
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Family Matters

Part XXVIII: Family Matters

Harry strode across the lawn, his black hair ruffling in the summer wind. A creature slithered forwards to meet him, and Harry smiled at Seleia.

The still topless lamia smiled back at Harry, her golden eyes happy. In the few weeks that Seleia had been out of the Chamber and placed at Potter Manor, she'd already developed a healthy tan, no longer the extremely pale lamia Harry had met in the Chamber.

"Hey, Seleia." Harry smiled. Seleia threw her arms around Harry, and her bare breasts mashed against his chest.

"Master, I cannot thank you enough." Seleia murmured in Harry's ear. His hand rubbed up and down her bare back.

"I don't need thanks." Harry protested, but Seleia shook her head.

"You do. I intend to serve you as a most faithful servant, Master." Seleia said firmly.

"Really? You just got free, and you're swearing servitude to me?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes. You freed me, and I am indebted to you. So, I am yours to command." Seleia said softly.

Her sultry voice was incredibly sexy with that Greek accent, and Harry had been helping her speak English again. She already knew English once, but she had forgotten certain aspects of it over the long years in the Chamber.

A more perverted part of Harry's brain woke up at Seleia's words, and he could feel his dick stiffening.

Harry quickly stepped back from the hug.

"Thanks for your… uh, servitude. For now, keep on relaxing in the sun. If I need you, I'll call on you." Harry said. Seleia nodded with a smile, and slithered away towards the natural pond on the property.

Harry turned and walked back to the Manor, where he found his mother and his Aunt Bella standing there.

Both attractive women smiled at Harry.

"Aunt Bella! What are you doing here?" Harry laughed, embracing his mother's close friend. Her black hair tickled his cheek, and Bella laughed in surprise.

"I saw you a month ago, and you've already shot up!" Bella said, amazed, "You're almost as tall as me!"

Lily slid up to Harry's side, and Harry looked down at his sexy redhead mother, who was on the shorter side.

"He's taller than me." Lily said, jokingly upset. Harry laughed and slipped his arms around both women, tugging them both to him. Their large bosoms squeezed up against him, and Bella planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Anyway, I'm here to take you to the Ministry." Bella said, and Harry looked at her curiously.

"Why?" Harry wondered.

"Your paperwork for allying with House Patil went through, so you'll be meeting with the Patil family and going over some fine details." Bella said simply.

"Oh. Is Mum coming?" Harry asked, looking to Lily. She shook her head.

"No, I'm not. I figured I'd go and check on the Weasleys. Molly sent an owl about Ginny." Lily said.

"You'll probably need me, if Ginny's having any issues." Harry said quickly.

"I expect I will, but I just want to go see if I can help at all." Lily said softly, and she kissed Harry's cheek, as close to the mouth as she dared in front of Bella.

Bella offered Harry her arm, and Harry took it. She twisted on the spot and the two of them landed in the Ministry.

"Alright. You will be over here, in the Offices of Inter-Clan Communication." Bella said, grabbing Harry by the hand.

If anyone thought it strange that Harry and Bella walked through the Ministry holding hands, they did not comment. They reached a lift, and the two of them stepped into it. Bella pushed a button on the wall.

"Please state identification." a monotone computer voice said.

"Bellatrix Black, Auror, Upper Cohort." Bella said simply, then looked at Harry.

"Harry Potter. Uh… Visitor." Harry said.

The lift gave a little ding noise, and it began to trek downwards.

The doors sprung open, and Bella and Harry marched forwards, through a set of golden double doors, which was when she dropped his hand.

Inside the room stood four people.

Parvati and Padma Patil were two of them. The other was a gorgeous Indian woman in a fairly revealing turquoise dress who greatly resembled the twins, though she was a bit taller, and certainly curvier than Parvati. It was clear where Padma got her curves from.

"Harry, this is our mum, Priya Patil." Parvati introduced.

"And our dad, Pakhi Patil." Padma introduced.

"Pleasure." Harry said, walking forwards.

