
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Divina is a sleep seer for the king of Ceavaria, a title passed onto her by her mother. When a bout of insomnia causes her to get on the king's bad side, she quickly learns that her adequate life might not be worth her sticking around. A kind knight comes to her rescue as her situation becomes even more dire due to a treasonous act. Now she must survive with the help of her knight who she is discovering is more than what he appears.

Audra_Symphony · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 15

Owen waited anxiously outside the throne room. Divina had looked terrified as she was escorted through the door. He hadn't been her guard for long, only about two months, but he had never witnessed her treated in such a manner. While she lived a stifling life she was mostly free to move about on her own. Even he did not restrict her movements save for the garden incident, but that was for her health. This was definitely different. The two guards looked like they were escorting a criminal rather than the king's 'ward.'

Owen tried to listen closely, but the doors were far too thick. He would only hear something if someone shouted. But he was ready to burst through the doors the moment he heard Divina cry out. Propriety be damned. He would not stand by while the king struck a defenseless woman as he did last time.

He hadn't thought much about Divina's role in court. He knew that she was mistreated by the other ladies, that the prince harassed her, and the wizard distrust her. But even after learning that she was a seer, he did not put much thought into what that meant. She was the king's property. He allowed her to mingle with nobility for show. To pretend to give her some resemblance of freedom, but she was nothing more than a canary locked in a cage, forced to sing at his command. He was sure that it drained her. His wish to see her smile would never be fulfilled as long as he lived under the king's thumb.

Suddenly the doors burst open. The two guards gripped Divina's upper arms and her feet dragged behind her. He head hung low and her hair hid her face. Owen's gut reaction was to place his hand on his sword, ready to strike down the two men who dared touch her in such a way.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice said. Wizard Obus appeared next to Owen. He placed a knobby hand over the hand gripping his sword.

"And why not?" Owen seethed.

"Do not be dramatic boy," the wizard chastised, "She is only being confined to her room." Owen's grip relaxed a bit but he still did not remove his hand from his sword.

"Why?" he demanded as he watch Divina disappear around the corner with the two men.

"She is the king's ward and as such, she had certain duties to perform to show her appreciation for the kind care he has given to her," Wizard Obus replied. Owen wanted to laugh. He had no proof but Owen was sure that he knew that Owen knew exactly what Divina did for the king.

"She has not been doing her part and I suggested that maybe she has had too many distractions as of late," Wizard Obus continued. Owen caught his clear meaning. He was the distraction. But there had to be something else. If the wizard had been truly watching them this entire time as Owen suspected he had then he would know that Divina kept him at more than arm's length. He could count on one hand how many conversations he had had with her. He had been following her every move nearly every day yet he knew very little about her. No. The wizard was using him as an excuse. There was another reason why he wanted to isolate her. Owen forced himself to relax and finally released the hold on his sword.

"For how long?" Owen asked, trying to pretend it was just idle curiosity.

"Indefinitely," Wizard Obus smiled. Owen didn't react.

"Of course, this means that you may return to your battalion," he added, "Thank you for your service." Owen stiffly bowed. This was bad.

He made his way back to the training grounds where the rest of the knights were sparing. It smelled like sweat and mud. He had not missed the smell of the place. He had grown used to the fresh smell of the clean castle and even more used to Divina's scent. She had spent so much time in the gardens that even on days she stayed inside she still smelled of flowers, grass, and sunshine.

Owen spotted a couple of young squires battling with wooden swords. Their energy was high and their faces were fierce, but their footwork was sloppy.

"Remember his blindspots Gareth! What you lack in strength you can make up in speed. Use it to your advantage!" Owen spotted Captain Maximus observing the boys. Gareth dodged the larger boy's strike and dash to the side to slash him in the ribs. The other boy let out a frustrated howl.

"Jon, don't get cocky just because you have the upper hand," Max called, "Your strength will only get you so far. You have other attributes like a head. Use it!" The other boy Jon suddenly bent over and charged toward Gareth, headbutting him in the gut. Gareth landed on his back gasping for breath in utter shock. Jon stood up straight and grinned. The captain looked dumbfounded and squeezed the bridge of his nose with a long sigh as if he had suddenly suffered from an intense headache.

"Take a break," he finally said. Jon helped Gareth up and slapped him on the back in comradery which only seemed to knock even more air out of the boy.

Owen walked up to Max. He hadn't forgotten about their conversation from the day before. By the look on Max's face, neither had he.

"Captain," Owen said in greeting.

