
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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September 1st

Part XVI: September 1st

Harry Potter woke up the morning of September 1st to his mother shaking him awake.

Lily Potter looked no less beautiful than usual, and she smiled at Harry when his emerald eyes met hers. Since Harry's birthday, his mother had behaved a little strangely.

The first few days after, she'd been oddly withdrawn, and then after that, she'd been more doting than usual.

Lily threw her arms around Harry and pulled him tightly against her. Harry wrapped his arms around his mother in surprise a bit, enjoying her affection.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to see you off today, Harry, but you know I have to be at Hogwarts." Lily said.

"I thought you'd be there already, actually." Harry frowned. Lily smiled at him.

"I would be, but I wanted to see you before I went." Lily admitted. Harry smiled at Lily.

"It's a shame I don't have your class until next year." Harry said.

"You're right. I would love to have you in my class, Harry." Lily said, and she kissed Harry. Since his birthday, the pair had kissed a few times, each time as novel as the last. Kissing Lily was extremely pleasant, and her soft full lips were perfect for kissing.

When Lily drew back, she had an odd flush to her cheeks.

"Alright, I have to go. Emma and the girls will be over in half an hour, so make sure you're all packed for school." Lily said.

"I'm already packed." Harry told his mother, and she smiled.

"Always a good boy." Lily murmured softly, and Harry couldn't help but pull his mother in for a tight hug.

Her red hair tickled his neck as they embraced, and both Potters were reluctant to let go.

"I love you." Lily whispered against Harry's lips.

"I love you too, Mum." Harry said softly. Lily drew back from the kiss, and her green eyes sparkled.

Then, with a loud crack, she Disapparated.


Half an hour later, the Floo fireplace ignited and a woman stepped out of it.

"Hi, Harry." Emma Greengrass smiled, and Harry smiled back at the blond woman. Daphne's mother was absolutely gorgeous, with dark green eyes, blond curls, shapely curves and ample breasts. She was quite a bit bustier than Lily, Harry could never help but notice.

"C'mere." Emma beckoned the boy, and he walked forwards quickly to embrace his future mother-in-law. Her large breasts squashed against his chest.

"You've gotten tall!" Emma remarked, and she looked Harry up and down.

"You saw me like a month ago!" Harry laughed.

"And you've grown since then." Emma smiled. Harry smiled back, and then the Floo lit up again, spitting out Daphne's little sister Astoria "Storey" Greengrass.

Astoria was unlike Daphne and Emma in that she had dark brown hair. She did have her mother's green eyes, though. Astoria was twelve this year, and from the pure excitement in her eyes, he could tell that she was thrilled.

"Harry!" Astoria exclaimed, and she hurtled forwards to throw her arms around Harry. Harry felt Astoria's developing breasts press up against his chest, but he tried not to think about that.

"You excited to start at Hogwarts?" Harry asked the obvious question.

"Of course I am!" Astoria said delightedly.

"You do realize it's a school right? Not exactly fun and games." Harry said. Astoria smiled.

"Of course I realize that. But I've been wanting to go to Hogwarts since I was seven, and this last year, where you and Daphne got to go… I'm just glad it's finally my turn." Astoria said.

"Well, I hope you're in Slytherin. Then we'll be able to help you out with your homework and stuff. I had a lot of fun my first year." Harry said.

"Didn't you almost die?" Emma asked dryly.

"That part was a little less fun." Harry nodded.

The Floo fireplace flared one last time, and Daphne stepped through.

He hadn't seen her since Nym had become her right before they had sex, and looking at her now, he could only think of her naked body, or the smoking hot twenty year old version of her that Nym had also shown him.

"Everything OK?" Daphne asked as she walked forwards.

"Everything's great, Daph." Harry smiled, and the two betrothed embraced. Harry's arm curled around her waist, and Daphne's lips brushed across his neck.

"We need to get a move on." Emma said, clearing her throat pointedly. Harry and Daphne split apart, and Harry went to grab his trunk.

When he got back, Emma was pocketing her wand and Daphne and Astoria's trunks were now sitting on the living room floor.

"How are we getting to King's Cross?" Harry asked.

Emma extended a hand.

"Side-Along Apparation, of course." Emma said. Harry laced his fingers with hers, and Astoria came up beside him. Harry grabbed Astoria's proffered hand, and stood opposite Daphne, who held Emma and Astoria's other hands.

