
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Seeing Red

Part LIV: Seeing Red

"Draco, stop!" Cassie ordered, and Harry and Cassie disentangled, allowing the older blond to jump up and pursue her brother.

Cassie caught up to Draco before he reached the portrait that served as the exit and entrance to the Slytherin common room.

"You can't stop me!" Draco shouted, wrenching his arm free of Cassie's grasp.

"Just sit down and listen, prick." Cassie snapped, yanking her little brother away from the portrait.

"Hey!" Draco complained, "Are you trying to hide the fact that you and Potter are fucking?!"

"Draco, you have no evidence that we're doing that." Cassie said impatiently, "You just caught us kissing. For all you know, this was our first kiss."

Draco frowned. Then, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, yeah? And what about my niece?" Draco grinned wickedly, "She has green eyes, just like Potter."

"Please don't tell Mother." Cassie abruptly started pleading.

"Ha! I'm going to go tell Mother right now." Draco laughed cruelly and ran out of the portrait hole.

Cassie exhaled in frustration and dropped down on the couch beside Harry, who promptly wrapped an arm around the older girl.

"That was clever." Harry complimented.

"Tell him not to do anything and he instantly goes and does it. Hopefully, Mother will sort him out and keep him from telling Father." Cassie sighed.

"If not, I'd be perfectly happy to Obliviate him." Harry grinned, and Cassie laughed.

"I might have to take you up on that." she smiled, and planted a warm kiss on Harry's lips. The older girl slid into Harry's lap so she was facing him, and then they began to kiss much more passionately.

"We're not going to learn our lesson?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

"It's not like he can discover our secret twice." Cassie said mischievously, and kissed Harry hard.


After a bit more cuddling and kissing, Cassie had to duck out for a NEWT level class and so Harry was left alone to lounge in the Slytherin common room for a few more minutes before he had to get up and go to Transfiguration.

Harry entered the Transfiguration classroom only to rediscover the biggest change to his Hogwarts experience, the loose scheduling. No more were they grouped up by House, but instead they had their core classes between their elective courses.

Harry spotted Susan in the front of the class, sitting beside Hannah Abbott. The Patil twins were towards the back, and both looked back to see Harry come in, then gave Harry identical dazzling smiles. Lavender Brown sat with them. Lavender was a busty girl with light brown hair, and she and Parvati were best friends.

Lavender really had gotten impressively busty over the summer, Harry remarked mentally.

Harry moved towards the twins and Lavender, and Padma scooted down a seat to allow Harry to sit between the Patil twins, and Harry did just that.

"Hi, Harry." Parvati beamed, and Harry pulled the bustier of the two Patil twins in for a kiss, which she responded to happily. When Harry and Parvati drew apart, it was only seconds after Harry's arms were removed from her that Lavender seized her, and the two girls whispered and giggled with each other.

Harry and Padma exchanged looks.

"They're always like this." Padma rolled her eyes. Harry laughed softly, and let one of his arms slide a little possessively around the Patil twin with the better ass. She wasn't huge on PDA, and their relationship was still rather young, so Harry didn't go in for a kiss. But all the same, Padma leaned against Harry's chest, sparking a whole new wave of whispers and giggles from Parvati and Lavender.

Unbeknownst to Harry, Padma was looking at Harry with adoration in her eyes, but Parvati noticed.

Just kiss him Parvati urged Padma with her eyes.

Padma looked nervously up at Harry, but before she could make her move, Professor McGonagall entered the classroom. Harry made no motion to let go of Padma, so the beautiful Indian girl cuddled up closer to Harry's chest contently.


Harry and Susan walked out of Transfiguration together, and Harry couldn't resist dragging Susan into the first empty classroom they passed.

"Harry!" Susan gasped as his lips found her throat, trailing up along her jaw until they finally met her mouth.

Susan moaned into the kiss as Harry squeezed her hips and pulled her closer.

"Mmm." Susan bit her lip when they drew apart after several long minutes of kissing, "What's gotten you in such a state?"

"Parvati kept flashing me her cleavage during class." Harry said truthfully.

"And you didn't want to grab her?" Susan wondered. Harry's arm curled around Susan's waist and he nodded down at Susan's enormous breasts.

