
Chapter 1


The sound of the gun echo through the air.

"You Monster!"(Dwarf 1)

"Run Quickly!!"(Dwarf 2)

"Where are you going?"

The next moment both of the Dwarf heads went flying off their body which is fine followed by a trail of red blood.

Well how did I get to this point?

Well I have to start about two month ago.

I'm Blank. Yes it is my name Blank. My parents gave when nothing came to their mind when they were deciding my name.

Yes what lazy parents. Anyways I'm a martial artist I practice boxing.

Ok ok my background might be very average and I do admit I'm a very average person.Anyways one day when I was practicing boxing at my local gym. I noticed that my punch's were becoming exponentially stronger every time I punch.

Well after like 10 punches my punches got so strong it broke the 100 pound punching bag.


The chain snapped and the leather of the punching bag torn open.My coach was looking at me shocked. That was not suppose to happen.

My 260 pound behmoth of man coach walked towards me in complete and utter shock. He keep on looking at me and the tattered punching bag. I was also as shock as he was.

"I'm really sorry coach"

I bowed and apologised sincerely.

"Ha..Haha..Hahahah.It's alright" my coach replied with the most awkward and confused tone I have seen him used in the 5 years I have know him.

"It's alright don't sweat it. I will get someone to clean up this mess just continue your training with another punching bag. Choose a heavier one this time" He said while pointing to a 200 pound punching bag.

Well after what just happen I honestly did not want to break another punching bag. So I mustered the least possible strength I could and punched the 200 pound punching bag.


The punching bag went flying out of the gym.It was fortunate that we were in the country side and the gym with an old fashioned gym without windows.

The 200 pound punching bag flew at least 20 metres and hit a nearby tree before landing.


The first thing that came to my mind with "Run"

I dashed the hell out of the boxing gym.

I ran and ran and ran without looking back.

However the more I ran the faster I became. Recalling what just happened to the punching bag I immediately stopped running.

"That was close"I thought to myself. If I had run any more then that I would have broken the sound barrier...

"What on earth is happening?" I looked at both my palm and look at the back side of my hand over and over again.

Currently right now Iam about 700 m away from the gym. Not to mention that it only took me around 10 seconds to cover that distance. I can feel my self becoming more and more inhuman by the second.

Usually I would have went back home. Today however, I was too excited of my new found ability to even consider heading back home.

"Hmmmm. I really want to test how much I can improve. But Iam afraid the town might not be able to handle it….." I pondered to myself.

At the corner of my eye I spotted something blue,. Curious I turned to my right and saw a blue shaped oval on a wall. It was bright blue, one look and you can clearly tell that is a portal.

What is it even doing here? Just nice a man in bicycle rode past me. He was looking at me however he did not seemed to be able to see the portal. To him I must be some weirdo looking at a wall.

"Well here goes nothing" I said as I entered the mysterious portal

"Woah!!!!!!" I shouted. I entered in an area that was like a glass land with a blue sky and a warm nice whether.

I looked around the the grasslands and so may beautiful flowers and herbs I never saw before.

I was shocked cause my parents own a flower shop and were very knowledgeable about flowers. They taught my many many many things about flower to the point I can be a flower expert.I am confident I know at least 90 percent of all types of flower in earth.

"Well that is the be expected I guess. I did enter a portal after all" I though to myself.

Suddenly I saw a big oval creature attacked me at the corner of my eyes.

The next thing I knew I was flying in the air over hundreds of metre and eventually landing on the ground.

Shockingly I was only bruised. It seemed that due to me running at nearly the speed of sound my defence capability also increased to withstand the force when running at such high speeds.

The next thing I knew the slime hit me again in my stomach however this time I did not take any damage at all.

Even my wounds was healed. It seems my regeneration speed also increase due to the wound I suffered a mere moment ago.

Now it is time to counter attacked while the slime was still in mid air,I punched the slime, by now my punch was so strong that there is air waves created. The air waves destroyed about 5 metres of the land in front of me.

However I did not felt anything when I punched, to my surprised the slime doge my lunch mid air, due to my speed my punch should have now far exceeded the speed of sound as I heard a sonic boom when I attempted to punched the slime.

It seems that the slime's speciality is speed. According to my estimate it is moving at the speed of at least 20 Mach. Fortunately, due to my ever improving body my speed eventually matched and surpassed the speed of the slime the more I punched.

With one final punch I hit the slime downwards creating a crater. The slime was defeated.

"Finally!!!!" I exclaimed.

"What's with this crazy place!" I though to myself in disbelief.

"Isn't slimes suppose to be a beginner monster why is it already moving at 20 times the speed of sound."

When I was still thinking about what just happened one slime appeared.

Then two then three then four then five sons thousands upon thousands of slime appeared.


A warning suddenly flashed across the sky.

"WHAT IS GOING ON????!!!!!"