
The Secret Of Garneta

Every night, Garneta Tambayong likes to take a walk alone. Whether it's around her neighborhood, sitting alone in the park, or just going out to listen to the sound of crickets. She considers it her routine. At first, everything was going well before a handsome guy came into her life and claimed to be cursed to be a Cat. To get rid of the curse, there are nine missions that the two of them must carry out according to what is written in the old magic book. The problem is, Garneta has Alzheimer's disease. A disease that makes her always forget the events of every second. Not to mention she has to deal with her annoying neighbors, as well the sudden presence of a scary gang leader. Success destroying his life. "Human nature is forgetful, except for something that fills the space of his heart."

Nyakniku · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

11. Universe conspiracy

"Cuandesra?" muttered Garneta doubtfully. While trying to remember the name that she thought was unique.

The boy who claimed to be named Cuandesra nodded and smiled sweetly. Showing his teeth and dimples, "Yes. I'm Cuandesra," he said softly, but the cold aura from him did not escape at all.

"Sweet," said Garneta randomly. Not knowing what to say.

Cuandesra did not answer. She was busy looking at Garneta's beautiful face carefully. A small nose, naturally red lips, and round eyes that added cuteness to her face.

"Why?" asked Garneta feeling uncomfortable being stared at by a guy as handsome as Cuandesra.



"Nope," said Cuandesra strangely. More precisely misbehaving.

Garneta smiled at Cuandesra who was stuttering like that. For some reason, even though they had only met a few minutes ago, Garneta could not deny it. She was comfortable with this cold man beside her.

"Cuan," Garneta called hesitantly.

Cuandesra raised one eyebrow, "Hm?"

"About Eldorado, do you know Alba?" asked Garneta carefully.

Cuandesra grinned sarcastically, "Yes," she replied shortly. Garneta felt that something was not right between the two. It was evident from the expression the man was giving her. Or was it just her feelings?

"Alba is annoying, huh?" unexpectedly, her question this time made Cuandesra chuckle amusedly.

"Like Alba?" asked Cuandesra fishing.

Garneta quickly shook her head, "E-no, lah. There's no one who wants a fierce guy like him," she sneered, not realizing who she was talking to.

The dehaman that Cuandesra gave, apparently made Garneta realize the sentence she had just uttered, "Eh? Ouch... Sorry, huh? Don't tell Alba that I said that. Don't tell her, okay?" Garneta pleaded. She wasn't afraid of Alba, she just didn't want to have anything to do with this guy who she thought was scary.

"Are you afraid of him?"

"No, lah!" said Garneta spontaneously. Her eyes were instantly filled with fire. Hearing Alba's name instantly set her emotions on fire.

"So why don't you bo-"

"Cuan, listen up! Alba is fierce, ugly, and has no feelings at all. So I'm not afraid of her," Garneta cut in boldly.

"Are you sure?"


"She's the commander of Eldorado."

Hearing the words that came out of Cuandesra's mouth, the girl with a slender body was immediately dumbfounded. But she immediately got rid of her shock by letting out her signature horse grin "No hehehe..."

Cuandesra's face, which was originally flat, turned even flatter like plywood, "Hm."

Garneta just found out. If the man she met in the park of her home complex that night, turned out to be the commander of a famous gang in her city. This guy just came out of the cave, what? No wonder, yesterday when she met him at the Eldorado headquarters, his attitude seemed different in front of others.

Ah, she was reminded of the 'leaking' incident.

"Why are your cheeks red?"

Garneta immediately held her cheeks that felt hot, "No, ih." fortunately Cuandesra just shrugged indifferently. Garneta could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Tonight I'm at your house again," Cuandesra said suddenly in the middle of their awkwardness.

"Ha?" giggled Garneta. Not understanding at all what she was saying.

Cuandesra looked at Garneta with shady eyes, "I need your help again Ta," she said, sounding... Sad?

"B-but we just met earlier. How do you know my house?" asked Garneta suspiciously.


"Another favor? The wrong person," Garneta chuckled. Cuandesra was silent. She didn't move a muscle. It made Garneta feel even worse. Why were the people she had met in recent times often behaving strangely?

"Are you angry?" Cuandesra shook her head briefly.

"So why are you silent?"

"Your cell phone is ringing," Cuandesra said, distracting the beautiful girl in front of her.

After seeing the name on her cell phone screen, Garneta sighed in annoyance, and her movements could not escape Cuandesra's gaze.

"Why did you turn it off?" she asked.

"It's not important," Garneta replied a little snappishly. I don't know if her mood is very changeable. Maybe it's from her period.



"I have a question for you."

"What?" asked Garneta enthusiastically.

"Have you ever thought about why we were brought together?" silence. Garneta was silent at the statement that came out of Cuandesra's mouth.

"Destiny?" she answered hesitantly.

Cuandesra shook her head, "No."

"So what?" she asked curiously. This man beside her turned out to like to make her curious.

"You have to find out for yourself."

"But it's-"

"When the time comes, I'll tell you."

"Why not now?"

"Not yet."

Then Cuandesra held Garneta's shoulders gently, "Ta, if the universe allows us to meet again, I hope you've found the answer first," Cuandesra said.

