
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Mirrored Desire

Part VIII: Mirrored Desire

This chapter contains smut!

Harry stared at Cassandra as she closed the door to the boys' dormitory and walked towards Harry's bed.

She lifted Harry's pile of presents and dumped them all on the neighboring bed, which was Blaise's.

Then, Cassandra sat down on Harry's bed, looking at him rather suggestively.

Harry felt a stiffening happening in his pajama trousers, and he tried to subtly adjust them to make room for his hard cock.

From the look on Cassandra's face, he wasn't very subtle about it.

Cassandra lifted a hand and curled one finger seductively. Harry staggered forwards like he had been hooked by invisible rope.

"You ready for your real Christmas gift?" she asked suggestively. Harry swallowed as Cassandra's hands grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it off her head.

The article of clothing fell to the floor, and her jeans quickly joined them.

Cassandra, Harry realized, was wearing a bright green bra and bright red panties. Christmas colors.

"Wow." Harry said in amazement. True, he had seen Cassandra in just her underwear before, but she was no less breathtaking the second time. Her sizable breasts were pressed together by this bra, and Harry was practically drooling over them. Cassandra grabbed her wand and tapped it to her bra.

"Alohomora." she said in a throaty sort of voice, and her bra clasp unhooked. Her green bra fell down into her lap, and Harry's eyes fell upon her tantalizing bosoms.

"Tits guy, huh?" Cassandra teased, cupping her breasts in her hands.

"Uh huh." Harry said, his eyes not leaving her perky nipples.

"Come touch them." Cassandra invited, and Harry drew closer to Cassandra, lifting his arms. His hands brushed against Cassandra's heavy breasts, and she let out a small sigh.

"Really touch them." Cassandra invited, taking her own hands away from her breasts.

Harry, with a touch of awkwardness, cupped Cassandra's breasts in his hands, reveling in the feel. They were amazing and full, and Harry enjoyed giving them squeezes.

"Mm, that's it. There we go…" Cassandra gasped, "Pay attention to the nipples, they're nice and sensitive."

Following Cassandra's instructions, Harry leaned down and kissed one of Cassandra's nipples.

She let out a long, pleasured moan. Struck by an idea, Harry started suckling on her nipple.

He didn't get any milk from it, but it sure was good at getting loud moans out of her.

"Oh, Harry!" Cassandra cried.

Harry pulled his lips back from Cassandra's nipple, and he saw that her cheeks were flushed, not from embarrassment, but from exhilaration.

Cassandra grabbed ahold of her red panties and yanked them down her long legs. Harry stared at her pussy as she spread her legs. It shone with dampness, and Harry's brain whispered to him that that was because of him. Cassandra grasped her wand laying beside her on Harry's bed and aimed it at Harry.

"Depulso!" Cassandra cried twice, and Harry felt his pajamas rip off his body and fly across the room, first his top and then his bottoms.

In an instant, he was standing before Cassandra in just his boxers.

"C'mere." Cassandra pleaded, and Harry hastened to grab Cassandra's breasts again. He leaned down and started suckling on her nipple again, but his eyes landed on his nightstand table, where his wand was laying.

On a whim, Harry reached over, grasped his wand, and slid it inside Cassandra's pussy.

She let out a yelp of surprise, but as he kept sliding his wand into her, the yelp shifted into a loud moan.

"Harry, did you just wandfuck me?" Cassandra gasped.

"Wandfuck?" Harry repeated, a bit unsure of the term.

"Oh, it's clear you haven't gotten into witch porn yet." Cassandra giggled. She grabbed one of his hands and led it to the grip of his wand.

Her gray eyes met his emerald ones.

"Now slide it in and out of me." Cassandra instructed. Harry slowly pulled his wand out then back in.

"Put some force into it." Cassandra advised. He made his motions faster and harder, and soon she was moaning euphorically. Harry's wand was eleven inches long, and he used probably the first six or so to wandfuck her.

"U-use 'Vibrato.'" Cassandra managed.

"Vibrato." Harry incanted, and to his amazement, his wand started vibrating in his hand.

Cassandra's moans reached a new crescendo, and he realized how much he enjoyed listening to her sounds of pleasure.

