
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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Curse of Blood

Part XLVI: Curse of Blood

Harry Potter was not the typical Hogwarts student. This was simple fact. For example, most Hogwarts students would not be permitted to leave the school the very same night they had just arrived, with school the following morning.

But, as previously mentioned, Harry was an atypical Hogwarts student. This is why, at about ten o'clock on the night of September 1st, Harry, Lily, and Daphne Apparated directly into St. Mungo's, the most well-known wizarding hospital.

Harry looked at the chart stating which floor served which type of magical injury, but Daphne slipped her hand into his.

"C'mon, fifth floor. She's got a bed in the Janus Thickey ward." Daphne said, looking absolutely miserable.

Harry squeezed Daphne's hand, and looked helplessly at Lily.

Lily approached the two teens and slid an arm around each of them.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to Astoria. I hope that there'll be some way to save her. I really do." Lily said, devastated.

Harry wrapped his arm around Daphne, and she pressed up against his chest as the three ascended the steps up to the fifth floor.

Harry hated how Daphne was so familiar with the route to Astoria's bed. He hated that Daphne felt miserable, he hated that Astoria was hurting and he couldn't help her. The one thing Harry Potter hated more than anything was being powerless, and he was powerless in every way right now.

Harry, Lily, and Daphne came to Astoria's room, and found Emma Greengrass sitting by her daughter's side. Emma saw the three of them, and broke into tears.

Harry stared at Astoria in horror. The ravishingly beautiful, lively brunette he had seen just two weeks ago was transformed entirely. Her hair had turned pure white, her skin was pallid, her lips pale. Her breaths looked shallow, and she seemed much skinnier.

Harry dropped into a chair by her side and stared at her, rage building up inside him more and more every passing second that he looked at the girl in the bed, the near lifeless girl who couldn't be Astoria. His Storey.

Harry had never even made love to her. Had never taken her on a date with just him and her. Had never fallen asleep beside her and woken up beside her.

Lily touched Harry's shoulder, and the Potters embraced while Daphne and Emma clung to each other.

"What do we know about the curse?" Harry asked Emma.

"Oh. Um, I don't know much. I know it's ancient, at the very beginning of the Greengrass line. I know it was retribution for some kind of ancient sin against other family, but that's it." Emma said, "Stephen might know more."

"Where is Dad?" Daphne asked.

"Doing the same thing I expect Harry's about to do." Emma said, looking at Harry, "He's tearing through our manor's library, looking for some kind of ancient magic."

Harry's brain caught on the word 'ancient'.

"I… have an idea." Harry said, tilting his head, "I need a few minutes alone with Storey."

Emma nodded instantly, and Daphne and Lily both left with Emma. Harry placed his hand upon his heart, and spoke a word.

"Isis." he said, and a shimmering golden haze appeared on the bed, and it quickly formed the sexy body of the Egyptian goddess of magic, but Harry, for maybe the first time ever, wasn't in the mood to appreciate her beauty.

"Oh… I see why you called me." Isis said softly, and she brushed some hair tenderly out of Harry's face.

"Can you save her?" Harry asked desperately.

"I'll have to examine her. Curses can vary wildly." Isis said. Harry nodded.

"Whatever it takes." Harry told the goddess, who nodded. Isis leaned over Astoria's unconscious form and held out her hands. Golden mist emerged from them, swirling around Astoria.

Harry paced impatiently while Isis examined Astoria. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, Isis leaned back.

"I'm afraid that I can't break the curse. This curse is Nordic, a subject that I know almost nothing about." Isis confessed. Harry ran his hands through his hair.

"Ok, great. I don't suppose you have a Norse healing god on speed dial?" Harry questioned.

"I'm afraid I don't." Isis apologized.

"Damn it. Is there a way to break the curse without a Norse deity?" Harry asked.

"Of course. Any sufficient source of magic could perform a counter-curse. The issue would be locating or creating a counter-curse, as I'm afraid this young lady doesn't have long left." Isis said. Harry closed his eyes.

"Ok. So, I need to find a Norse counter-curse, or a Norse god of healing." Harry sighed.

"Or a Norse artifact of healing. There are many options, but it must be Nordic in origin. I am no expert in Norse magic, so I cannot point you in any specific direction. I would suggest you go to Scandinavia and contact some wizards there." Isis said apologetically.

"Ok. I can do that. Can you use your powers to keep her alive?" Harry asked the goddess.

"Yes, that, I can do." Isis said, looking relieved to be able to help.

"Thank you." Harry said, and rushed out to where Emma, Lily, and Daphne were.

"Well?" Emma rose to her feet.

"Ok, so, I called in a favor from the goddess Isis." Harry said. Daphne and Emma were both understandably shocked by this statement.

"And? Did she heal Astoria?" Lily questioned.

"No. Isis said the curse on Astoria is Nordic, not Egyptian in origin, meaning she can't undo it. However, Isis is using her powers to keep Astoria alive, so we have time to figure out a way." Harry said, and the three women looked relieved, "So, Isis had a few ideas about ways to break the curse, and they all require a trip to Scandinavia, pretty much. Isis said we can either locate a Norse deity of healing, find a Norse artifact, or locate a Norse counter-curse."

"None of those will be easy." Emma said knowledgeably, "The Norse were the most secretive group of ancient wizards, and so much of their magical culture is unknown. They're basically a mystery."

"What if I happened to know someone who's been alive since at least the tenth century?" Harry said thoughtfully. Emma blinked.

"Well, I don't know. It depends on how well-traveled that person might be." Emma said, unsure.

"Worth asking her." Harry muttered, his mind swirling with plans.

