
The Secret of Chakra: Akira's Rebirth Naruto Reincarnated With 3 Wish

After encountering an unexpected death following an ordinary life, Akira seizes a second chance in the Naruto universe. Endowed with Chakra Close to Infinite and a mysterious doujutsu, Akira's adventure begins. However, the responsibilities and choices that come with new powers lead him on an unexpected journey. As he confronts his past and shapes his future, will Akira determine his own destiny or the fate of the universe?"

AkaChi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Rebirth and the Unexpected Battle!

"Come on, ma'am, just a little longer, you can do it!"

And there it was, ma'am, you did it! It's a boy!

I wasn't expecting the first person I saw when I opened my eyes to be a doctor, but I guess that's normal. I guess I should play the baby role now, but before that, the System!

************ SYSTEM ************



Level: 1

Stat Points: 5

Age: 0

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 5

Chakra: 5000 (Starting with 4000 Chakra in Naruto's Jinchuuriki form. Additionally, MC will gain 5000 chakra each year, while Naruto will gain 2000 chakra per year)

Chakra Types: Katon, Fuuton, Doton, Raiton, Suiton

Summoning Points: 5


Hanshamei (Not awakened yet)


(You can summon a servant from different universes at random.)

Each summon: 50 Summoning Points

This Chakra is amazing! It's so high, just as I wanted! Haha, this is going to be great. When will Solar arrive, I wonder? Which servants will I get from the System? Oh, this is going to be so much fun!

Suddenly, I felt like crying, and I started to cry.

"Aww, look at our baby. He's so adorable, taking after you with those hair and eyes, don't you think so, Shira?" My mom, who was talking, I could only see her face, but she looked wonderful!

In a more serious tone, "Yes, you're right. He does look just like you, Mira." Hmm, that was my dad speaking, but for some reason, I felt afraid of him this time. His face was very serious, and he had no eye, just a triple slash in his eye, and this fear made me cry again.

"Mira, look what you did! You made our baby cry. Fix that serious face of yours before I do!"

Shira seemed frightened. "Okay, okay, calm down, honey. I'm sorry." She looked at me again, but this time, I didn't feel the same fear. His face was still the same, but for some reason, I didn't feel the same fear. Maybe it was the aura of his thoughts leaking towards me? What was he thinking?

Anyway, suddenly, a tiredness came over me, and I felt the need to sleep. I guess I should sleep since I'm a newborn baby.

I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep...

1 year time skip

Now I'm 1 year old, and I must say, my clan... they're quite emotionless. How should I put it? Emo? I hope it's not because of the root. I don't want my brain to be washed by Danzo. This year, not much happened. The only important thing was Solar joining the clan. My dad showed him special attention, and he told my mom that he would train him as my servant. I was surprised that he took it so seriously. It's like he knows something about her? But that's impossible, right? I should be the only one who knows her past and abilities... but my dad is strange. I hope he didn't figure out too much.

Also, I learned something about my mom. She's a retired ninja with the rank of Jonin. My dad is an ANBU. I hope he's not from the root, but that's a low possibility. He still has feelings, but he rarely shows them. I saw his smile when I said my first words.

Also, my mom is friends with Kushina, and Naruto will be born this year. Im one year older than Naruto, but we'll go to the academy at the same time.

Kushina visited us once, and they seemed really close. Our clan is one of the strongest allies of the Uzumaki clan.

My dad told me that I would start training when I started walking, and my mom shouted and protested, but my dad somehow convinced her...

So, most of my year was spent sleeping and eating. Being a baby is like that, I guess. I got used to it. Also, Solar, despite being a baby, keeps looking at me. It's so cute. I saw myself in the mirror, and I'm cute too. I guess it's a baby feature, haha.

2 years time skip

Phew, we managed to survive the Kyuubi attack. It seems like my mom is very upset... Thankfully, our clan didn't suffer much damage, and our death toll is only 2. This is a huge stroke of luck!

Now, I'm 3 years old, and I must say, my clan is too calm... it's like something is happening, and my clan is too emo about it. They feel so calm and emotionless, just like the Uchiha, but worse...

Recently, my dad has been very tense and taking our training very seriously and being harsh. And the thing that worries me the most is Fugaku sometimes coming to our house to talk to my dad.

Putting all that aside, my mom is still the same caring person and the only sunshine and joy in the clan. Solar's dependency on me was expected, but not to this extent. My first words were my name, and it was so cute, haha.

We were trained by the clan together, and I must say, I might have made Solar a bit too overpowered. He seemed to have everything under control like he had the Sharingan from birth. Okay, I'm a genius too, but he's in a different league...

Fugaku watched our training once and what he said, I can't help but agree with...

Fugaku: "Are you really 3 years old? You're just like Itachi... no, even better. And Akira, too, at Itachi's level. These two kids... they'll be monsters in the future."

Also, the System started giving me some missions. They're trivial tasks because I'm young. Like taking my first steps, saying my first words, using chakra for the first time, etc.

Speaking of chakra, the increase in my chakra is amazing. Solar also has high chakra, but mine is... let's say, impressive. Haha, when my chakra opened, the first thing my dad taught me was to suppress and control my chakra. His surprised face was so funny, hahaha!

As for the System...

************ SYSTEM ************



Level: 4

Stat Points: 20

Age: 3

Strength: 10 (The average strength for a 3-year-old is 4, and for clan children, it's between 5-7)

Agility: 8 (The average agility for a 3-year-old is 3, and for clan children, it's between 3-6)

Endurance: 12 (The average endurance for a 3-year-old is 5, and for clan children, it's between 5-8)

Chakra: 15000

Chakra Types: Katon, Fuuton, Doton, Raiton, Suiton

Summoning Points: 15


Hanshamei (Not awakened yet)


Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough


(You can summon a servant from different universes at random.)