Harry's dick was rock hard in his boxers by now, and he started a little bit when one of Cassandra's hands touched his bulge.

"L-let me see." she pleaded.

Harry let go of his wand, letting it stay vibrating in Cassandra's pussy, and then he pulled down his boxers, stepping out of them.

His cock wasn't particularly large, only about four inches rock hard, but he suspected it would grow as he got older.

But despite that, Cassandra looked at it as if it was perfect.

"Screw your wand, Harry, I want that inside me." Cassandra said. Harry grasped his wand and pulled it from Cassandra's pussy. It stopped vibrating instantly, and Harry stared at Cassandra's juices glistening on his wand.

He didn't have more time to think about that, because Cassandra then grabbed him and pulled him close. The older girl sat up, spreading her legs wide and giving him a very needy look.

"I'm not… I'm not that big." Harry said shyly.

"Harry, you're perfect." Cassandra said, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

"So are you, Cassandra." Harry smiled.

"You're about to fuck me. I think you can call me Cass or Cassie." she teased.

Harry smiled.

"Alright, now, put your hands on my thighs," Cassandra instructed, "Mm.. there we go. Now, line up your cock with my hole. Just like that. Now… thrust."

Harry followed her instructions to the letter. He bucked his hips and his cock slid into her pussy.

Harry's mind clouded over with an unusual sort of pleasure as he felt Cassandra's juices on his dick, and enjoyed the sensation of her walls around his cock.

"Oh… Cass!" Harry shouted as the older girl pressed more of Harry's cock into her by sliding her hips forwards.

"Attaboy. Now, just like with the wand, in and out." Cassandra panted, "I'm close."

"Close to what?" Harry asked. Her eyes widened, and her lips curved into a loving smile.

"I'm close to orgasming. That means you've done your job properly." Cassandra said huskily. Harry eagerly started thrusting in and out of the Slytherin prefect.

His grunts and her sexy moans filled the empty boys' dormitory. Harry felt a need rising to the surface, an odd desire to… explode.

His cock was throbbing hard at this point, and he felt that explosion drawing nearer.

Cassandra gave a low sound of disappointment, and he realized he'd stopped thrusting. Harry went back to thrusting, and she once again sounded pleased.

"Oh, don't stop! I'm so close. I'm so close!" Cassandra moaned.

"C-Cass, I feel like my cock's about to erupt." Harry groaned.

Cassandra's hand fluttered towards her wand, but then she seemed to change her mind and she raised her hand to place it on the back of Harry's neck.

"Let it happen, babe. Explode in me. Paint me with your seed." Cassandra moaned.

Harry was unsure what seed she meant, but he understood what she wanted. For him to let the explosion happen.

Harry let out a loud roar as he stopped resisting the rising feeling, and instead just let his explosion happen.

"Cum in me!" Cassandra pleaded just before Harry's cock erupted. He felt thick geysers of… seed, he supposed, gush out into Cassandra's pussy. Her whole body arched, and she started spasming. Harry gasped as warm juices splashed onto his cock and his hips.

Harry buried his cock as deep as it could go inside Cassandra, his balls hitting her thighs as he rode the wave of his eruption.

When he finished, he felt suddenly rather tired. Cassandra stopped spasming not long after, and her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gasped in air. It provided a rather mesmerizing effect of her breasts bouncing around.

Harry pulled out of Cassandra's pussy, and saw that a thick white substance started leaking from Cassandra's gaping entrance. She mewled happily and stretched backwards out on the bed, turning so that she laid on the bed instead of her body being perpendicular with the bed, her legs dangling off.

Cassandra turned her head to look at Harry, and she patted the space on the bed beside her.

An exhausted Harry climbed onto the bed beside her, and laid down.


When Harry woke up, he was atop Cassandra, his head nestled between her breasts and her arms wrapped around him.

His movement roused Cassandra from her sleep, and her eyes fluttered open to look at him.

"Hey, sleepy head." she murmured.

"How long did I sleep for?" Harry asked, embarrassed.

"Only an hour and a half. But hey, you deserved your rest. The way you made me feel…" Cassandra trailed off.

"You made me feel amazing." Harry confessed. Cassandra's smile could light up the room then.

