
The Power Born from Shadows

Alcyon was walking, full of energy and confidence, but when he reached the bridge, he saw that his friends were there, and he felt that something was happening. Sylvian, his ally, was standing next to him, speaking, and there was such depth in her eyes that Alcyon didn't know how to respond.

"Alcyon, remember, this power will only take you as far as you're ready to accept it," Sylvian had said, looking at him seriously. "But anyway, I must go. My path leads elsewhere, but you must stay here and discover your truth. Trust yourself; everything is still ahead of you."

Alcyon understood that Sylvian had to leave. People who know you and help you sometimes must leave so you can discover your true power. Sylvian bid him farewell and left, disappearing into the shadows of the night, leaving Alcyon with a heavy heart but a stronger sense of purpose.

When Sylvian left, Alcyon turned and saw that his friends—John, Simon, and Liran—had come closer, standing on the bridge, ready to move forward. But they had also noticed that something had changed in him.

"Alcyon, are you okay?" John asked, with a worried look. "What happened with Sylvian?"

Alcyon pressed his lips together, paused for a moment, and replied. "She left me. She said I need to stay here and uncover my truth. And even though she was with me, she had to continue her own path."

"Alcyon, I wanted to tell you..." Simon began, but his words were cut off by harsh voices from the other side of the bridge. They all turned, knowing that something was happening. At first, nothing was visible to their eyes, but soon it became clear that a few bandits had emerged from the darkness, armed with hooks and crossbows.

One of the bandits shouted loudly, "Give us your valuables, or you'll be left broken."

Alcyon felt that time was running out. The bandits were getting closer, and his friends were already ready to resist, but he felt that nothing should be left to chance. A power that he didn't fully understand awakened inside him. Alcyon focused his thoughts with extreme speed, delved into the twilight, and began to direct his will and strength.

In his mind, he commanded one of the bandits to climb to the edge of the bridge. One of them stopped walking and stood still, but soon began to lose his balance. Alcyon manipulated him, but this time not with a dazzling manipulation—rather, with an incredible force that he had subtly gathered. The bandit couldn't resist, and his body was suddenly propelled off the bridge, falling down and landing on the spikes.

The spikes suddenly pierced through his body, running through his back, with blood flowing into the darkness. It was a terrifying sight. Even his friends were in shock. The blood splashed into the air, and the other bandits, seeing the horrific outcome, weren't willing to resist. They fled in fear, not even looking at their fallen companion.

Alcyon stood there, his eyes turning into solid, dark forces. His friends approached and stood next to him, but everyone had questions in their minds. What was this, what power was this, and what had happened?

"Alcyon, you... you did that..." John whispered. "How was that possible..."

"I don't understand what happened," Alcyon said, still in disbelief. "But something changed inside me. A power awakened within me, and I can't explain how."

Simon noticed his troubled expression and approached, stubbornly asking, "What should we do now? Where is all this leading us?"

"We must continue," Alcyon replied, but there was something strange in his voice. He felt that this was only the beginning. "You all have to trust me, this is only starting."

All that was left was to pay close attention to what was happening with this new, unknown power. Alcyon stood still, still shocked, but he felt that something was changing, and despite the fear and uncertainty, he began to understand that there was a power inside him that hadn't fully revealed itself yet. His thoughts were moving rapidly, the images were blending, without will, but at the same time, they were uniting invisible forces.

"This power... it changed me," Alcyon said, his head lowered. "I never felt anything like this before. To understand this, I need to know how to control it."

Simon approached, gripping Alcyon's shoulder with regret. "You did it, Alcyon. You're that strong. But we need to understand what's going on. We can't just pass through with fear and leave everything behind. We need to uncover what this is."

Alcyon took a deep breath and looked at his friends. He felt that their support was important, but at the same time, he had doubts and questions within himself. What had happened, what he had felt when he set the "trap" in his mind. He missed his old, honest, and simple life, but now he had entered a world where questions arose with every step.

"As strong as we are, this could destroy us if we're not prepared for it," Simon said, standing next to him. "And we must be ready not just to resist, but to understand what forces are approaching us."

They continued walking, and the cold air continued to weigh on them, but an invisible anxiety persisted in their souls. Just at the moment when they were passing through a dark street, Alcyon felt that same awareness that he had been living with until now—something was still undiscovered, something that was waiting for him.

An image emerged from his thoughts—something left in the dark corner, trying to break out. Alcyon stretched, but nothing was visible.

"New questions and revelations with every step," John said when he noticed that Alcyon had stopped and started looking into the darkness. "Do you understand what's happening?"

"We need to respond to something. It's a force that's already late. In order to respond to it, we need to realize what has cut off our awareness," Alcyon replied.

Seeing Alcyon's mood, the friends gathered from a short distance. The cold passed through them, but they felt that at this moment, everything was just waiting for their next step.