
Chapter 1

On a television the news plays. "It... It's not looking good for humanity. Ever since that monster awakened, it's been on a rampage throughout the United States." That monster in question was a uncanny robot-like thing masquerading as a "hero." It announces how it's stopping villains, but it was really only causing violence and destruction. Alex watched the news unfurl in real time. She had no real power, but thought maybe, just maybe a miracle could happen. 

Alex woke up the next day wondering if she would be able to do something about the monster. Maybe if she was able to talk to the creature then maybe she could change the thing's mind or at least change its victims. It was then when a news article caught her eye. "A real hero steps up to stop the monster!" It was exactly what the title said. Apparently, when the robot suddenly appeared in Virginia, people from across the United States gained a "class" and they've started to level up fighting wildlife as if it was a game. The person featured in the video was an ex-boxer and gained a fighter class, leveled up to level 20, and was significantly surpassing what any human, even a someone at peak human fitness, could do. As she finished scrolling through the article a blue box appeared in her vision. It was a game screen directly implanted into her vision. 

[Congratulations player! You have become one of many who have been able to choose a class through having the necessary requirements.

You have been chosen as a Paladin through your dedication or want of something. Be faithful to your oath and you will be given extraordinary abilities.

Your oath is "Keep all you hold dear safe."]

Almost immediately after that popped up two more screens appeared.

[New Skill Acquired: Divine Smite Lvl 1:

Empower your next attack where the damage corresponds with your level and devotion to your oath.]

[New Skill Acquired: Detect Good and Evil Lvl 1:

You will be able to find out the morality of anyone of your choosing through a glow they emit and everyone has a unique glow.] 

Alex stared at the boxes incredulously. He could stop the monster with his new abilities. 

"Cast Divine Smite" Immediately his hands glowed with a yellow light. He punched his fist forward and he felt the air push out of the area where he punched. 

[Oath: 8 +1

Oath: 9    ]