Each summon: 50 Summoning Points

To learn three jutsu at the age of 3, and two of them being C-rank, is shocking, haha. Being the son of the clan leader has its privileges. Also, I learned that Solar is close to three elements: Fire, Wind, and Lightning. That's a good thing.

The bad thing this year was being too much of a genius and showing it openly. I didn't think about it much, but now I realize... Danzo or Hiruzen might come after us. I haven't met either of them yet, but it feels like I will soon...

Yeah, my dad pulled me aside and said that the Hokage wanted to see me and asked me to behave respectfully and politely. Blah blah blah, I'd rather die than let that old man implant his will into my mind! Old coot!


Welcome, Hokage-sama. Please, come in.


Oh, Shira, thank you, but I won't sit. Instead, I have a request for you.

Shira was surprised for a moment, but then her face returned to its usual coldness.

Of course, Hokage-sama. What can I do for you?

From what I've heard, your son is a genius... I want to see his abilities firsthand. Since I know he's only 3 years old, I won't push him too hard, so I've brought someone with me. Itachi, you can come out now.

Suddenly, a man appeared next to us.


Yes, Hokage-sama!


I want your son to fight Itachi, but Itachi will hold back. You don't have to worry; nothing bad will happen.

After hearing this, I felt excitement rushing through me. I couldn't believe I was discovered so early, and I'm about to fight Itachi, one of my favorites!


Sir... it would be an honor, but I think it's best to leave the decision to my son. Akira, stand up and tell us your decision.


Mission Created!

Mission: Defeat Itachi

Description: Challenge the renowned shinobi of Konoha, Itachi Uchiha! Engage in a duel with him and emerge victorious. This mission provides an opportunity to test both your combat skills and strategy.

Reward: 50 Summoning Points


("The mission will be challenging to accomplish, but it's not impossible!")

DAD, um, I mean, Dad... I want to fight Itachi. I want to test myself against someone. If you allow it, I accept the challenge!

My dad gave one of his rare smiles:

Then it's settled. Hokage-sama, let's move to the training field.

We moved to the training field, but I noticed that Solar was unhappy. I'll talk to her about it after the fight.


I'll be the referee for the fight. Stand face to face, and when I drop this coin, start the fight. Are you ready?

We nodded simultaneously. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to win this fight!

The coin dropped, and the fight began, but something unexpected happened..

Itachi began to perform hand signs for jutsu... Upon seeing this, I also started performing hand signs, but he was faster than me.


Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

I saw the fireball heading towards me, but I continued with my jutsu and managed to succeed in time!

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

I responded with the same technique, and our techniques clashed in the air. Itachi was now out of my sight.

I quickly moved forward towards Itachi's previous position, but I didn't expect him to prepare a second jutsu...

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

He used the same technique again. I didn't expect such a move from Itachi. Is he testing me?

This time, I couldn't dodge by using jutsu, so I quickly moved to the left. Despite feeling the heat, I narrowly managed to dodge the technique.

I swiftly lunged towards Itachi, and our taijutsu battle began. I must say, he's a quite good at taijutsu, and he didn't even use his Sharingan! But I was slowly getting used to it.

I still couldn't land a punch on him, and he couldn't hit me either. Due to the obvious power difference between us, instead of blocking his attacks, I had to evade them.

But when I saw an opening left by Itachi, I attempted to kick him, and I succeeded. But!

BOOM! Itachi disappeared; it was a shadow clone! Damn it!

I quickly turned around, and Itachi had already prepared another jutsu!

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

And this one was bigger than the others! I couldn't escape from this. What was he thinking when he unleashed this attack? Did he want to kill me? No, I can't die so easily. I must tank this attack, I have to. But then something happened...

Water Release: Wild Water Wave!

Someone had saved me with Suiton. When I looked to my right, I saw Solar with hatred in her eyes... She had saved me.


What's your name?


Itachi Uchiha... It wasn't very honorable of you to interfere in our duel.


A duel? You were about to inflict serious harm, maybe even kill Akira-sama just now... I can't forgive that.

The anger on Solar's face surprised everyone, especially Hiruzen.


Alright, the duel is over for today! Itachi, your last attack was too aggressive; I think you should apologize.

"Mission failed."


("Darn it! It was tougher than I thought. If I had succeeded, I would have made my first summon. Phew!")

Itachi bowed:

I apologize. I couldn't control the power of my last attack...

Now I understand everything. That old fool came to see Solar, not me, and he used me for that damn it... I will make him pay!

Your apology is accepted; now that our duel is over, you may leave.


(I think he understood... This kid is very smart for his age, and the girl is the same. I definitely need to keep them on Konoha's side!)


(I'm sorry for what I've done, but it's all for the village...)

That was the last major event of the year, and when I tried to talk to Solar about it, she only said one thing...


It was all for your safety, my lord. I apologize for interrupting the duel.

That's it...

But this battle made me realize something!

This isn't an anime world anymore... I can die at any moment, be killed at any moment. The academy starts in two years; until then, I must reach Itachi's level!

Phew, writing this chapter was tough. Besides, it was my first fanfic that I've written, alongside being the first battle. I know it might not be the best, and I'll strive to improve as I gain more experience. Thanks to everyone who reads it!

Phew, writing this chapter was tough. Besides, it was my first fanfic that I've written, alongside being the first battle. I know it might not be the best, and I'll strive to improve as I gain more experience. Thanks to everyone who reads it!

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