"Alright. Uh, Mum, are you OK if I don't go back to Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely." Lily replied readily, "This is more important."

"Thank you." Harry said, then looked to the three women, "Ok, I've got some different plans. Daphne, you need to go back to Greengrass Manor and tell your dad to focus on Nordic counter-curses, then help him look."

"I'll take her there now and come right back." Emma said, and Apparated away with Daphne, before returning.

"Right. So, I figure I'll head back to Potter Manor and talk to Seleia about Norse deities and artifacts." Harry said.

"As much as I want to, I'm afraid I actually do need to be at Hogwarts." Lily apologized.

"I'll take you." Emma volunteered.

"Great. Mum, I need Hermione." Harry said to Lily.

"I'm not sure Dumbledore will go for that." Lily said uncertainly.

"I need her." Harry said simply.

"If Hermione will help my daughter, then please. You have to get her." Emma implored. Lily nodded.

"I'll bring her to Potter Manor. You two should go talk to Seleia." Lily said.

"Thank you." Emma said to Lily, and the two women hugged.

Lily then Apparated away, and Emma held out her hand to Harry.

Harry took it, and Emma Apparated them away.


Harry and Emma Apparated onto the grounds, and Harry didn't let go of Emma's hand, guiding the older woman over to where Seleia liked to lounge.

"Master!" Harry heard Seleia exclaim, and turned to face his lamia.

Seleia looked as insanely sexy as ever, with her dark tan, black hair, luminous golden eyes, not to mention her huge, bare breasts.

"You are back so soon!" Seleia said delightedly, and embraced Harry tightly. Harry squeezed his topless lamia just as tightly.

"I actually need your help, Seleia." Harry admitted.

"How can I serve?" Seleia asked submissively.

"We're investigating ways to break a Norse blood curse." Emma said. Seleia looked questioningly Harry.

"Seleia, this is Emma. Treat her with respect." Harry said.

"Is she your wife, Master?" Seleia asked curiously. Harry laughed.

"No, she's not. Her daughter will be my wife one day, though. But right now, we really do need to know about Norse curses." Harry said.

"What about them?" Seleia asked.

"Somebody I love has become the victim of a Norse blood curse. I need a way to break it." Harry explained.

"A blood curse…" Seleia said thoughtfully, "I'm sorry, Master, I have not recalled these things in centuries. I will do my best."

"That's all I ask." Harry said. Emma sidled up to Harry while Seleia closed her eyes to think. Harry wrapped his arm around Emma, and the blond MILF leaned against his chest.

"Hey, if I have to search the entirety of Scandinavia to save Astoria, I will." Harry swore. Emma smiled sadly up at Harry.

"You've already given me hope, Harry. You've gotten closer to solving this than anyone in history." Emma said, "I know you'll find what you need."

"I didn't really do anything." Harry shook his head, "Isis determined it was a Norse curse."

"Yes, but what wizard has a goddess at their beck and call?" Emma asked softly, "You are exceptional, Harry, and I am so glad you entered my daughters' lives. Both of them love you so deeply, and today has shown me how deeply you love them back."

Seleia opened her eyes.

"I have dredged up some old memories. I recall Salazar discussing Nordic students with the other founders, but they weren't too fond of the idea, Rowena in particular. She said that the Norse wizards practice magic too far removed from what we teach. They cast spells using nature, such as plants and animals. Their magic draws on the energy of life, they do not muster it from their own cores. This means that, unfortunately, Norse spells are infinitely more powerful and infinitely more complicated." Seleia explained, "Rowena also made the point that the Norse already had a school of magic, a place called Fólkvangar. Rowena made only a brief reference to this place, but I believe if you are seeking information about Norse magic, Fólkvangar might be the place to start."

"That name sounds familiar. Is that a place in Norse mythology?" Harry asked. Seleia tilted her head.

"I believe so, yes. It is associated with the goddess Freya, who was a goddess of lust, love, fertility, and magic. She was wife of Odin and could be one of the few survivors of Ragnarök." Seleia said.

"Ragnarök?" Emma asked.

"The death of all gods in Norse mythology. A doomsday involving a giant serpent. It was a myth I enjoyed." Seleia smiled.

"But Freya, a goddess of magic, survived?" Harry could not believe his luck.

"If I am remembering correctly, there is no mention of Freya perishing in the battle, but there is also no proof she survived. She may well be the last Norse deity still alive." Seleia informed Harry.

"Ok. So, we're aiming for Freya, then." Harry summed up.

"If Fólkvangar is associated with Freya, then we should try to locate that. It's a concrete location with ties to the goddess we're looking for." Emma suggested.

"I agree. That'll be a good starting place." Harry said.

There was a loud crack, and Lily and Hermione stood there.

"Any updates?" Lily asked hopefully.

"Yes. With some information from Seleia, we worked out that there's a goddess of magic named Freya who seemingly survived the Norse doomsday. There's a place called Fólkvangar which is associated with her, so we're going to be looking for that." Emma explained.

"Wow. Well, good luck." Lily said, "I can't stay and help, Dumbledore was explicit. But, Harry, you should get Bella to help. She knows a lot about curses."

"I didn't even think about that!" Harry realized.

Lily kissed Harry swiftly, and then Apparated away after a quick goodbye.

"So, did you say we're tracking down a Norse goddess?" Hermione asked, looking a little sleepy, as if Lily had roused her from sleep.

"Yeah. Astoria's got a blood curse on her, and we think Freya can break it, or tell us how to." Harry explained.

"Right. You have a library here, right?" Hermione asked. Harry smiled and held out his hand to Hermione.

Hermione slipped her hand into his.