
Leaving with a Bang

Pain. That was the first thing I registered. After that, it was anger.

"You motherfuckers."

I turned around and drew my sword.

They were shadowy creatures. Parasites that blended in with the dark and looked more like floating black scythes than living beings.

In an instant, a dozen of them flew towards me, trying to pierce my body again.

But this time, I was ready.

I swung my sword, sending lightning crackling.

The darkened area lit up as the creatures turned to ash. But at the same time...


...Blood spewed in the air. My body, rejecting the surge of mana.

"I thought so."

It was too much. Between running through the facility and healing Teresa, Ayase Yui, and Hugo, my body was overworked from my abilities.

I could still function fine, and it would probably be okay for me to fight. But... "Hah. It's going to take me forever to get back, huh?"

I shook my head and then kicked the bookcase down, blocking the passageway out. "In that case... Might as well go out with a bang."

I remembered it.

The solution to that Impossible mission that I found.

While it'd be a bad idea to do a nuclear explosion... a regular one wasn't that bad of an idea.

So, focusing as best as I could, holding my sword up high, I concentrated and then...


Roars of heat. Thunderous soundwaves. An enormous concussive force.

It was a maelstrom of energy and mana, swirling around me.

I felt my body start to chip away, ground out by the force from both casting and resisting the explosion.

But fortunately for me, I had a countermeasure.

Three dimensional magic glyphs. The sealing pattern that bound Flone's soul to her body.

I applied those all to me, making sure to modify them to keep my body in tact as well as my soul, and then I waited.


It was a success. Four out of the six captives had been rescued. Most importantly, Princess Teresa had been as well. It was a cause for celebration. A moment that should have been happy.

Should have.

"No! We have to go back! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" Chohong screamed and reached for the magic circle, clawing at the ground. "Please! PLEASE!"

Ian stood in shock, still staring in a daze.

"Benefactor..." Kazuki stood up on his feet, staring in the distance. "You... I still have yet to repay my debt. How... Why...?"

Teresa slowly stood on her feet, taking in the full extent of what happened.

It was a makeshift campsite. From the surroundings, it appeared to be in Arden Valley.

She didn't understand how it happened, but it seemed that they were transferred there in an instant.

On the ground nearby, quickly being tended to by priests, were the rescued captives.

A few priests walked towards her as well. And accompanying them was a familiar red-headed woman, puffing a cigarette.

"Princess Teresa." Cinzia bowed her head slightly and said, "It's good to see that you're in good health."

She blinked and then slowly looked around to face her.

"...It's a lie, right?"

"What?" Cinzia looked confused.

Teresa saw familiar faces. The High Rankers who went on the mission with her before. Members from Sicilia. Even that Priestess Maria.


But despite where she looked, despite how much she turned around to look, the face she wanted to see the most wasn't there.

"Where... is he?"

"Where is who?"

Teresa rounded on Cinzia and said, "Him! My Hero! Seol! Seol Jihu!" Anger welled up in her heart and she grabbed Cinzia's shirt. "Where is he?!"

Cinzia sighed and took a puff from her cigarette. "That man, huh? If you don't see him with you... Then he didn't make it back."

Teresa froze and then turned around.

"No. No, no, no."

That was impossible.

He said it, didn't he? That she should value her life more? That she shouldn't compromise?


Suddenly, a thunderous explosion in the distance. The direction of the laboratory.

Everyone froze.

And then, an anguished scream filled the air. "YOU IDIIIOOOT!!!" Chohong collapsed on the ground and slammed her fist. "You promised! You promised!"

Ian shakily grabbed his rapier and muttered, "Friend. You... you didn't really die, did you?"

Off to the side, Agnes paled, clutching a ring on her left hand.

All the while, Teresa ignored everyone's reaction and fell to her knees.

That confident smile and face filled her mind's eye.

His voice, telling her he was going to be her hero.

"That's... right," Teresa muttered.

How could she forget?

Heroes didn't exist in Paradise. And there was a simple reason for that.


To be a hero...

Meant to die for the sake of someone else.


"Gah. Fuck. Dammit. Shit. Bitch." My body bounced along the ground before coming to a stop. I groaned and then forced myself to my feet, using my sword as a crutch. "Should have... thought that one through..."

While not nuclear, that explosion was bigger than I anticipated.

As a result, though I didn't get vaporized because of my formations, my bones did get pulverized.

