
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Just the Three of Us

Part XXXII: Just the Three of Us

This chapter contains smut!

Harry returned to his bedroom once Daphne, Susan, and Hermione left, and found that Nym was laying on his bed, already entirely nude.

Harry's eyes relished the body of his naked, nineteen year old pseudo-big sister.

"I was wondering if you forgot about me." Nym purred, sitting up in bed. Harry enjoyed watching her heavy breasts shift as she did so.

"Never." Harry said truthfully, "I was just saying my goodbyes to Daphne, Susan, and Hermione."

"Mm. I noticed you and Daphne were looking very couply today." Nym said knowingly.

Harry couldn't resist a broad grin.

"She confessed how she really felt, and I've felt the same way for ages, so yeah, we're together now, properly." Harry said happily.

"So… are we done here?" Nym asked softly.

"Definitely not." Harry said emphatically. Nym giggled and held out her hands. Harry grabbed his sister's hands and allowed her to pull him in close.

Nym's arms slid around Harry's neck and her generous tits mashed up against his chest as their lips met. Harry and Nym kissed feverishly, and one of Harry's hands traveled down to Nym's great ass and he began to play with it.

"You two do not waste time, do you?" a sexy French voice came, and Harry and Nym both turned hastily to the door.

Fleur Delacour stood on the threshold, smiling seductively at Harry. She, to Harry's great amazement, was also nude.

Harry reveled in Fleur's huge tits, which were larger than Nym's, his eyes traveled along her smooth, unblemished body to her flat stomach, then his eyes followed the wide curves of her hips down her long, flawless legs, and then his eyes landed on her bare pussy.

"I came up to thank you for what you did to help my little sister, but if appears you are already busy." Fleur said teasingly.

"You're more than welcome to join." Harry said.

"Oh?" Fleur grinned.

Fleur sauntered towards the bed and laid down on the bed.

"Perhaps, 'Arry, you should get undressed. We are both in ze nude, after all." Fleur said.

"Mmm. I like that idea." Nym said, her top half falling back onto the bed, tits bouncing as she did so.

Harry rose off of Nym's hips and hastily stripped off his swim trunks, then delighted at the view before him.

Two insanely sexy older girls, both naked and very busty and very, very beautiful.

"My, my. It is no wonder my sister raves about your performance, with an instrument like zat." Fleur said in astonishment. She had not expected the boy of thirteen to have a cock larger than most grown men.

"He truly is amazing with it." Nym agreed. Harry could tell she was unsure about the threesome, but Fleur was naughty enough not to be bothered by Harry and Nym, siblings in all but blood, shagging like rabbits.

"Good." Fleur said, "I am a difficult girl to pleasure."

Harry grinned. Challenge accepted. Harry walked forwards, his dick so hard that it ached. Fleur eagerly spread her legs at his approach, and Harry enjoyed the view, the sexy Veela looking so needy, her pussy glistening with moisture and want, her blue eyes looking at him so desperately.

Harry glanced towards Nym, looking at her tanner body, with its' smaller but assuredly not small breasts, her flat stomach and her more athletic physique. Fleur was slender, but she sure wasn't at the same level of physical prowess as Nym, who was fit from Auror training. Nym's hair turned vivid green as Harry put his hands on Fleur's thighs, and Harry couldn't resist grinning at her.

"Feeling jealous?" Harry wondered. Nym looked briefly surprised, and then she grabbed a bit of her hair and held it before her face.

"Damn it." Nym muttered.

"If your big sister is feeling jealous, zen it is your duty as her little brother to make her feel better." Fleur said naughtily. Harry chuckled.

"You want me to take care of you first, sis?" Harry asked innocently.

Nym bit her lip and nodded emphatically.

"You're damn right I do." Nym said, and Harry smirked at the hunger in Nym's tone. No thirteen year old boy could resist that sort of request, and so Harry took his hands off of Fleur's thick, juicy thighs, and he stepped over to Nym.

"Fuck her." Fleur encouraged, "Fuck your big sister silly."

Harry put his hands on Nym's thighs, and then he lined up his hard cock with her entrance.

"Do it." Nym pleaded, and Harry obliged. His cock slid inside Nym's pussy, and just like last time, she adapted her walls, squeezing and milking his cock so that each thrust provided maximum pleasure to him and her both. She was clearly an expert at manipulating her body.

As Harry started thrusting into her, the bright green of her hair faded away, back to its', well, not it's natural, but its' usual color of bubblegum pink.

Fleur rose to her feet, and stood behind Harry, her arms wrapping around the younger boy. Her heavy breasts pressed up against him from behind, and her silver blond hair draped across his shoulders as Fleur started kissing his neck.

