
chapter 1

The rain started to pour down on the land it was one of the worst rain storm that hit the land in 250 years. Load of roads washed away lakes was raising covering all the fields. Lightning flashed fast and loud bangs follow shortly after it was so bad that you could feel the vibrations under you. Then you started to feel a different vibration under you and then a alarming siren started to ring out load then all the screams started to echo out.

Run my love run for your life.

Don't look back what ever happens please go and find a safe place and stay there hidden.

I promise i will come and find you when it's safe again here so we can be together again. Please don't trust anyone trust in your self and follow your heart.

Do not trust anyone with who you are or what you are.

Just run I promise I will come after you and bring you back home again to us to our home just please run.

I love you so so much, my sweet child never forget that. You are the only reason for me to continue fighting for our life. I will see you soon my dear daughter just run now. Then she started to push in the direction to the forest.

I started to run to get closer to the forest so I could cross line and in to the thick forest in the heavy rain crying, the thin pink nightgown on me was soaking wet and got stuck around my body making me almost trip because of the fabric sticking around my legs my face was red and my eyes was puffy of all the tears rolling down. I couldn't barley breath because off my running and tripping all over the roots and stones on the ground and my night gown wasn't any help ether. It didn't help that is was dark out side. The fear in me kept me running for my life not knowing where I should go any more or what to do. Hearing the screams from people far away and twigs breaking behind me gave me chills and started to cry even harder. The surrounding was so scary the tall trees shadows made everything even more terrifying with the moon light shining throw them. And the feeling not know no one was around me fuelled the fear in me even more. Eventually a road come in view and you could see the headlights from the approaching cars driving back and forward and the street lights in the middle of a curve one of the light had died down. Just run strait to the road and hopefully I wouldn't ended up being hit buy a car. The closer I got to the road more and more the headlights was beginning blinding me, but no one saw me. Well who would see a small little girl next to a heavenly trafficked road in the night. Luckily not to long after I got closer to the road a car stopped and a couple jumped out and started jogged to me. I remember there voices, it felt warm and welcoming for me that I could be safe with them.

After they pick me up I lost all conciseness and fell in to the darkness

Years later

- When will this fucking dream stop haunting me?

I can't even see a face too the voice any more it's just weird it's like its fading away.

This fucking dream is driving me crazy I don't get any good night sleep because of it and its driving me nuts.

It's like the dream goes in repeat every night for the last 14 years.

It's hard because the female voice feel comfortable and loving all the time, but i can't remember who she is to me.

Where I'm coming from or where i belong too. Everything in my life from before my adopted parents took me in is blur and I don't remember a thing about my life before that.

I was told that i was found next to a high way buy my adopted parent's.

They found me when I was around 4 years old, at least what they thought. It was apparently a stormy night with heavy rain and strong winds that night, and I was just dressed in a pink nightgown that was little to long for me.

- well my name is Jade well that's what my adopted parents calls me.

It's amazing how 2 strangers open up there home for a kid and gave the kids all the love and attention it needed.

But don't take me wrong I love them over all my heart and see them as my parents no matter what ans im really lucky that they found me. Who knows were i would end up if it wasn't for them. Maybe I should tell small bit about me.

I'm 5'3 short I know. But at least i have all the curves on the right places thank god for that. My hair is dark brown and falls down to my lower back with soft locks.

Well I'm of again need to catch the plane again. It would be so much easier if we just could fly to were we are going. But its one way to stay hidden, well it worked for the last couple of years even if we had to move a lot in my young years. Mostly because of me but sometimes because my adopted parents.

Jake is a tall man 6'5 and really muscular proud man with brown eyes almost black. Short military hair. Also known as my dad

Samantha is a gorgeous women with golden locks that goes down to the floor she is slim with some muscle. Green eyes and always has a warm loving smile on her lips. Also known as my mum.

These 2 people has been my parents for the last 14 years and I love them with al my heart.

hope you like it. English is not my first language hope you can bare with me.

hugs and enjoy

cassandra_mellbergcreators' thoughts