Emma twisted, and Harry felt very much like he had been squeezed through a tube much too small for him, and then they were standing in a London alley.

The three school trunks appeared with a wave of Emma's wand, possibly using a Translocator Charm, but Emma was proficient in silent magic, and so Harry couldn't use the incantation to guess what it was.

Another wave conjured up three trolleys.

"Where's your owl?" Emma asked Harry.

"Oh, she's off to France. She knows to go straight to Hogwarts." Harry said.

"Excellent." Emma said, and the three Hogwarts students grabbed their respective trolleys and set off.

They made their way over to King's Cross Station, which was hardly any distance at all from where Emma had brought them.

Harry and the Greengrass ladies moved swiftly through the Muggles around the station, as they were cutting the departure time a bit short.

When they reached the boundary between platforms 9 and 10, Emma nodded at her elder daughter, who went first.

"After you." Harry told Astoria, who looked eager to run through the wall. She did so, and left Harry and Emma alone.

Harry offered Emma his arm. She took it with a laugh, and put a hand on his trolley, walking them through together.

They emerged onto platform 9 3/4, where a great scarlet train was preparing to leave.

Emma said a quick goodbye to her daughters, and she pulled Harry into a tight hug, planting a kiss on his forehead before sending him off.

Harry, Daphne, and Astoria were some of the last ones to make it onto the train, and Harry led the sisters through the train to try and find Hermione and Susan.

They eventually found the two girls in a compartment with Parvati Patil, the Gryffindor half of the Patil twins.

The Patil twins were identical Indian knockouts with perky breasts of a more modest size, but they had sensational curves and a generous ass.

"Where's Padma?" Harry asked, sitting down between Susan and Hermione, the former of whom gave him a warm smile of greeting. Harry looked at Hermione, and his smile grew softer. The pair of them had almost kissed on the platform at the end of the previous school year, and while they had been fine at Harry's party, there did seem to be an air of something between them.

Parvati was sitting opposite Hermione, and Astoria and Daphne filled in beside her.

"Well, thank you for agreeing to help. I know Padma's distraught to be missing the first two weeks of term." Parvati said.

"Oh, I would be too!" Hermione laughed.

"Must be a Ravenclaw thing." Parvati said lightly, and Hermione gave the curvy Gryffindor a friendly smile.

Parvati looked shyly at Harry, tucking dark hair behind her ear.

"Bye, Harry." Parvati said, and Harry gave her a wave, confused. Parvati left the compartment and closed the door.

"What was that weird goodbye about?" Harry asked.

"Are you clueless? You fought You-Know-Who, and kicked his ass! All the girls in the castle are going to want a piece of you." Daphne smirked.

"I never thought about that." Harry frowned. Susan patted his leg.

"Start thinking about it. I know Hannah's already had a mad crush on you last year, so it'll probably be worse this year. Don't do anything too heroic, alright? I can't handle you being anymore popular." Susan teased Harry, who laughed.

"I've missed you, Sue." Harry said, and the busty redhead smiled.

The compartment door opened and in stepped a girl with blue eyes and silvery blond hair. Her body was tight and slim, and she had small breasts and slight curves, but she was insanely beautiful.

"Gabby!" Harry exclaimed, and jumped to his feet to pull the young girl in for a tight hug which she returned happily.

"Ladies, this is Gabrielle Delacour." Harry introduced Gabrielle to the compartment.

"Did we do introductions for Storey? This is my little sister, Astoria." Daphne said, touching her sister's shoulder.

"It's nice to meet both of you." Hermione smiled kindly.

"Gabs, this is Hermione Granger, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, and Astoria Greengrass." Harry pointed at each girl as he introduced them to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle sat down in the compartment that Parvati had vacated, and she quickly started talking loudly and happily. Astoria took slightly longer to warm up to the older girls, but within two hours, both younger girls were completely at ease around the older girls.

The treat trolley came by, and Harry bought a Chocolate Frog. Gabrielle seemed confused by Magical Britain's food, so Harry bought her a few good treats, and the Frenchgirl enjoyed all of it.

The train ride to Hogwarts was a ton of fun, but then they reached the logistical issue of changing into their robes.

"Should we blindfold Harry until we're all changed?" Daphne wondered, grinning at Harry.

"Oh, great idea!" Susan enthused.

