
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The cock was crowing loudly, signifying that it was already morning. When she was just about to open her eyes, she felt James remove his arms around her waist and gently got off from the bed.

She thought he was just going to move a little so that he could stare at her sleeping face but judging by how she couldn't feel his presence, she thought of the latter.

Tears started welling up her eyes, the moment she heard the door closed. She knew he only grabbed his clothes, dressed up and left.

She was afraid and broken. Was she right in the end?

Exactly two months have passed, she leaned her chin onto her hand. Until now, she's still waiting for James to come back despite it being impossible.

The same school gate engulfed her view as she renowned herself towards the world. Everything she had experienced so far was bitter.

James was replaced by Mrs. Crawford, a new teacher who knew how to cherish her students. She was now her adviser, a mother figure in her eyes.

Emmie stroked her abdomen with mixed resentment and bitterness. It's been two months since it occured and something in her was growing; a new life.

Honestly, she has no idea how she will survive this, knowing that everything was her fault.

A thin smile crossed her lips as the wind gushed its way to stroke her locks of hair.

She doesn't know how she'll keep moving forward but with the help of her best friend Oddette, Miranda and Alfred… she thinks she can handle it.


Two months had passed when Emmie received a new message from the Unknown number.

Unknown number: Hi, I'm sorry if I'm sending you a new message. Am I bothering you right now? I hope I'm not. How are you?

Emmie just looked at the message before putting it back in her pocket. She doesn't know what he wants but he suddenly stopped sending messages as well, not too long ago and here he is, sending again after two months.

Should she be happy or annoyed? Within those two months, she underwent a surge of emotional disturbance. She was so down with her pregnancy that she didn't have anyone to lean on.

At the tender age of just 18 years old, she was already eating for two. And it really bothered her how to live.

Emmie was pregnant with the child of her professor; a man who had vanished into the thin air as soon as he got what he wanted. The last time she saw him was at the bed, when he attempted to escape his responsibilities by waking up early, only to dress up and leave.

She unknowingly stroked her small stomach when she heard a voice.

"Emmie, are you alright?" When she lifted her head, it was none other than her adviser, Mrs. Crawford. She only nodded her head as a response while the teacher let out a narrow smile. "Don't worry, I'm here for you," she added, which made her want to cry.

Her concern and the sweet tone of her voice makes her sentimental, one as though a mother is concerned for her daughter's state.

But before a tear fell down her eye, she immediately wiped it off using her hand.

Among all the teachers, she didn't think that her adviser would be this kind to her. She found out that she was pregnant in her first month and never once has she tried to humiliate her in public and instead supported her. She never judged her nor insulted her for her wrong actions and instead comforted her. She even offered her a place to stay since Melinda and Alfred are now living together in her house while she on the other hand, decided to move out and live with Mrs. Crawford's home.

According to Mrs. Crawford, her son, is now in America. He chose to go there and live with her husband. Personally, she was shocked when her son suddenly announced his arrival to America. She has no idea why the man suddenly wanted to go to America and live with his dad when a few months ago, he had been teaching in a public school.

Her son just left without saying much and resigned from his job.

At that time, she was still in America together with her husband. Because no one will manage their farm and business in the Philippines, she decided to go back and leave the two behind.

"Let's go," Mrs. Crawford suggested. "Since I'm done talking with the principal," Mrs Crawford added.

Emmie got up and took her bag.

She have been waiting for Mrs. Crawford to come out of the classroom because she needed to talk with the principal. While waiting outside, she had her legs swinging back and forth.

Truthfully, the reason why she needed to talk with the principal is because she'll be asking for a long leave of absence. She didn't want others to point out her pregnancy which is the reason why she and her adviser decided to leave school as early as possible, one where a baby bump isn't visible yet.

Soon after when they were done, they were now heading towards the parking lot via the corridor to find Mrs. Crawford's car.

As Emmie felt embarrassed and shy, she had her head lowered the whole time until the woman spoke.

"You'll be undergoing homeschooling starting next month," she started. Emmie lofted her head to look at her homeroom teacher. "I will talk to all of your subject teachers and will bring you all the things you need in studying."

Hearing those words come out of her mouth, she was speechless. She couldn't believe how much time and effort this woman is spending on her.

They're not even blood relatives or any related of any kind yet she's this kind to her.

For a teenager like her who has been orphaned in less than a year, with a soon-to-be-birthed child, this feeling was beyond her. It feels as though she had another mother. Although as much as she wants to celebrate her luck, she sure hasn't forgotten her parents.

If they were alive and well, they would be disappointed in her decisions in life, especially when she became pregnant at such a young age with no man by her side.

Emmie shook her head.

James doesn't even have any idea that she's pregnant or so she thinks. And even if she does tell him, what would happen next? It's not like the man will suddenly take responsibility for it without any sort of proof, afterall, she's no longer a virgin and everything had happened with just a one night stand.

For sure James will just think that she's doing this so that she could make any man take responsibility for her child and or that she's just planning to hook up with him again.

She automatically bit her lower lip as she opened the door for Mrs. Crawford and put all her things. After a while, they walked towards the front as she sat on the passenger's while her homeroom teacher at the driver's.

Once the woman started the engine of her car, she then maneuvered the steering wheel towards the gate of the school, exiting the premises.

"My dear, would you like anything at the store? I was planning to pass by the grocery first before going home," Mrs. Crawford suggested, turning her head a little to look at her. It has been at most three minutes since they have been driving.

Emmie, who couldn't bear the craving and felt her stomach growling suddenly opened her mouth. It felt as though her mouth was salivating as she talked.

"M-Ma'am, can we get a green mango?" she asked shyly. She couldn't even say the words aloud as she felt embarrassed of her own request; it feels as though she has been ordering someone older than her, especially the woman who is taking care of her with no more than kindness and hospitality.

"Of course, we can. If you're craving for that, we will get it so don't worry," the woman said, reassuring her. There was a huge smile flashed into her face as though she was even excited about her pregnancy. She even told her before that whatever she craves, she said to tell her right away and never hesitate.

Above all, her homeroom teacher never once forced her to tell who the father of her child is and nevertheless took care of her. Although, she was just a new teacher right after James left a month before.