Unfortunately, because I had done a lot of energy manipulation earlier, not to mention my whole other slew of abilities, I couldn't recover them at the moment and had to deal with the pain.

Fortunately, the magic sigils I used were acting like a makeshift cast over my bones, holding them in place.

Of course, that didn't stop my body from screaming at me about how much pain it was in.

"God... Dammit."

I staggered and tripped, lying on the ground.

I didn't know where I was, but I knew that the blast had flung me somewhere to the northwest in the vague direction of Haramark.

That was good. But the problem was that I still couldn't move.

"...Maybe I should just dig a hole here?"

That might work.

I just needed some time to recover. It would be best to do that in a safe dark hole. Like in Minecraft, when hiding from monsters.

Unfortunately, that would require me digging. And I doubted I had the capacity to do that right now.

I sighed and wrangled the willpower to push myself up onto the ground.

And then I heard footsteps.

I froze, wondering for a moment if I should play dead.

And then I heard a relieved sigh, followed by an irritated female voice. "Jihu! What were you thinking?"


Glancing up, I saw that familiar elegant face and silver hair.

She sighed and picked me up. "Honestly. What am I going to do with you? If you die here, you won't become a ghost like me, you know? And I can't follow you back to Earth."

I chuckled and said, "I told you, didn't I? I'm not gonna die that easily."

Flone sighed. "Well, come on. It's a long way to go and I can't carry you the whole way there."

"...Thanks, Flone."

"You owe me for this, Mister! I want to go shopping when we get back at that bigger city!"

I laughed and said, "We'll see. I... might have to postpone that after the lashings I'm going to get from everyone first."


Kim Hannah let out a sigh as she scanned the emails on her laptop. "Seems like things are going well on this side..."

That guy's ridiculous ventures were panning out well. The social media app he developed and the mobile game he created were turning out a massive profit. Even though he wasn't working on them directly at the moment, the fact that he left behind such detailed instructions meant that Hannah was able to find people to fill the gap and easily continue development without him.

After making sure that things were going well and didn't need her immediate attention, Kim Hannah leaned back and stared out the window of her office.

"...I wonder what he's up to?"

Knowing that guy, he would be doing something ridiculous right about now. The fact that he was able to use his abilities on Earth were crazy enough, but then there was the fact that he was already doing something like this before going to Paradise...

Sometimes, Kim Hannah wondered. Even if she had never met him that day and given him that stamp, wouldn't he have gone to that place anyway?

As soon as she had that though, Hannah shook her head.


If it was the one that she knew from her files before, then maybe. Some other person would have snatched him up and then made him toil away, using those talents for their own benefits.

But now... Rather than a person who relied on her, it was more like she was relying on him.

After all, while small, Jihu's applications were slowly carving out an enterprise on Earth. Not only that, but his previous accolades were giving her negotiation room in her discussions with Sinyoung.

The fact that he appeared to be the second advent of Sung Shihyun helped as well.

A man walking a path of both magic and sword. A man who stood apart from others the moment he exited the Neutral Zone.

Kim Hannah sighed and got up from her chair to make a cup of coffee.

Recently, she realized that her thoughts were slowly being filled with that guy.

It was a bad habit.

She should be focused on working and carving out a position on her own merit.


Taking the cup of coffee that she made, Kim Hannah took a sip and looked around her office.

It was still Sinyoung. There was no changing that. While she was handling Jihu's business matters and dealing with his family... who were surprisingly persistent in asking questions, the fact remained that her primary job was still the director at Sinyoung's corporation.

The nameplate on her desk read as much, even though she was beginning to have second thoughts.

"...This is still a problem though, huh?"

Despite that guy's incredible talents and abilities- No, it was more appropriate to say 'impossible' talents and abilities, the fact remained that he couldn't account for everything.

So far, they had managed to patch up the matter involving his sister as Kim Hannah pulling some strings and getting him to work with her on a joint business venture and some internal projects. But from the last time she talked to Jinhee, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Jihu's family started probing deeper into his affairs.

It helped that he was already doing free lance work on his own before, but now...

"Should I move the plan forward?"

Kim Hannah took a sip from her coffee and considered it.

Those bastards were pressuring her to pull Jihu into the company, wanting to make him a nominal employee. Of course, it was just an excuse to try and trap him. But...

"That guy isn't someone that could be caught."