"I wanted the best of the best." Harry grinned.

"Such a charmer." Susan winked, and pulled her shirt off over her head, revealing the white bra supporting her melons, which were enormous for her age, easily on par with Fleur's.

Harry lifted Susan up by the hips and set her down on the closest desk. Susan shivered as Harry's hands trailed up her back. She set her mouth firmly on Harry's, and they kissed greedily, inhaling each other's mouths.

Harry, with practiced ease, unhooked Susan's bra and tossed it aside. Harry took his mouth off of Susan's, and leaned down to her sizable bosom, and planted a kiss on her nipple instead.

A gasp burst through Susan's lips as Harry started suckling her nipple.

"Ohhh… Harry." Susan groaned.

The buxom redhead threw back her head as Harry tugged on her nipple. Her hand came to rest on the back of his head, and Harry attacked Susan's tits with newfound relish, only pleasuring the girl more.

Harry's hand brushed across Susan's thighs, took an opportunity to rub Susan's pussy through her panties, then slid upwards, gliding across her stomach and then coming to rest right under her breast, then cupped her breasts while he continued to suck and kiss and tug on her nipples. A touch brushed across Harry's back, and Harry felt a burst of energy spread from the touch.

"Love…" Susan panted, her own hand finding her pussy and rubbing it furiously.

Harry slurped noisily on Susan's nipple and she moaned in ecstasy. Harry was stunned by the sweet taste of milk filling his mouth. Harry pulled his head off of Susan's tit, and both teens watched, awestruck, as milk leaked from Susan's nipples.

"H-Harry?" Susan whispered. Harry stuck his hand in his pocket and withdrew his wand, then touched the tip to Susan's stomach.

Harry very shakily made his way through the pregnancy test spell, and Susan laced her fingers with his.

The wand tip lit up green.

Harry and Susan looked at each other in astonishment.

"I… I'm pregnant." Susan said disbelievingly. Harry pulled Susan tightly to his chest and the teens embraced, Harry stroking her back softly.

"I… I'm getting milk all over your shirt." Susan sniffled. Harry laughed softly.

"Do you really think I care?" Harry said, and he squeezed Susan tighter.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant." Susan said, still audibly stunned.

"Me either." Harry said, shaking his head.

"I mean… the Bones family have always had very high fertility rates." Susan realized, "I'm an idiot. I should have put on the contraceptive spell. What was I thinking?"

"It's OK, Sue." Harry said soothingly. Susan looked at Harry with tearful eyes, but she did not look sad in the slightest. She almost looked… joyous.

"I guess, if you think about it, this baby's like a belated birthday gift." Harry grinned. Susan smiled delightedly.

"Like a present we made together." Susan said, and she kissed Harry, happy tears still glistening in her eyes.

"Is it normal for girls to lactate this early into a pregnancy, by the way? I mean, you're only a month in." Harry said.

"Definitely not normal." Susan affirmed. Harry felt strongly this had something to do with Freya, especially considering the presence he'd felt.

"Well, I like it." Harry smiled.

"I don't! What if my tits get huge really quick?" Susan exclaimed, "What if I have to be milked each morning like a cow?"

"Is that really one of your fears?" Harry scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, then shook his head, "If you need to be milked every morning, Sue, then I'd be happy to help out. But I wouldn't start over-reacting just yet, OK?"

Susan nodded, reassured, and she linked her hands with Harry's, then took a deep breath.

"You and I… I know we don't have a bond like you and Daphne do-" Susan began, but Harry shook his head, cutting her off.

"Daphne and I may be in love, Sue, but I'm in love with you, too. The only thing that's different between my bond with you and my bond with Daphne is that you're pregnant with my child." Harry said firmly.

"But you two are betrothed!" Susan exclaimed.

"But we aren't even engaged yet, Sue. Right now, it's just a piece of paper. I'd argue that you and I have something much more permanent between us now." Harry said, and Susan smiled warmly at Harry.

"I love you, too. In case you didn't know." Susan said.

"I did know. But I'll never get tired of hearing it." Harry grinned.

Susan and Harry kissed again, feverishly.