
The Secret of Cherrysville ~ Book 1 of Changing Tides

Skylar Carter moves back to her old hometown after growing up in a dark and violent environment, only to be met with a handsome not-so stranger and a dark family secret that will tear her sense of reality to shreds. Kade Bennet is CEO of Bennet Car and Rental Services and although he is reserved to most people, he is the complete opposite with Amelia. his fiance. But when someone that he never thought he would see again comes back into his life and a chance encounter in an elevator with the said person twists his heart and he is left trying to understand this burning need he feels for Skylar while unknowingly being burdened by a big secret. Amelia Heartstone is always cloaked in shadow and mystery. However, certain things in Amelia's life she's tried really hard to keep hidden the most come to light after a chance return in the form of her own reunion with someone assembles deep cracks in her walls and throws everything into wild chaos. What will happen when all three clash and the secrets are revealed? What would you do if you found out who you are, has been a lie your entire life? Follow Skylar, Kade and Amelia on their journey of finding love just as they are ripped out of love's grasp and thrown into a world of complete chaos...

JessTheMess101 · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

A Realization

Skylars POV

I sighed and groggily tossed around on the bed, I opened my eyes slowly and rolled on my back, I stared a the ceiling for a few minutes trying to ignore the dull throb by my temples. Without looking I reach out to grab my phone and put my fingerprint on it so it opens up. I look for Allie Maes's messages and click on the call button.

It rang four times before she answered and she sounded just as exhausted as I felt, "Hey Twix. Are you feeling any better?" Her voice melts away my worries and I love the way she can make me feel safe, but feel so weak inside for feeling this way.

I purse my lips and look down at the bottles of liquor I left, both are just about half empty, and I sighed heavily as I grabbed the bottles and poured them both so it was almost going over the sides of the solo cup.

Breakfast of champions, folks!

"I'm better, now that I have something to drink," I said and took a big swig.

Allie Mae tsk'd, "You know that is not the way to cope with something Twix."

I rolled my eyes, half annoyed at her worried tone, and half grateful for her concern, I would be very concerned if the roles were reversed.

"I know Allie Mae, but right now it's the only thing dulling the pain. I'm not one for the company right now, but I'll try to get out of the treehouse long enough to meet up with you somewhere." I say as I take another sip, already feeling a warm haze fly through my body, for I was probably still partly drunk from last night, so the buzz came quick.

Allie Mae coughs, "No, I'll be over later tonight Twix. Just let me get some more sleep, and I'll bring over dinner. Okay?"

I smiled softly, "Thank you, Allie Mae."

"Don't worry about it! I'll be over later!" She shouts as she hangs up.

I sighed again, once the silence once again envelopes me, I go through my messages and see a bunch from my mom, asking if I was in the treehouse another one apologizing as she tried to wake me up last night, but I didn't hear her, but she heard my music a little bit and then she demanded I come to see her when I woke up, and then I scroll down and see an already read message from Kade:


So, at least he didn't forget about me, and he must have either known it was me or he somehow got my number from his mom through my mom, as well.

I wonder what was going on through his head, mine was befuddled and ran rampant with many ideas, I know Allie Mae was right, I needed to leave, and as I took another sip an idea seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks.

Allie Mae said I needed a change and I needed to better myself, so that's what I'll do. Since my parents are wealthy, they never asked for rent money, so I was able to get some money collected and have some spending money, the rest I saved. I have probably enough saved up, to buy my old house back.

"That is exactly what I'm going to do, I'll better myself by going back and trying to get back in touch with my old self again," I said quietly to myself.

As the day progressed, I was able to get semi-sober by sneaking back in the house and grabbing fresh clothes, taking a shower, and then grabbing some bread and my clothes and racing back inside my treehouse.

This is like my little apartment, my little house, and most times when I want to stay inside, I don't leave for a while, even if I have to work, it's like my house and I"ll stay in my treehouse for weeks, well granted it's spring or summer and fall. When it's winter, I have to put a tarp around my treehouse to protect it in the wintertime, plus it is too cold to be out here without a heater, and unfortunately, they don't make wireless heaters. Not yet anyway.

I was able to get some things lined up, and I would have to wait a few more days, until the people who own the building I lived in, as a kid to be vacated, because the owners had moved into the house and were staying there. They said they wanted to go on vacation anyway and agreed they would take the money I would offer them, to move far away and possibly go parasailing, but because things can't be moved and placed in one day, I told them to take their time.

I broke the news to my mother over the phone, I really didn't feel like going all the way back in the house and having to face her crumbled expression and I have no idea what reaction my dad will have, I just wanted to avoid any other further stressful conversations or be apart of anything stressful, not until the day I move, then I'll face them.

I stayed holed up in my treehouse all day and when I heard two sharp knocks on my treehouse door, I knew it was Allie Mae, I opened up the door as I rarely keep it unlocked during the day unless I leave my property.

She climbs up wearing the biggest smile on her face, "Helloooo Twix." She said in a singsong voice.

I cringed but smiled nonetheless, "Did you bring me my bagels?" I asked curiously and excitedly.

Allie Mae laughs and carefully tosses me the bag, "Of course I did, I said I would bring you your dinner, and I did. Your bagels." She lets out a chuckle and watches me as I open them up and basically rip open the bag to get to my bagels. Seasoned with everything bagels have been one of my favorite snacks to eat for a very long time.