Kim Hannah muttered, remembering their first meeting. Not only that, but she remembered the last time they talked and the connections that he was beginning to build.

It was only a matter of time before he became a towering tree- No, a giant steel pillar that wouldn't yield.

But even up until then, he was a sword that would cut down everything in front of him.


"Maybe I should let them?"

She considered it. After all, if worst came to worst, the guy was someone who could create a perfect crime.


She paused on reflection and shook her head.

That guy... Seol Jihu. Her contractee- No, her Partner.

He said it himself. He was a person who returned malice with malice and goodwill with goodwill.

The latter part was fine, but the former... Kim Hannah could sense it. No, she couldn't forget. The killing intent he had towards her in the beginning was real. And paired with his extreme inclinations...

This was a person who ran into the lion's den to forcefully extricate his sister. Not only that, but he killed three Earthlings who should have been experienced with supernatural combat from the other side.

She had to consider this carefully. In the one in a hundred billion chance that something happened to that guy on the other side-

A phone call. Her cellphone started vibrating on the desk.

Kim Hannah frowned and picked it up. When she saw the caller ID, one of her contacts in Paradise to update her on Jihu, she froze. "...Speak of the devil."

Was it a woman's intuition? When she picked up the call and heard what had happened, as well as that person's current state, she could only let out a sigh.


Three days had passed since the return of Princess Teresa Hussey and the successful recovery of those that departed on the mission to destroy the mass production facility of the Parasites.

Everyone was curious about how it occurred. It was a dire situation that pressed even the Federation. Not only that, but the captives had been kept in the heart of Parasite territory, guarded by endless hordes of enemies.

How was it that not only one person, but two-thirds of the captives were returned? And in healthy shape at that, completely uninfected?

The answer to the question came in the form of a royal declaration.

Seol Jihu. A mere level two Warrior. Through happenstance and careful planning, he discovered a means of entry into the impregnable fortress. Then, with his life at stake, he charged into the depths of the laboratory where the captives were kept, sent his teammates away to secure the victims they rescued, and fought on to rescue the princess on his lonesome.

And he succeeded. Against all odds, he fought his way out, returned to his comrades, and then prioritized their lives over his own, allowing them to safely return...

While he destroyed the facility.

The reports were mixed.

Some say that he was mortally injured and that even the Slaughter Maiden Chohong screamed to try and retrieve him, knowing that he was sacrificing himself.

Others say that he must have known that something was going to happen and so stayed behind to eliminate any potential variables. A sort of precognitive intuition towards dangers. The basis for that lay in the condition of one Miss Agnes, who would have been captured as well if not for the preparations that man made for her and Ian Denzel.

And then there were the skeptical who thought that it was a lucky coincidence. That people were overblowing the tale in order to puff up the reputation of a lowly level two who perished in order to satisfy their own guilt.

But whatever the case, the majority agreed on a single fact: Seol Jihu was dead.

The fact that the laboratory was in the middle of Parasite controlled territory. The fact that countless eyewitnesses spoke of a thunderous explosion that could be seen even from Arden Valley. The fact that he was just a mere level two.

All of it made the public sentiment that the esteemed Seol Jihu had perished.

Of course, that was only the public sentiment.

In private, among certain parties... They had yet to give up hope.

And among that number...


The Temple of Luxuria. Sitting at a table in a private conference room were two individuals. One, a high-ranking bishop in charge of operations.

The other... Seo Yuhui.

The bishop blinked, staring at the woman in front of him. "You... You wish for us to deploy our forces to look for one man?"

"That is correct." The serene woman nodded, causing her silky black hair to shift. Crossing her arms over her white gown, she said, "Confirmation of his death, signs of his life... I want at least a clear confirmation of either."

"And in return, you will return to the temple?"

Seo Yuhui nodded. "Yes. But only after certain proof."

"...This will take time. Even if we use your name as a catalyst, Lady Yuhui, we cannot marshal so many at once. And with the princess just returned-"

"I understand. However." Her serene eyes became cold.

Seeing the uncharacteristic glare, the bishop flinched.

"I will not tolerate it. If it comes to light that your efforts were in vain because of sloth and that he could have been saved if you acted sooner... or if you dare try to fool me."

Suffocating divine energy filled the room.

The bishop gulped.

Seo Yuhui was smiling. A gentle, serene expression.

