
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Diagon Alley

Part XLIII: Diagon Alley

Two weeks later found Harry Potter laying on his back in his bed, head thrown back and his hands laced with those of Lily Potter's.

Harry's insanely sexy mother was riding his dick, her large tits bouncing around as she did so with enthusiasm.

Harry was often woken up like this, by Lily starting the day with some depraved act that Harry loved. Harry and Lily's sexual encounters had only grown in frequency since Harry's birthday, as the pair recognized that the start of Harry's third year was pretty much the end of their time together in bed.

Both of their quarters would be too public for incestuous sex, so they were out of luck until probably Christmas break once September 1st rolled around.

"Oh, I love you!" Lily cried.

"I love you, too!" Harry groaned, and exploded inside his mother. Lily cooed and gasped and enjoyed the sensation of her son cumming in her.

"You didn't orgasm." Harry realized once he came down from his high. Lily laughed.

"Love, you've fucked me to so many orgasms in the past two weeks that you enjoying yourself instead of focusing on my enjoyment is totally allowed. You can make it up to me next time." Lily teased.

"I definitely will." Harry vowed, and Lily leaned down to kiss Harry.

"We're headed to Diagon Alley today, right, Mum?" Harry wondered.

"Yes. Emma and Apolline will be there, too, along with their daughters, of course." Lily explained.

"Nice." Harry grinned, thinking of the sexy ladies that were Daphne, Astoria, Fleur, Gabrielle, and their mums. Harry realized that of the four girls close to his age, the only one he hadn't slept with was Storey.

He needed to remedy that this school year.

"Speaking of Diagon Alley, we need to start getting ready now, or we'll never make it." Lily realized.

"No sex in the shower?" Harry asked innocently. Lily gave him a loving smile.

"You know I can never tell you no." Lily said adoringly.

"I'm making you orgasm in the shower." Harry said firmly, and Lily's pussy gave a throb of anticipation.


Harry and Lily Apparated into the Leaky Cauldron tavern, hand in hand.

Lily moved on slightly unsteady legs, Harry having fulfilled his promise twice.

They spotted the Delacours first, as they tended to draw all the eyes in the room.

Gabby jumped up to greet Harry and Harry embraced her tightly, his lips meeting hers in a tender kiss.

Gabrielle slid aside and was replaced by Fleur, who had to restrain from kissing Harry in public because of the age difference, so Harry got only a tight hug, which, when hugging a busty young woman like Fleur Delacour, was amazing in itself.

"I'm so glad I'll be at Hogwarts zis year." Fleur whispered teasingly into Harry's ear.

"I'm glad you'll be there, too." Harry said seriously, "And I wish you could spend your seventh year there, too."

"Of course, I wish zat, too. But I have to attend Beauxbatons for my last year in order for my education to be validated. I am only an exchange student for this year." Fleur smiled.

"I know, I know." Harry said.

"If only you had knocked me up sooner. I could have spent more years at Hogwarts." Fleur teased. Harry grinned.

The way magical education worked, when you started your first year, it bound your magic to the school you started at for seven years. You could exchange to a different school for years 2-6, but you had to complete your last year at the school you did your first year at.

"My daughters, zey are smitten with you." Apolline laughed, embracing Harry once Fleur moved aside.

"A little." Harry shrugged. Apolline kissed his cheek, and then stepped aside.

"Have you seen the Greengrasses?" Harry asked Gabrielle.

"Non." the sexy girl replied in French.

"Emma is frequently late." Lily joked. Apolline laughed.

"I am not!" a voice exclaimed indignantly, and the group turned to see a trio had just Apparated into the Cauldron.

Emma Greengrass and her two daughters greeted the group, and Harry received hugs from all three, and a sizzling kiss from Daphne.

"So, shall we head in?" Emma suggested. The group went out into the alley, opened the archway that led into Diagon Alley, and then began the lengthy process of buying new school supplies.

Astoria needed new school uniforms, as she'd gotten rather busty over the summer, and now sported a sensational rack that was of comparable size to her big sister's. Harry couldn't quite tell, but Astoria might actually be bustier.

Daphne didn't seem too happy with that, whether or not Astoria was bigger, Daphne was no longer the significantly bustier sister.

Other than that, shopping went well. Lily bought Harry the new Firebolt for Quidditch this year, which Harry was incredibly grateful for, as it was expensive. Sure, the Potters were rich, but it was still a solid sum to spend on a gift.

Shopping for school supplies was always a reality check that summer was nearly over, and Harry saw a few people from school, such as Lavender Brown, Mandy Brocklehurst, and Neville Longbottom.

Harry only talked to Neville, who was here with his mum Alice.

Alice Longbottom was a beautiful woman with dark brown hair, kind blue eyes, and a lithe, slender build. She had small but perky breasts, slim curves to her hips, and a tight, toned ass.

Harry knew Alice decently well, as Lily was friends with her from their days together in the Order of the Phoenix, fighting against Voldemort.

There had been a time when Alice and her husband Frank had been targeted, along with Neville, for some unknown reason, but unlike the Potters, their secret location had gone unrevealed.

In the years following James' death, Alice had helped Lily with raising Harry, and even now, she popped over periodically during the summers.

"Hi, Harry." Alice smiled, and Harry quickly embraced the slender woman.

"Hey, Neville." Harry nodded at Neville after releasing Alice.

"Hey." Neville said with a small nod.

Lily and Alice started chatting, but Harry was drawn away from the Longbottoms by the sensationally sexy Delacour sisters, who were giving him flirty, teasing smiles.

The rest of the day shopping was uneventful, and Harry enjoyed the day with his girls.