She loses her smile after a moment and she clears her throat, "How did your parents do with the news?" She asks quizzically as I had been texting her all day about my plans.

I glanced out my window to the seemingly empty house, I knew my parents were inside, but the part I didn't know was if they were arguing, or if they were having a good day this time.

"I honestly don't know. Mom didn't say too much, she became silent once I told her the news, and I know she didn't tell dad while I was on the phone with her. I don't know how they're really going to take it when I do leave, but I just have to get out Allie Mae." The end of my voice goes up a few octaves and tears well up in my eyes as my whole body starts to shake, the memories of the last seven years flash through my mind.

I am ripped out of my thoughts by Allie Mae tugging on my left forearm, "Twix, don't." She warned me and I sighed letting my body relax and I bring my eyes up to look at Allie Mae.

Allie Maes face was surprisingly looking like she was about to break, her face contorted into a painful grimace, her eyes narrowed and she lets out a big breath, "You, my beautiful Twix is leaving. I am trying so hard to be hopeful that you'll have a good life, the one you deserve, instead of being negative that I'm losing you." Her voice cracks at the end and she leans forwards her arms outstretched.

My eyebrows furrow, but I lean in as well and wrap my arms around my best friend's torso, "You're not losing me Allie Mae. I still have a phone, and I have a car as well, I can come to visit." I tried to reassure her, but she just held me tighter.

"No, you won't. You'll be so relieved to go, you'll forget about me, and rightly so. You need to forget about this life. I know you mean well, but I have a bad feeling we're going to drift apart, and I need my Twix." She rambles out in a rush as more sobs racked her body.

Allie Mae is basically my sister. She is my best friend, and since day one I've always been her best friend, we spent the night at each other's houses almost every night during school, and we went to the same college, here for a year before both calling it quits and she works at the same job as me.

We've always been around each other, and we've always been number one to each other, never letting a man ever get in between us, plus our tastes are very different. She likes the motorbike, big burly man with a beard and tattoos type, mine is completely different, a tall nerd type, that has a fun and adventurous side to him.

I've dated here and there throughout school, and college but it never really panned out and something always had to get into every one my relationships way, I've slept with a couple of people in my life, and let's just say I haven't done anything in a very long time, close to a year.

I gave Allie Mae another reassuring squeeze before letting her go and making a point to stare at her, until she looked at me, "Allie Mae. You know that will never happen, we are forever a family you and me. I rely on you too much, and you rely on me too much to drift apart. We never will, and even if we do, it won't be for too long, we have grown up around each other. You are in my life now until I die." I smiled softly at her, and she nodded her head, sniffling.

"Okay Twix. But I will miss you terribly." She stated and then went to humming a slow soft melody that made me smile, she has a really nice voice, and even her hums sound peaceful.

"I know you will, and I will miss you as well." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to lay down on the bed with me, this is probably the last time we'll ever be able to snuggle in the treehouse or to eat breakfast bagels together at night in the one place that has both been our sanctuary for a very long time.

We layed on the bed together, Allie Mae already fast asleep, but me unable to close my eyes, as thoughts race through my head.

We are cuddled with just my big plush blanket to keep us warm, but as the beginning of summer it was pretty cool and it was a really nice balance to my body being warm and my face semi-cool. I stare at my best friends face as she sleeps for a couple of minutes, this is probably the last night we will ever get to be together, for a long time.

I realize I'm going to miss her as if a huge part of me will forever be here still, with her. We grew up as young fresh teenagers, into young adults, we've changed and matured together for so long, I know a part of me will die, once I say goodbye until I can see her again, but I knew it was for the best.

I rolled over so I was on my back and I stared at the ceiling and thought about everything my mother has put me through, she told me she would leave him when we first moved here, but he somehow drilled into her head that he will change, every time he hurt her. He said sorry and cradled mom as if, if he applied too much pressure she would break, and this was after he had yelled and thrown things.

Every time mom would be adamant, but then she would eventually crumble with less and less effort until it became a regular, for him to berate her about, and accuse her of doing vile things, when she's been I'm love with him, her whole life. They grew up together and eventually became engaged because of their parent's arrangement. They grew up in a different era, so most times parents had plans made out for their kids.

I was never a daddy's girl, I always loved mom more, she was always around more, taking care of me, whereas dad had to always be away on business trips, leaving us to fend for ourselves, he was sometimes gone for months, and one time he had to fly so far away he was gone for close to a year, it was very stressful, then one day dad just came home, and he's rarely been gone ever since, he always plants himself on the couch and cracks many beers.

I guess now I know where I got my alcohol addiction, huh?

Just kidding, I used to hate it when he would drink himself into a stupor. But now it dulls the pain I feel whenever my parents fight the way they do, all the time. Or whenever I feel as if I'm going to have a complete meltdown. I don't drink beer, I drink whiskey and I drink vodka, always. It's always been my favorite choice of a mix, and I've always been able to drink it the day after drinking as well. It was my fate chosen drink.

I sighed and watched as the sun went down, and I listened to Allie Mae's steady even breaths, I eventually got tired of just staring at the dark sky, now littered with shining stars, and my eyes closed finally able to drift off into a semi-comfortable sleep.