"I'm glad I made your first time memorable. Happy Christmas." Cassandra said. Harry lifted his head from out between her breasts, and Cassandra rose up to a seated position, Harry in her lap.

The older girl pressed her soft lips to Harry's mouth, and the couple kissed tenderly.

Harry's hands slid up and down Cassandra's entirely bare back, enjoying her breasts mashed against his chest.


It was several hours later, after a shower that the two lovers shared, that Harry finally dressed.

He grabbed his new Invisibility Cloak, and went to grab his wand, only to remember it still had Cassandra's juices on it.

A freshly showered Cassandra walked over and grabbed her own wand off the night table, where it sat beside Harry's.

Cassandra pointed her wand at the part of Harry's wand covered in pussy juices, and spoke a quick cleaning charm.

"There you go." she winked.

"Thanks." Harry said, sticking his newly cleaned wand into his jeans pocket.

Cassandra slipped an arm around Harry's neck and she kissed him tenderly for a few seconds before drawing back.

"Alright. Have fun with your mum." Cassandra said, and she left the boys dormitory. Harry stood there silently for a few moments, amazed at what had just transpired in this room.

With his Cloak, Harry left the dormitory and then he headed out of the common room, walking the familiar path over to his mother's office.

He reached her door, and knocked.

"Come in!" her familiar voice called, and Harry entered to see his mother sitting behind her desk, holding a quill and writing a letter.

"What are you doing?" Harry wondered.

"Writing a thank you letter to Andromeda." Lily Potter said.

"Oh, got it." Harry said, producing the Cloak.

"I see you got my present." Lily smiled.

Lily Potter was a gorgeous woman with fiery red hair, emerald green eyes, and rather large breasts. Her body was also rather voluptuous and fit, Harry had to admit.

"Yeah. This was Dad's?" Harry asked.

She nodded.

"He used to use it to commit all kinds of mischief with Sirius and your Uncle Remus." Lily explained, "He explicitly stated in his will that it would become yours once you started Hogwarts. I figured Christmas would be the best time to give it to you."

"Wow. Thanks, Mum." Harry said.

"Don't mention it. I know your father intended you to use it for some pranks and such, but I'd like for you to keep it on the tamer side, if you can." Lily said sternly.

"Oh, c'mon, Mum." Harry said pleadingly. Lily visibly relented.

"Oh, you know I can never say no to you. Just make sure none of the professors find you, alright?" she requested.

"I'll do my best." Harry grinned.

Harry left his mother's office and was headed back to Slytherin common room when he heard the unmistakable jingling of Argus Filch's lantern.


Despite the fact that he was completely allowed to be in the hallway at this time of day, he didn't want to confront Filch alone in a hallway.

Harry fumbled to grab the Invisibility Cloak, and draped it over himself.

As Filch was about to round the corner, he realized too late that there was a chance Filch would bump into him. He was invisible, not intangible. Harry ducked quickly into the nearest side room, and closed the door behind him as quickly and quietly as he possibly could.

Turning back to the room, he was half afraid he'd see a three headed dog, like he had last time he'd been dodging Filch, but thankfully, the only thing in this room was a tall mirror.

Harry walked over to the mirror, and looked into it. He realized stupidly that he couldn't see himself in it because of the Cloak.

Harry glanced to the door and then tossed off the Cloak, and then he saw himself in the mirror.

But then the reflection changed.

Instead of himself as he was, he saw an older version of himself, probably in his seventh year of Hogwarts, but he could possibly be older.

In the mirror, though, was more than just Harry. His mother was there, hardly looking a single day older. She looked as sexy as she did in the present day, though the version in the mirror seemed to have slightly larger breasts. His father was there, too, and Harry felt great sorrow grow in his chest. His father had messy black hair just like Harry, but instead had light brown eyes. A girl emerged from the mist to stand in front of Harry, James, and Lily.

This girl had red hair and the same incredible figure as Lily, and also sported some very sizable breasts. Her eyes were a greenish hazel color rather than pure emerald green like Harry and Lily's eyes.

The girl looked to be just a little bit younger than Harry.

Abruptly, he recognized her. That had to be his little sister… his little sister who he never had.