Nym looked at Fleur with her hands roaming all over Harry, and she sent a little bit of concentration to her tits, making them swell up before Harry's eager teenage eyes.

"She can do zat?" Fleur asked incredulously, looking on with a bit of jealousy in her eyes now.

Harry eagerly picked up the pace, and Nym's only response to Fleur was a loud, euphoric moan. Nym was well aware how much her little brother liked titties.

Harry put all of his force into the thrusts, slamming into Nym's pussy as hard as he could. He wanted to hear his big sis moan, and by Merlin if she wasn't. Nym's loud moans echoed through the bedroom and most of the hallway outside of Harry's room.

Harry was in ecstasy, feeling Nym's magic pussy milking his cock and Fleur's hands roaming around his body, her Veela allure flaring up whenever her erect nipples dragged across Harry's body. The flares of her allure were only increasing Harry and Nym's lust, and bringing their explosions closer and closer.

"Do it." Fleur purred in Harry's ear, "Seed your big sister's pussy."

Harry grunted as Fleur's words tipped him over the edge. Nym, who was in sheer, unthinkable pleasure due to Harry fucking her and Fleur's allure, writhed on the bed in total euphoria as Harry's seed filled her up. Harry's hips bucked and Nym squirmed frantically as her own explosion arrived.

Fleur held Harry tightly in her arms as Nym writhed on the bed, mad with pleasure.

"Look how good you made your big sister feel." Fleur whispered playfully.

Harry watched in pride as Nym's orgasm tapered off, leaving the Metamorpmagus panting on the bed, her luscious tanned body glistening with sweat. Her pink hair was a coral splash across Harry's bed, and Nym's huge tits heaved with each hungry gasp of air she took.

Harry drew his cock from Nym's scorching pussy, and her juices glistened on his shaft. Some of Harry's cum leaked from her entrance, and Fleur looked delighted.

"Me next." Fleur said eagerly, and flung herself backwards onto the bed, spreading her legs. She smirked.

"Zat is, if you have ze stamina to go again." Fleur said, teasing him.

Harry took one look at the sexy Fleur gave him, and his cock started hardening again. She did tend to have that effect on men.

Harry went to fuck Fleur like he had Nym, but she grabbed him and flipped him onto his back, laying beside Nym. Fleur slid astride him, grasping the base of his cock with one of her smooth hands, and then she guided her pussy down onto it.

Fleur lost control of her allure as Harry's dick slid inside her. A powerful burst erupted from her, sending shudders and a second orgasm through Nym, and Harry's hands clawed at the sheets as he exploded inside Fleur.

To his amazement, though, Fleur moaned in pleasure and squirmed on his cock as his cum filled her up. Harry recalled fucking Gabby, and how his cum had sent her over the edge after hardly any proper fucking. It must be a Veela thing.

Harry was ready to fuck after just a few seconds. He understood the danger of the Veela allure for the first time while Fleur bounced on his cock.

The Veela aroused a man so much he couldn't help but seed her, and then her allure got him hard again. It was a vicious cycle, one that only ended when the man's body failed him. No one, wizard or otherwise, could maintain an endless cycle of cumming, no matter if they could get hard or not.

Harry went through three explosions inside Fleur before he had to shove her off. The Veela girl of seventeen had gone through two of her own orgasms and was hungry for more.

For the first time, Fleur's eyes looked inhuman.

"Fleur…" a spent Harry pleaded, "I can't keep going."

Fleur was panting hard, sweat glistening on her large, milky breasts, and her usual elegant silver blond hair was a mess, blue eyes starving.

"It's sex! I can make you hard like zis!" Fleur snapped her fingers, and Harry's cock rose.

Nym moved suddenly, wrapping her arms tightly around Fleur, restraining her.

"If you hurt Harry, I'll break you." Nym said fiercely.

Fleur seemed to come to herself, and her blue eyes turned less icy.

"'Arry." Fleur said apologetically, "I'm sorry. Ze allure drives me mad as much as you."

Harry shook his head, and reached for Fleur, tugging her naked, flawless body down to him.

"I'm not bothered. It would be a great way to die." Harry joked, but the exhaustion was settling in.

Nym crawled over to lay down beside Harry, her head resting on his shoulder. Fleur planted her full, soft lips on Harry's mouth, and she kissed him for a few moments before drawing back.

"You need some sleep, 'Arry." Fleur whispered, and she laid down, her breasts mashed against his stomach, her head on his chest, and his arm settled around her waist.

On his other side, Harry's arm was wrapped around Nym, one of her hands laced with his. Nym pressed a kiss to Harry's throat, and Harry drifted off with the two older girls cuddled up against him.