

Alex felt his blade sink into the demon's chest. At the same time, he felt the demon's claw plunge into his own. They both drop onto the ground. Alex pants. "I stopped you." The demon has his hand on his chest. "I see." The demon king's body seemed to dissolve. He turned into a teenage boy not much unlike Alex himself. They both feel each other's breaths slowing down and soon their heart beats stop. 

Warrior... Warrior wake up.

Alex's eye focused and readjusted to the nearly blinding lights. He was in a pure white hall of marble. Standing just in front of him, an angel.

"You have the power to achieve great things."

Alex smirked "Of course I do."

"Protect another world under threat of a calamity how you see fit. Once you achieve this, there will be nothing that can stop you from getting what you want."

"I'll protect any world that has innocent lives that need to be saved. I don't need any reward for something like that."

"Of course, warrior I've known you would've said that. Protect it with your life alright?"