

Next morning.....

Yawn.... The sleep was so sweet. It's warm here, I will like to cuddle all day I muttered to myself as I role and turned

only to realize where I was.

what! I'm sleeping on a smooth grass?

How did I get here? .... .....

woosh... I remembered what happened last night.

I had passed out while being dragged by that beast.

Could it possibly be keeping me for it's breakfast? my eye instantly widening.

No way!

I have to find my way out of here. Never will I become the breakfast of a beast.

Roaarrrrrrr Roaarrrrrrr

I had it coming the moment I stood up to leave. Ahhh I don't want to die

Osekereuwa please spare me I cried in my heart.

Tussle... It threw something at my feet.

What! A fresh meat?

Wait! is it trying to let me know that I will killed like this meat?

Ahhh.. No way!

I held a tree branch besides me, holding it like a shield, while I was trembling in fear.

But to my surprise it just keep looking at me.

It stoop down and took the meat. It tore it and put into its mouth then touched me.

Woosh.. is it acting nice? I moved further from it and hide myself.

It left. Jumping very fast.

Wow.. perfect!

I climb down and started running.

Fifteen minutes later. I heard the steps of something coming after me.

I started panicking, running faster than ever. I was so afraid that tripped on something and fell

Next.. it pouched on me and grabbed my clothes with its teeth and started running to it's den again.

Ah I can't die like this. I felt so powerless. I couldn't do anything.

It ran for sometime and stopped. I couldn't see where we are because my eyes were turning.

Gosh! My heart is beating like a drum.

Three minutes time

When I was finally calm, I saw a pile of fruits in my front. It made a gesture asking me to eat?

Huh! Does it want me to eat before finally killing.

Hehehe, it's so senseless. If I should eat something I will have an energy and I may kill it.

I shouldn't trust this beast. I should tread with caution.

I took a banana, removed the peel and threw it in my mouth

Yummy! The best I have ever had! If I wasn't breathing I would have taught this is forest part of heaven.

Why are fruits so yummy?

By the time I knew it, I have already finished the pile of fruits.

I was really hungry I said robbing my tummy.

I taught I wanted to stay alert?

ahhh this beast! it's so cunning.

Please don't kill me.