But facing that, the bishop could sense that it wasn't as kind as it appeared. Instead, it was the look of a wrathful goddess.

"You will no longer have to worry about those 'defectors' of the temple. Are we at an accord?"


The Elysium headquarters... or rather, what used to be the Elysium headquarters.

There, on the first floor, three individuals were seated around a round table.

The first was Ian Denzel, famed Alchemist and former royal magician. Although a bit younger now through recent experiments and fortuitous encounters, there was no hiding the aged experience in his gaze.

Across from him was Chohong Chong, infamous Slaughter Maiden and one of the Six Crazies. But in contrast to her reputation, the woman's expression was somber, quiet. Almost meek.

The last person was Richard Hugo. A level four Warrior and member of Carpe Diem. The trusty warrior that was the right hand of Carpe Diem's former leader, Dylan.

Ian stared at the two across from him and said, "Then it's settled. I'll join Carpe Diem officially. In doing so, we'll use the prestige to gather a search party to look for him."

Hugo shook his head. "That guy... You really think he's alive, Master Ian?"

Ian nodded. "I know it. Someone like him wouldn't perish so easily. Our friend is too incredible for that, as dire as it seems."

"But..." Chohong bit her lips and said, "We saw it, didn't we? The laboratory exploded. And then, at the last second..."

The group fell silent.

There was no mistaking that sight.

Seol Jihu's determined gaze. Him, throwing the princess to the party without protecting himself, prioritizing her safety over his own. And then the blossoming blood from dozens of fatal wounds sprouting across his body.

Chohong shook her head. "As skilled as Seol could be... As many miracles as he could pull off, after that, is he...? Can he really be still alive?"

Ian was hesitant, but he nodded. "He must be. After all, were that not the case, Miss Flone would not have vanished."

Hugo nodded and then frowned. "That's right... Miss Flone is usually around Seol, right? Where is she?"

Ian shook his head. "Not long after we returned to Arden Valley, Miss Flone went missing. Were it any ordinary maiden, it would have been cause for concern. But considering who she truly is and the miracle that Jihu wrought for her..."

Chohong sat up, life back in her eyes. "She went to look for him."

Ian smiled and nodded. "Indeed. And considering that fact, as well as her affinity towards the dead..."

Hugo smacked his hands on the table and stood up. "He's still alive!"

"The odds are likely, yes. However..." Ian frowned and said, "The fact remains that he would be stranded in hostile territory and in that terrible condition. Though I have no doubt of Miss Flone's capabilities, it will be dangerous for both of them."

Chohong stood up. "Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go, right now!"

"Calm yourself, Miss Chohong." Ian looked at her and said, "Or have you forgotten? While you may be in excellent physical condition, myself and Hugo are not. Furthermore... your mental state is not the best to begin an expedition."

"Not the best?! I'm perfectly-!"

"He's right, Chohong." Hugo looked up at her and said, "I know you like to rush into things, but even this is too much for you. Think about it. Just us three charging into Parasite territory... That's something even a level seven wouldn't do lightly. Not to mention that Dylan..." Hugo trailed off.

Chohong sighed and then sat back down. "Then... what do we do?"

Ian nodded, approving her calm action. Then he said, "We find allies. The minimum requirement is an Archer. After that, we need to gather supplies. A small elite group that can run there and run back... Thankfully, I gained an understanding of transfer magic from the mission, so in the worst case I can warp us out."

Hugo nodded. "Then in the meanwhile we rest up and prepare, right?"

"Yes." Ian looked at Chohong and said, "Three days. Prepare yourself and gather your belongings. After that, we set out to retrieve our friend."


The Temple of Gula. There, knelt down in prayer, was an unusual guest. Teresa Hussey, Haramark's princess, clasped her hands in an uncharacteristically devout gesture and lowered her head.

[My. I did not think that you would visit me so-]

'I want to use the royal oath.'


'There... There is a man. An Earthling who saved me. I want him revived.'

A faint chuckle filled Teresa's mind.

She grit her teeth. 'Do you find this amusing?! What kind of god are you?'

[One who knows that man you speak of all too well. And he is fine. There is no need to spend your royal oath so soon.]

'E-Eh? That... You had better not be lying. If you are, royal oath or not, I am going to defect to the Parasites in a heartbeat!'

[I admire your devotion to your dear hero, but as I said, he is fine. In fact, he should arrive within a few day's time. Though, I would prepare yourself.]


