
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Ministry and Maps

Part XLVII: Ministry and Maps

Harry pressed his forehead against the wall and sighed. Hours of research, and they were no closer to pinpointing the location of Fólkvangar, the magical Scandinavian school that could hold a clue to Freya's whereabouts.

Footsteps came up behind Harry, and he turned over his shoulder slightly to see Andromeda coming towards him.

Andromeda pressed up against Harry from behind, her heavy breasts squashing against his back as her arms wrapped around him.

"Don't stress, love." Andi whispered, and Harry leaned back into the embrace of his extremely busty 'aunt'. Andi was Nym's mom, and the eldest of the three Black sisters.

"Thank you for coming." Harry sighed.

"Don't mention it, sweetie. I may not be a curse breaker like Bella, but I'm always here for you if you need me." Andi said softly, and Harry turned around to face Andromeda, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"I can't stop thinking about Astoria, dying in that bed. We need to pick up the pace, but I can't see a way to go faster. All of this stuff is centuries old, and barely mentions Fólkvangar." Harry sighed.

Andromeda tilted her head back and forth, and Harry was struck with an idea when looking into her beautiful gray eyes.

"Maybe the Ministry has some kind of map of the magical schools? They must do, in order to inspect them and such." Harry said.

Andromeda smiled.

"You know, I think you're right. At the very least, they'll have extensive records in the Archives. We just need to get in there." Andromeda said.

"Is it allowed to go in there?" Harry asked.

"Yes, with an appointment, but those can take weeks. Bella can get you in." Andromeda smiled. Harry grinned.

Harry and Andi headed back into the library, and Harry opened the wooden double doors leading into the library.

Hermione sat at a desk in the center of the room, surrounded by books.

Emma sat at a nearby desk, looking very stressed as she pored over a book. She had much smaller piles than Hermione.

Bella's voice could be heard shouting orders to Konroy, the manor's house elf.

"Alright, I've got a plan!" Harry announced, and Hermione and Emma both looked up, and Bella popped out from one of the rows of books.

Harry was temporarily diverted by the sight of his godmother in a shoulder-less red corset top and ripped white jeans. Her curly black hair fell down her shoulders down to her breasts.

"Right, so, Aunt Andi and I realized that there's probably records of Fólkvangar's actual location at the Ministry, so I figured you and I could go check that out Aunt Bella." Harry said. Bella grinned.

"Works for me. Slight problem, though, I did take off for the next few days to be here with you. If anyone sees me, we might be in trouble, especially if we're near the Archives. Those are pretty well-guarded." Bella explained.

"Ok. I have an Invisibility Cloak that should be able to help a little bit." Harry said.

"Is it with your Hogwarts stuff?" Hermione asked worriedly. Harry lifted his shirt to reveal it was tucked into his waistband on his side.

"I always keep it with me during the school year, so I had it when I left." Harry explained.

"Perfect." Bella clapped her hands together and held out one to Harry.

"You guys should keep looking, though, in case we fail." Harry suggested.

"We will." Emma nodded. Harry slid his hand into Bella's, and then looked at Andi.

"You wanna come?" he asked. Andi bit her lip thoughtfully, then nodded and slipped her hand in Harry's.

"Black sisters adventure, here we come." Bella grinned at her big sister.

With a loud crack, the three of them vanished.


Harry appeared hand in hand with Bella and Andromeda on a London street. Bella pulled her wand from her pocket and tapped it against her chest, and her clothing turned into more typical wizard robes rather than her previous Muggle wear.

Bella led the way as the trio headed towards a phone booth and stepped inside it.

It was a bit of a tight squeeze with three of them, and Harry ended up with Andromeda's huge tits mashed up against his chest, but based on the look in her pretty gray eyes, neither one of them was too upset by that.

Bella dialed 62442 on the telephone and held it up to her ear.

"Bellatrix Black. Retrieval." Bella said curtly, and hung up.

"Alright, you two under the Cloak." Bella ordered as the telephone box's floor began to lower. Harry pulled out the Invisibility Cloak and draped it over him and Andromeda, his arm wrapping around her waist to keep her close.

Underneath the fabric of the Cloak, Harry and Andromeda were rather close together, and her brown hair tickled his cheek.

The descending platform bottomed out, and the doors slid open. Bella strode out, and Harry and Andromeda followed. The Ministry was bustling with people, and navigating it under the Cloak was tricky.

One young man accidentally brushed his arm against Andromeda's invisible tit, and looked around in amazement, before swinging his arm around rather idiotically, trying for another feel, but Harry and Andi hurried away before he could draw any attention.

The trio eventually made it to the elevator, and were alone there as it headed downwards.