"Lord Potter, thank you so much. Your offer it… it was so generous." Priya exclaimed, and she threw herself into Harry's arms. Harry noticed Pakhi glaring as his wife embraced Harry, and so he quickly ended the pleasant embrace.

"Please, Harry is fine. I don't go by Lord anything." Harry said, the title too close to Voldemort for his liking.

"Of course, Harry." Priya said a bit huskily. Harry couldn't resist grinning at the twins' MILF mother.

"So, what brought on this sudden generosity?" Pakhi demanded.

"We are not interrogating the boy, Pakhi!" Priya chided.

"I'm friends with your daughters, and so I didn't want them to be sold off like slaves, which was your plan, right?" Harry asked Pakhi coldly. The Indian man showed a respectable amount of grit as he stared Harry down.

"Yes, it was. The family is tight on money." Pakhi growled.

"I see. So, you noticed just how insanely beautiful your daughters are, and planned to trade their happiness for a few extra Galleons?" Harry asked venomously. Parvati and Padma both gave him delighted smiles in response to his compliment.

"Yes, he did." Priya said, looking unfavorably at her husband. She approached the table and leaned slightly to show off some of her sensuous cleavage to Harry.

"So, Harry, what do you think the best course of action is, regarding our agreement?" Priya asked.

For the next twenty minutes, Harry and Priya talked over various aspects of the contract, with Bella jumping in whenever Harry wasn't quite sure of something.

After that, with Harry and Bella both satisfied, Harry signed the contract.

Priya took the quill from him and signed it as well, then slid it down to Pakhi.

He took a long time reading it, but then eventually gave his signature.

All three signatures glowed a vivid gold. It was done. Harry had given the Patils a small sum of money, Parvati and Padma were unable to be entered without their permission into a betrothal, and Houses Potter and Patil were now allies.

Harry and Bella left the room together, but paused when there was a cry of 'Wait!'.

Harry turned to see the twins coming towards him. Bella gave Harry a knowing smile.

"I'll be in my office. Swing by when you're done." she winked, and walked off, capturing the eyes of every wizard she passed, and even some of the witches.

Parvati threw her arms around Harry and he held her close to his chest, then she stepped aside to let Padma do the same.

When Padma stepped aside, both girls smiled at Harry.

"We really want to repay your generosity." Parvati said naughtily. Harry smiled, and looked between the two of them.

"You know… I don't want to have sex with you two." Harry said, and the smiles on their faces dropped.

"Oh, fuck. Hang on, that's not what I meant. I would absolutely love to fuck the both of you silly. But I don't want it to be because you feel like you have to thank me for giving your family money or anything." Harry said hastily.

"We're not doing it out of obligation." Padma frowned.

"I know, but still… it just feels too much like the sex was part of the business transaction. Look, if you want to thank me, come to the pool party I'm having this weekend. A bunch of people are coming, and I want you two there." Harry smiled.

"How did someone as gallant as you end up in Slytherin?" Parvati asked, positively beaming. She walked forwards and wrapped her arms around Harry, planting her lips on his for a long, tender kiss.

"Well, my next sentence was going to be much less gallant." Harry admitted.

"Oh?" Parvati asked, eyebrows raised.

"I was going to say that seeing your bodies in bikinis would be thanks enough." Harry said shamelessly. Parvati and Padma gave Harry identical playful grins.

"We'll wear our skimpiest." Parvati promised.

"There won't be other boys there, will there?" Padma asked.

"Just Blaise." Harry said. Padma nodded.

"Oh, lighten up, Pad. You should be proud of your body. Men ogling your body is a compliment." Parvati told her sister sternly.

Harry laughed.

"Some guys are just creeps, but if you ever catch me staring, sure, you can call it a compliment." Harry shrugged. Padma laughed.

"Perv!" she said teasingly.

Harry and Parvati kissed again, and then Harry glanced at Padma.

"She's a bit shy. We'll see you this weekend." Parvati said after a few beats of silence.

"Perfect." Harry nodded, and headed over to Bella's office.