[You see. He is not only 'your' hero...]


"Dammit." I swung my sword again, cutting down a Parasite jumping at me. "This is getting... Damned annoying!"

A half dozen cockroach Parasites, leaping at me from above.

I pivoted on my heel and slashed, spinning across the horizon.

A thin emerald line. Following that, chitin and green blood splashed onto the ground.

Flone shook her hands, covered in blood from her enemies, and sighed. "These guys are really tenacious, aren't they?"

We had made it half-way across the territory to Arden Valley. The plan was to make a bee-line there, but my body still wasn't healed enough to get there without ripping apart.

I shook my blade, getting the blood off of it, and then sheathed my sword. But after that, I winced.

"Jihu!" Flone flew over and held me steady. Her blue eyes looked at me in concern and said, "You shouldn't strain yourself!"

"Sorry, Flone." I sighed and leaned into her. "If I didn't go too overboard, we'd be back by now. But I have to rely on you like this..."

She smiled and shook her head. "That's fine! It's great that I can pay you back even this much... And besides!" Her smile widened and she said, "You placed your life on the line to protect my resting place, didn't you? Your life is thousands time more important than that, so let me use my life to protect yours."

I frowned and said, "You shouldn't take your life that lightly, Flone. I didn't bring you back to life just so that you could throw it away for my sake."

"I know. But if I want to, then you can't stop me. Right?"

"...You're mean."

"And you aren't?" She shook her head and said, "Do you know how worried I was after seeing the place blow up like that? And then you were stabbed so much, too!" She frowned and said, "Are you sure it's my life you should be worried about?"

"...True. I'll be more careful in the future."

A faint light in the distance. Yellow, meaning attention required.

"Tch. There's more of them."

Flone frowned. "So soon?"

I straightened and looked around. Seeing a boulder nearby, I pointed and said, "Over there."

Flone nodded and picked me up, running over there.

I had some reservations about that, but ignored it considering the urgent situation.

Not a moment after we hid behind the boulder, a swarm of bugs flew over us.

Flone frowned. "...They really are just like locusts, aren't they?"

I sighed and said, "Yes. And... this is going to be trouble." I held out my right hand and stared at it.

[Seol Jihu.]

Physical body on the verge of collapse.

Constrained by magical glyphs to prevent collapse.

Energy imbalance.

It was bad.

Was it a result of tipping things too far, or interfering too much against causality?

The body that should have restored quickly was being restrained. Even though there was nothing in theory stopping me from quickly healing up considering that energy manipulation and synthesis were my abilities, my bones and other vessels in my body were still fractured.

"Jihu?" Flone gave me an inquisitive look.

I shook my head and said, "Seems like I'm in worse shape than I thought."

Flone's eyes widened. "You... You're fine, though, right?"

I nodded. "I can still move. Fight. But if something big happens..." I looked at Flone and said, "If it does, you leave first. Alright?"

Flone's clear blue eyes trembled and then she shook her head. "No."

I frowned. "You just got the chance to be free and a proper shot at life, Flone. I won't have you throw it away for someone like me."

"I don't care!" Flone shook her head and said, "I'm not leaving you behind."

"That's...!" I stared at her, but seeing her icy blue eyes, I sighed. "Fine."


"But if it looks hopeless and you start being in danger, I'm going to kill myself first. Understand?"


I stared at Flone and said, "I don't want to drag you down to death with me. After all, you can't forget. You are a Paradisian, and I am an Earthling. If I die here, it isn't the end for me. But if you die here... While it won't be the end for you either, you won't ever be able to be human again. What I did to revive you was a one-time miracle that won't be allowed a second time. So please, Flone." I grabbed her hand and said, "You have to live, alright? No matter what. And then, when we meet again... Well, I'm sure that I'd easily become friends with someone as wonderful as you."

"...Friends, huh?" When Flone said that, she seemed a bit sad. But she nodded and said, "Fine. But you can't just give up on me either!"

"Obviously. I rather like my memories, you know?" I sighed and pushed myself up. "Anyway... Looks like we're in the clear for now. Let's get going."

Like that, we went on the road again.


I stood at the edge of Arden Valley, staring at the mountain range. When I did, I froze in shock.

"Jihu?" Flone stood next to me, carefully observing me. "Is it dangerous?"

I glanced at her and then paled.

