

A very long time ago, there was a mystical world called Tsannya. It was beaming with magic, sorcery and history.

In this land, lives Mua, a small town girl living in the outskirts of the town of Atsan. Atsan was a small town where the mages sent those without magical abilities.

Mua has always wanted to be a magician.Even if it meant just creating pickles.

But genetics had other plans.

She was born to normal people, with no abilities whatsoever. She had to work for sorcerers to earn money. And the money wasn't even enough to buy a loaf of bread.

She often saves the money so she can at least live in the inner city.

The inner city was filled with magic houses, where people come to receive advice. Sorcerers and sorceresses lived in the best houses and made the most money. The mages on the other hand controlled the use of magic.

Th only thing- how was she going to hide her lack of magic?

Now the story begins