"Where are we going to find a blindfold?" Harry complained, raising his hands.

"Obscuro!" Daphne incanted, aiming her wand at Harry. His vision was instantly obscured by a blindfold, which appeared beneath his glasses.

"Whoa! A blindfold spell?" Harry heard Hermione gasp.

"Yep. I've been doing some practicing, I can't keep getting outperformed by Harry." Daphne said, and Harry could hear her smirk.

"I have no sense of where anything is." Harry reported, wiggling his arm back and forth. He heard a small sort of surprised sound, and then Susan's familiar laughter.

"Getting a little handsy, huh, Potter?" Daphne smirked.

"Wait, what did I touch?" Harry frowned.

"My boob." Susan laughed again, and then he felt soft lips kiss his cheek, "But don't worry about it. You're blindfolded, and they're rather hard to avoid with perfect vision."

"Thanks, Sue. I'll keep my hands still from now on." Harry promised.

"Uh huh." came Daphne's disbelieving drawl.

"Shut it, Greengrass." Harry retorted, then paused, "You know, it might get confusing with two Greengrasses here now."

"Since when do you call me Greengrass?" Astoria replied, and Harry laughed, then smiled in what he thought was Astoria's general direction.

"That's not Astoria." Daphne stage whispered.

"Damn it! Did you guys play musical chairs?" Harry asked.

"We're changing, idiot. It's not like we stay in our seats to change." Daphne replied in exasperation.

Harry gave a frustrated sigh at his blindness and leaned back in his seat.

"How am I going to change? Can I blindfold all five of you?" Harry asked.

"No, the blindfold's only for you." Daphne retorted from rather close to Harry.

"You know, we could play a fun game here." Gabrielle mentioned, and Harry heard whispering amongst the girls.

"Hey, Harry, you don't mind kissing us, do you?" Daphne asked. Harry very nearly choked on air.

"What?" Harry demanded.

"We're going to play a game where one of us kisses you. You have to guess who." Gabrielle said eagerly.

"Right." Harry blinked, "Ok, but if I get a majority correct, I'm blindfolding you girls so I can change in peace."

"Deal." Daphne replied instantly. More whispering from the girls.

"Alright ladies. We're going in the order we're standing in right now. No using tits to help him recognize you." Daphne said, and Harry strained his senses.

A sweet lavender scent filled his nose as soft, shy lips touched his. Harry kissed back gently, and he heard a faint sigh come from the girl he was kissing.

"Hermione." Harry said as soon as the girl stopped kissing him.

"Fail! Did you really think I wouldn't trick you, Potter?" Daphne said joyously.

"Wait, did you put Hermione's lotion on someone else?" Harry demanded.

"Yup!" Daphne said.

Full lips touched Harry's next, and Harry rather enjoyed kissing them. Only Susan and Daphne had lips quite like this, Harry thought, and considering the source of Daphne's voice, he reckoned it was Susan. Also, he wasn't quite sure Daphne had lips like this either.

"Susan." Harry guessed.

"Ding ding ding." Daphne said grumpily.

The next lips to touch his were fierce in their kiss, and Harry even got a little tongue action.

"Uh… Gabby?" Harry guessed after the kiss was over.

"Wrong!" Daphne audibly delighted to announce.

"I am flattered, though." Gabrielle's voice came. Daphne quickly hushed her, which was smart, as Harry was trying to place each girl's position in the room.

The next lips to touch his were sweet-tasting, and Harry recognized instantly Pumpkin Pasty.

"Ok, this one's Gabby. I just bought her that Pumpkin Pasty." Harry said.

"Damn it. I should have planned for that, too." Daphne huffed.

One last pair of lips touched Harry's, and this kiss was amazing. It wasn't gentle, but it was soft.

"I… I have no idea. Not Susan, not Gabs… Daphne?" Harry wondered.

"Ooh, wrong!" Daphne exclaimed. Harry sighed.

Harry reached up, removed his glasses, and then tugged the blindfold off, to reveal all the girls back in their original seats.

"Wait, aren't you going to tell me who was who?" Harry asked.

"Nope." Daphne smirked, "Now, it's probably time for you to change into your robes."

Looking directly at Daphne, Harry rose to his feet and pulled off his shirt, then his hands went to his belt, unhooking it to let his pants fall to the floor. Harry grabbed his robes and pulled them on, tying on the silver and green tie.