"Congratulations on winning the tournament," he replied mutely, "I did not see you at the banquet. You are lucky his majesty didn't question your absence." Of course, the king wouldn't question it. He may not have the same proclivities as his late wife or son, but he still enjoyed being entertained by the opposite sex.

"I had somewhere to be," Owen said vaguely. He would admit to no one where he actually was.

"Have you come to tell me you'll go help the troops at the Isen border?" Max asked dully.

"No," Owen replied flatly, "However, I have come to let know that I've been released from my duty. The king's ward is to be confined to her room so I no longer need to guard her." Max pursed his lips.

"Why do you look as if the news displeases you?"

"Follow me, Owen," he said. Owen followed the captain all the way to his personal barrack. The captain had a house outside the castle walls, but he often spent the night there. It was a one-room structure. Inside there was a single bed, a desk covered in maps and papers, and a small bookcase. Max didn't speak to Owen until Max had made sure that there was no one outside and the door was firmly shut.

"I am not pleased," he finally told him.

"I don't understand," Owen said, frustrated, "You wanted to send me off to Isen just to get me away from her."

"I want to ship you off to Isen to get away from the wizard!" Max snapped, "I never knew that she was to be the person you would be guarding and I didn't know that the wizard kept constant eyes on her which meant that he had constant eyes on you." Owen didn't know how to react.

"All that girl had to do was look at you with her sad eyes to sink her hooks into you and now you've been caught up in whatever mess she has with the wizard," Max accused.

"If you are insinuating she's been manipulating me then you are mistaken. It was my duty to guard her and nothing more."

"Nothing more," Max narrowed his eyes, "Where is the golden rose, Owen?" Owen stayed silent and locked eyes with Max. A moment passed, but finally, Owen broke away first. There was no use lying. Max knew him well. He probably knew him better than his own parents had.

"The worst thing that can happen is for the wizard to take notice of you," Max lectured, "And now not only has he taken notice of you. He suspects you. That girl is clearly his enemy. He can't touch her. The king won't let him. But he encourages the court's disdain for her and-"

"Wait," Owen interrupted, "What do you mean he encourages it?"

"This is what I mean, Owen," Max snapped, "You are a great knight. The best I've seen in a long time and I would trust you with my life on the battlefield. But you do not understand the going ons of court. The wizard has power. He may keep to the shadows, but he's in the ear of every noble at court. He fans the flames whenever they gossip about her. He uses them to spy. He pays the ladies of the court with potions to not only report on her but to ensure she knows her place. I suspect that he is partly the reason that the prince is obsessed with her. He encouraged him to torture her when they were children as a way of getting back at her mother for being the king's favorite. The prince would have probably killed her by now if it wasn't for the confusion spell the king forced him to put on the lad to prevent him from ever finding her room. And now he sees you trying to be her knight and shining armor. He's already murdered another person who dared to protect her."

"Safiya Beck?" Owen questioned. Max pursed his lips again.

"So she told you who her mother was."

"So you think I should abandon her in order to save myself from the wizard's wrath?" Owen confirmed.

Max sighed and softened his tone, "There is no use trying to save what cannot be saved, Owen. Trust me when I say that you are meant for greater things and you must survive to fight another day. This fight is not worth it."

"Why do I get the feeling that you're not telling me something," Owen frowned.

"Because some secrets must be told only at the right moment and right now is not the right moment," Max admitted.

"How do you expect me to trust you when you admit to hiding things from me?"

"Because you've known me your entire life. I was one of the first people to hold you as a babe. I've watched you grow and looked after you as if you were my own flesh and blood. How long have you known that girl? I beg you Owen, do not make that girl's tragedy your own. The wizard is far more powerful than even the king knows." Owen did trust Max despite whatever secret he held. But there was nothing he could say that could make him turn his back on Divina now. Maybe if she had never admitted to him that she wanted a chance to be happy. Maybe if he had never witnessed her fierceness or her kindness. Maybe if she had never let him glimpse past her guarded walls. Maybe if he had never seen the stars in her eyes. No. From the very moment he saw her across the courtyard that very first day, he was destined to save her. And what kind of knight would he be if he didn't do the right thing?

"Owen," Max groaned, "If I've told you once I've told you a million times. Do not wear your emotions on your sleeve." Owen cracked a smile. Max saw the resolve settle over him. He knew there was nothing more he could say to change his mind.

"Do not get yourself killed, just promise me that," he sighed.

"I'm already a knight," Owen replied, "Might as well put on my shining armor."