"Alright, we're not far once we get off this elevator." Bella said quietly to Harry and Andromeda, then looked around, "You guys are here, right?"

Harry reached his hand out from under the Cloak and gave Bella a wave before replacing it beneath the magical fabric.

"Guess so." Bella remarked dryly.

The elevator stopped two floors above their destination, and Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, stepped on.

"Bella, good afternoon. I thought you were off for the next few days." Amelia greeted Bella warmly.

Harry eyed up Susan's sexy aunt. Long, auburn hair, huge tits rivaling Andromeda's if not surpassing them, plus thick curves that Andromeda definitely did not have.

"Hey, boss." Bella smiled, "Just forgot something in my office."

"Strange… I don't remember your office being on the Archives floor." Amelia said suspiciously.

Under the Cloak, Harry and Andromeda exchanged worried glances.

"Auror Black, I'm going to have to ask you to submit to questioning. Your appearance here on an off day, coupled with your destination is too much to ignore." Amelia apologized.

Harry moved up to Amelia's ear and spoke quietly.

"Ms. Bones, this is Harry Potter, a friend of Susan's. I'm here on a mission to save Astoria Greengrass from her blood curse, but to do that, I need access to a map of magical schools. Aunt Bella's with me, and so is Andromeda Black." Harry explained quietly. Amelia straightened.

"Bella, you're free to go. Take your sister with you. I'll get Harry what he needs." Amelia said, and Andromeda emerged from under the Cloak.

"Oh, actually, give Andromeda your Cloak, Harry. I'll escort you in and out personally." Amelia said, "No one will question me."

Harry passed over his Cloak to Andi, said a quick goodbye to Bella and Andi, and then left the lift with Amelia, trying not to stare at her straining top.

"So, what are you looking for?" Amelia wondered as she held up her wand and traced a symbol on a huge silver padlock. The padlock vanished, and the great iron doors slid open.

Amelia led Harry in.

"I'm looking for a Scandinavian magic school called Fólkvangar." Harry said. Amelia raised her eyebrows.

"Astoria's blood curse is Norse in origin, so we're exploring Norse magic." Harry shrugged.

"I heard about her falling ill. It's very tragic, and unusual. A blood curse rarely affects a girl of just thirteen." Amelia said.

"That's what her mum said, too." Harry nodded.

"How is Emma?" Amelia asked sadly.

"Struggling, but we all are." Harry sighed. Amelia wrapped her arms around Harry, and he closed his eyes contently. Amelia was definitely bustier than Andromeda.

What did the Bones family eat? Both of the Bones women Harry had met were outrageously busty.

Amelia was thick and voluptuous, too, which Harry enjoyed. She was a little thicker than any of the other women he'd been with, but she was no less sexy. Besides, it did seem to mostly be curves, not fat. In fact, she looked to be in remarkably good shape.

"Thank you for helping me." Harry murmured.

"Don't mention it." Amelia said softly, "I know how special you are to Susan. She'd want me to help you."

Harry smiled, and let go of Amelia.

"Alright, so, Scandinavian school." Amelia clapped her hands and led Harry through row and row of shelves, each of them covered in scrolls, journals, books, notes, even the occasional leaf inscribed with ink.

They arrived in the magical school section and Amelia pulled out a long scroll and unfurled it. Harry stood beside her and peered down at a map of Russia, which had a school called Durmstrang marked on it.

"Scandinavia." Amelia ordered the map, and the map's contents transformed into the European region of Scandinavia.

The school Harry was looking for, Fólkvangar, was mapped, to Harry's great relief. He was half worried that it wouldn't be there, and they'd have to do yet another thing to unlock the map to get to the school to find the goddess to cure Astoria. It could have become a long to-do list.

"It looks like it's on the Faroe Islands, which are between Iceland and Norway." Amelia pointed. She tapped the marker and it zoomed in to one of the 18 or so islands dotted around in the archipelago.

"It's on that one. Eysturoy." Amelia read aloud, "Apparently it's a subterranean school, embedded in a mountain called Slættaratindur."

"Huh. An underground school when you have those amazing views? Pretty weird choice." Harry said.

"Unless they were potentially trying to build something to withstand Ragnarök." Amelia suggested.

"You know, you might be right about that." Harry nodded.

"Is that all you needed?" Amelia asked.

"I don't suppose you have the last known location of the goddess Freya?" Harry wondered. Amelia blinked.

"No? Ok." Harry said, "Then I'm all good."

"I'll walk you out to your aunts, then." Amelia smiled, and then looked around. She pressed the map into Harry's hand.

"Bring that back to me once Astoria is cured." Amelia whispered, and Harry smiled.

"I will, I swear it. Thank you so much." Harry said, tucking the scroll away.