"Nice show." Daphne winked at him.

Harry just looked at her.


When the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, Harry's compartment made their way out onto the platform.

"Firs' years this way!" Hagrid called from down the platform.

Gabrielle and Astoria turned to Harry and Daphne, respectively.

"You'll be fine. It's a boat ride across to the castle, where you'll take a specific entrance in to get sorted in the Great Hall." Harry explained to the foreign girl. Gabrielle nodded.

"So no worries." she said.

"None." Harry promised. Gabrielle smiled, and then she and Astoria set off for Hagrid together.

"Come on." Daphne grabbed Harry's hand and tugged him towards one of the carriages drawn by the skeletal black horses, and into one where Hermione and Susan waited beside.

Harry abruptly realized he and Daphne were holding hands, and he let go of her hand.

"Ready for the Sorting?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah. I hope Astoria's a Slytherin. She is quite nice, though. Does that make her a Hufflepuff?" Daphne wondered.

"Not necessarily. Ron Weasley's a right asshole." Susan mentioned.

"Oh, good point." Harry nodded.

"His sister's starting this year. I saw her on the train." Hermione recalled.

"Yeah, she was at my birthday party for some reason." Harry remembered.

"She made an impact?" Daphne asked.

"No, I just remember because I was looking for Susan, and she was one of the few redheads in the crowd." Harry said truthfully.

"You trying out for Seeker this year?" Hermione asked Harry.

"Yeah, I hope Cassie will let me in." Harry said.

"It might not be her. She's not here for September, she's having her baby, you know?" Daphne brought up.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot she was pregnant!" Susan exclaimed.

"I wonder who the father is… probably some hot sixth or seventh year. They've got to be some kind of Muggleborn, though, or the Malfoys would have made a public announcement. It has to be some kind of shameful secret who the father is." Daphne said.

Cassandra had told Harry that she was trying to protect him by keeping his name out of things, but he had never really thought about her being ashamed of what she had done. That grim thought lay heavy on his head as the girls kept chattering on.

"Hey, you OK?" Daphne asked, nudging his arm. For all her teasing and such, Harry saw real genuine care in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Harry said. Daphne smiled.


The second-year and above students were swept into the Great Hall, and they sat at their House's table, which broke up their friend group.

Harry and Daphne sat at the end nearest the Sorting Hat. Harry had an open space on his left side, and the row opposite them was empty, or it was until Blaise and Pansy sat down, but there was still room for someone to sit, beside Pansy.

"Hey, guys." Harry smiled at Pansy and Blaise. Pansy gave Harry a bright smile, one he returned.

The doors to the Great Hall opened, and Professor McGonagall entered, followed by forty to fifty first years. Gabrielle's silver blond hair was instantly distinguishable.

"Creevey, Colin!" McGonagall began after the Sorting Hat gave its usual start of Sorting song.

A small, timid looking boy ran up to the stool and put the Sorting Hat on its head.

"Gryffindor!" cried the Hat.

"Delacour, Gabrielle!" McGonagall declared.

Gabrielle hurried up to the stool, lifting the Hat. She sat down on the stool and placed the Hat on her head. No sooner had it touched her head than it cried out:


Harry let out a loud whoop and Gabrielle swooped down delightedly on the Slytherin table, taking the seat on Harry's left. He slung an arm around her, and the two hugged while on the bench.

"Welcome to Slytherin House, Gabs." Harry smiled

"Great to be here. Now Fleur will call us both 'little snake.'" Gabrielle laughed.

"Greengrass, Astoria!" McGonagall called.

Astoria went up to the stool, and placed the Hat on her head in the same manner Gabrielle did.

Deciding Storey's house took much longer, though, and the whole Hall seemed to be holding its' breath for the declaration.

"Slytherin!" the Hat decreed, and Astoria looked plainly relieved, she practically sprinted over, and took a seat down beside Pansy quickly.

"Welcome to Slytherin House!" Harry smiled.

"Lovegood, Luna" was a petite blond who got sorted into Ravenclaw, and "Weasley, Ginevra" became a Gryffindor, to no one's surprise. Those were the only two students who actually caught Harry's attention, and he paid little attention to the others.

With everybody sorted, Dumbledore got up, gave his speech, and then the feast began. The Hall swiftly became a warm buzz of happiness and laughter.