"What if we don't meet again?"

"Like you said earlier. Destiny."

"But I want to see you again," Garneta said bluntly. At that look, Garneta's heart felt like it wanted to fall out of place.

Cuandesra just smiled. Did not reply again. Because he himself did not know whether he was still there or not tomorrow.

"Where are you going?" asked Garneta because Cuandesra stood up, and seemed to want to leave her.

"Wherever I want."

"But, will we see each other here tomorrow?"

"If the universe permits."

Garneta smiled wryly. Did that mean she would never see Cuandesra again? That cold yet warm man.

"Now you get out of here Ta. The break bell will ring soon."

"Thanks for today. Don't be sad anymore. Humans aren't all bad, really."

After saying that, Cuandesra immediately went away from his presence. It seemed like she went out through the secret passage that had indeed been provided by the naughty students at this school.

Leaving Garneta silent, contemplating all his words.

One of them was, why were they brought together?


"Listen to me first Bra."

Ambra brushed off Garneta's hand that was trying to hold hers. Somehow the girl knew she was in the music room now, and hadn't she missed the first hour of school earlier? Was she skipping again?

"What the hell!" snapped Ambra in annoyance. She almost pushed Garneta. If she hadn't remembered that it would have just added to the problem.

"Are you angry?" Garneta asked casually. She already knew the answer to her statement.

"Besides being shameless, you're also shameless, Ta," Ambra quipped, leaving Garneta stunned. What did Ambra mean by that?

"O-okay. I know I'm wrong, but please... I'm sorry," Garneta said feeling guilty. She still held Ambra's hand tightly. She knew Ambra's attitude when she was angry. She would avoid it as much as possible, rather than resolve it properly.

"Sorry? You said sorry?" Ambra smiled sarcastically, "Trite!" she scolded.

"I had a reason for not coming that night, Ambra," Garneta insisted. Her gaze had turned sharp, and her tone of voice was colder than usual. Deep down, Ambra was actually afraid that Garneta would act like this.

But she didn't want to give in. Right now her pride was more important than anything else. Don't forget that Ambra is a selfish, ambitious girl.

"So you think I want to listen to your trashy explanation?" Ambra retorted cruelly. The hand that had been tightly holding hers was now slowly slipping away. Garneta gave her a disappointed look.

And with slow steps, Garneta began to leave his presence. Leaving Ambra speechless with guilt.

"YOU'RE SELFISH GARNETA! LO ALWAYS CONSIDER YOURSELF!" Ambra shouted out loud, when Garneta wanted to turn around towards the school corridor.

It worked! She managed to make Garneta stop.

"You don't know how embarrassed I was when you didn't show up that night."

"You don't know how much my enemies mocked me when they found out you didn't show up!"

"Why do you always break your promises, Ta? WHY?!" screeched Ambra in annoyance. Her breathing was labored. Her eyes were red with tears. Remembering how she had come home with an overwhelming sense of shame.

Not knowing who to vent to, Ambra punched the wall beside her freely. Not caring that she was a girl.

The two of them were currently in a deserted corridor. There were no other students besides them. Even the music room could be considered a space that was rarely visited by Jubels students.

"Are you crazy, huh?!" Garneta snapped angrily as her eyes caught the blood flowing from Ambra's hand.

"Aren't you happy to see me like this?"

A single tear fell unbidden, "Do you think I don't realize that you've been treating me as a stranger? I realize Ta!"

Garneta was instantly silent. Because what Ambra said was true.

"That's funny," Ambra laughed sadly, "I've always considered you my best friend. The best partner in life. But what's the truth? You only think of me as a-"

"I consider you my best friend Ambra!"

"Bullshit Ta! Do you know how much I care about you? YOU FAINTED YESTERDAY, I KNOW GARNETA!"

"YOU WERE TAKEN BY ALBA WHO IS THE COMMANDER OF ELDORADO. Do you know who He is?" Garneta shook her head, really not knowing and not expecting Ambra to see her yesterday.

"HE'S THE ONE WHO DID MAKE AVISA GO FOREVER LOST US!" Ambra screamed hysterically. She couldn't bear to talk about the past like this.

Garneta shook her head in disbelief. She was shocked to hear that, "No, that's not possible Ambra!"

"What's impossible? I saw it with my own eyes, d-he... D-he pushed Avisa off the cliff, Ta!" said Ambra. She still remembered how that bastard had cruelly killed one of her best friends. Even though it had happened years ago.

All of Ambra's words made Garneta's knees weak. She collapsed to the floor with heartbreaking sobs. The passing of Avisa, one of their best friends, was one of the reasons why she had become like this.


Ambra walked over to Garneta. Hugging her best friend tightly, "That's why I'm angry with you Ta..." Ambra whispered with trembling lips.

Garneta understood why Julin was so worried yesterday. When Alba and her troops came to Jubels to see her. Apparently this was the reason.

Garneta vowed that she would not let Avisa's death go to waste.

"We must avenge Avisa's death, Ta," Ambra said sharply. Garneta nodded with a smirk on her lips.