A deep crimson, bordering on black. Not from just Flone, but the entire mountain range.

Impending doom.

The moment we crossed over, we would be fighting not only for our lives, but against Fate itself. I could feel it. And in that process... Nine out of ten times, something terrible would happen to Flone.

I shook my head and changed directions. "We can take a different path. They're expecting us there."

I didn't specify who 'they' were, but Flone got the message.


A day passed.

The attacks from the Parasites grew more frequent. At the same time, the caliber of enemies we faced were stronger.

Flone touched her cheek, quietly staring at the crimson blood that came from the wound.

I reached out to her. "Flone, let me-"

"No." She shook her head and gave me a resolute answer. "You said your body is hurt because you used too much mana, right? Then I won't let you heal it."


"No buts!"

"...It will scar."

Flone smiled. "It's fine! Scars add character to a woman, right? And it's not like guys won't stare at me anyway. This will just give them another reason to, right?"

I bit my lip.

Flone was taking it lightly, but...

"Dammit." I clenched my right fist.


Two more days.

Flone let out a ragged breath and leaned against a tree. Wounds riddled her body and her pristine skin was marred by dried blood and dirt. Not only that, but her armor was shattered, leaving only her ragged dress beneath it.

I wasn't in much better shape. Clutching my sword and using it as a makeshift cane, I scanned the surroundings. Only after making sure that there were no lights around did I let out a sigh. "Looks like... we're in the clear."

"S-Sorry, Jihu." Flone shook her head. "W-Who knew that a living body... could get so tired... huh...?"

I sat down beside her and then conjured up some water. "Here."


Flone took a long drink from the cup.

Seeing such a refined beauty drink from a clear cup like that while covered in grime...

It made me regret my actions again.

If I had strengthened my body more. If I was more cognizant of the fact that my abilities might get limited by the world itself...

"Don't be mad, Jihu."

I blinked. "What?"

Flone smiled at me, gently placing the cup down on the ground. "Even though it's like this, I'm having fun, you know?"

"You're... having fun?"

"Yep!" Flone nodded and said, "Back when I was alive, I would never even think about doing something like this, you know? All I ever did was what they told me to do. Even at the end..." She shook her head and said, "A-Anyway, I'm glad." She looked up at me and said, "Ever since meeting you, I've gotten to do a lot of new things! Fight, adventure, shop around... and even make new friends."

I frowned. "But Flone. Someone like you-"

"Should do what she wants. Right? Isn't that the reason you said you brought me back to life? To do what I want?"

I froze, unable to retort to my own words.

"Well." Flone stretched and said, "I want to help out my best friend and get him back home safely. If I get a little scratched up and dirty in the process, who cares?"

I shook my head and let out a rueful smile. "You're really not what I expected you to be, Flone. Shouldn't a Saintess be more prim and proper?"

"And shouldn't a 'Knight' be more accommodating to a maiden's request?"

I sighed.


Another day.

We had arrived at a different mountain range from Arden Valley, on the opposite side of the Forest of Denial.

Flone's eyes brightened as she saw the mountain in front of us. "When we get past that, we're home free, right?!"

"We should be..." I murmured. "But something's not right."

It was colorless. Not only that, but we hadn't had any Parasite encounters for a while.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "Stay alert, Flone. I don't like this."

Seeing my serious expression, she nodded and said, "I will, Jihu."

It was mid-day. The sun was high in the sky, revealing everything beneath its rays. Despite that, a faint mist covered the mountain in front of us.

With careful steps, Flone and I made our way up the mountain path.


Flone looked at me and said, "Jihu... Do you sense anything?"

"No. And that's the weird thing."

We were halfway up the mountain. Even up to this point, not a single living being was encountered. Not a bird, insect, or monster.

"That's odd-"

Suddenly, a roar, followed by a surge of mana in the distance.

"What the-?"

Before I could question it, an alert popped into my head and words appeared in my field of vision.

[Nine Eyes is reacting to ??? Insight!]

[The bottom direction - Black (Fated Demise) has been unlocked.]

At once, the entire surroundings turned black, as if night had fallen.

The same was true for Flone. As if she had reverted back to the vengeful spirit, an ominous black light dyed her body.

"Jihu? What's-?"

Without hesitation, I picked her up and ran. Not backwards. There, the black creep was even darker. But instead...

