocketing into the shelves of trophies.

The one Harry's spell hit went flying, and Draco's had no effect on the trophy it hit.

Before Draco could react, Harry whipped his wand forwards and shouted.

"Petrificulus Totalus!" Harry cried, and Draco's limbs snapped to his body. He fell backwards with a pained cry.

Crabbe leaped forwards, but Daphne was ready. With an unfamiliar jinx, Daphne made Crabbe so abruptly limp, unable to lift his limbs off the floor.

"Well done." Harry smiled at Daphne.

"And Cassandra thought we needed help." Daphne said smugly. Harry saw abruptly how hurt and jealous Daphne had been from Cassandra's presence at this duel, even if she was just an insurance policy.

There was a loud crash, and Harry and Daphne both jumped, and turned towards the sound.

They saw that Cassandra had just Stunned Goyle, who had seemingly been aiming a sneaky jinx at them.

"Looks like you did." Cassandra said just as smugly, and Harry glanced between the two blondes, a bit unsure at how they were interacting with each other. Daphne seemed pissed at Cassandra's aid, and Cassandra seemed more pleased than ever.

Why weren't they just friends? Girls were so confusing.