
The Seeker's Path: A Journey Through Magic And Mystery

Magnus Wakes Up confused. He remembers falling asleep on his bed not by the sea Any and all pieces of art, music and media belong to their respective creators and I own nothing except the characters

Pheonix_2005 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

/3rd POV/

In a room filled with books, with cups of instant noodles and articles of clothing sprawled out on the floor and a few gadgets on the table alongside posters of football icons and game characters on the walls in a corner with his laptop in hand on the bed sat a young man.

He seemed focused on his work. His blue eyes darting about reading whatever was on the screen. His long, raven black hair bunched together in a hastily made bun. His only movements were the furious typing as carried on seemingly absorbed and uncaring of the world around him until-


He turned to look at the notification that had popped up on his phone

•Call me when you can- Professor White•

He scrutinized the message and glared at it as if it had done him a great wrong. After what felt like a long time he put the laptop down and stretched his arms.

"Damnit." was all he said before picking up his phone to call Professor White.

/Magnus POV/

"Yes Professor I understand. It'll be on your desk by Tuesday." I finished before finally cutting the call.

Professor White had called to assign me an important job. To set the questions for the Midterms that the first years will be sitting for in a months time.

I'm in my final year at Moon Valley University and have been an assistant of Mister White's since the summer of my second year. I was the most experienced and oldest of his assistants and so he would sometimes ask me to prepare tests. The good professor, however had never asked me to ready midterms before. Not because he didn't trust me, but because he preferred to do it himself. The worsening condition of his sons illness however took up quite lot of his time recently. Michael was a good kid, if a bit energetic.

"Well guess I better get some shut eye. Tomorrow's gonna be a pain with the classes and the assignments. Also have to start on White's midterm paper" I say laying down with a sigh.

As I slowly drift off into the land of Morpheus wondering how a life with no worries for the rest of my days would go. Maybe my dreams will know, because reality I don't believe does.

/3rd POV/

As Magnus lay peacefully asleep someone stood by his bed. the figure was tall, wearing a black coat over a red shirt. Their eyes as red as the setting sun as they looked at Magnus with a smirk on their face.

" You seem interesting." The person said in a voice that seemed heavily distorted.

" Now, where to put you?" they said as they put a hand to their chin and pondered. After some time a grin flashed on their face.

" That place will do nicely. it will be challenging for you, but entertainment for us. Though you will get some presents from me due to your sudden selection." They said to the sleeping Magnus as their fingers snapped and Magnus's body glowed and he disappeared.

" Now for the fun part." The figure says with a grin plastered on their face as they head out the door slamming it shut behind them.


Hello. It's been a while. Life's been a bit hectic. And I lost my will to write for a while. the last few days has had me thinking of new ideas so I decided that maybe it was time to start again.

This will be my first original work. So let's see how it goes shall we?