A faint flicker in the distance. A slight discoloration, where six dots were slightly crimson instead of pure black.

The moment I gazed in that direction, the black that seemed to swallow us up became a shade brighter.


"Hold on, Flone."

Without hesitation, I focused and used Energy Manipulation. Changing our kinetic speed, reducing friction, moving forward with increased velocity.

A muffled boom erupted and we rocketed towards the six lights. At the same time, I felt my body splinter.

Pain, nausea, and a burning sensation deep within me.

I ignored it and kept moving.

It took a few seconds. Only that time.

And then I arrived.

It was a group of six winged figures, fighting against a monstrous shadowy being. One with a white mask and countless tendrils.

The leader, a cloaked woman with black wings, held out her hands, causing sigils and white lightning to erupt, striking the monster.

But it didn't matter.

The monster wavered like an illusion, and then it reemerged elsewhere, as if it teleported.

Did it recognize the woman with black wings as a formidable threat? Instead of going after her, it went after a pair of women with butterfly-like wings.

Immediately, the color surrounding the women turned a pitch black. A 'Fated demise' according to my eyes.

And with it, so did everything else.

The black-winged woman turned to look at me.

Flone's eyes widened. "Jihu! That monster-!"

Did she sense the nature of that monster as well? A corrupted being that looked like a mass of malice and terror bound into a single form.

But that didn't matter.

I didn't have time to explain, so I dropped Flone in front of the black-winged woman and then charged at the monster.

But it would be too slow. Then, to buy time, I activated Impending Demise.

The monster paused. But it wasn't out of fear. Instead, it turned its head towards me. While the face was blank, a pure white mask, it seemed like it was curious, stopping in place for a few seconds.

That was the only time I needed.

Brushing my earring to boost my speed, I landed in front of the monster and swung my blade.

It missed. No, it didn't meet any resistance, cutting through the monster like mist.

But I expected that and focused.

The monster blurred, moving away. And as it did, I saw the mechanics of how it worked.

The mist in the mountainside as the medium. Lacing the 'intent' into the area itself, latching on as the entire entity. Materializing at various points.

The monster started reappearing, now in front of Flone and that black-winged woman.

But before it did-

'Oh no you don't.'

-I reached out with my left hand.

Space froze. No, that wasn't true. I temporarily jammed the atoms in that place, reducing the kinetic energy to zero.

The monster appeared, but it froze, unable to move. At the same time, the 'presence' in the area dimmed.

"Hah!" Flone reacted quickly, bashing the monster with her shield and then slashing it with her sword.

The black-winged woman looked confused, but caught on quickly. Like before, white lightning erupted, zapping the monster.

A high-pitched scream, warbling like static, filled the air and the monster vanished. At the same time, its presence faded away.

But the danger hadn't died down yet.

As if waiting for that monster to vanish, gunshots echoed through the air. No, not actual gunshots, but something similar. Not only that, but shadowy creatures that looked like deathly scythes shot out from the ground, aiming at the women.

"Dammit!" An ambush after an onslaught.

My body burned, but I didn't have the luxury to wait. So, before things could reach the worst, I tapped into the energy in my sword and shot out lightning, striking the Parasites. At the same time, I sent out a gust of wind, blocking any oncoming projectiles.

Splinters of rock flew through the air, followed swiftly by ash.

But we were safe for now.

The black color faded, turning crimson... and then swiftly began turning black again, like ink dropping into a glass of water.

The black-winged woman turned to me and said, "I know not who you two are, but my comrades and I-"

"Run! They aren't gone yet!"

The woman's eyes widened and she quickly gathered her comrades.

I ran towards them... Or I tried. But then my limbs stopped working and I tripped.

"Jihu!" Flone dashed over and caught me. "I told you not to overwork yourself!"

I shook my head and said, "No choice. But help me move. We're still in danger." I scanned the surroundings.

Seeing me do that, the black-winged woman bit her lips and then asked me. "You seem to have a grasp of the situation. Where do we go?"

I looked and then saw a faint crimson glimmer in the distance. A cave near the peak of the mountain. "There." I forcibly moved my body with mana and pointed. "That cave. It's dangerous, but better than certain death."

Unlike the rest of the terrain, it was a bright crimson. Still dangerous, but not 'Fated Demise'.

"Got it, Jihu!"

Flone ran off, carrying me in her arms.

Behind us, I heard wings unfurl, and then the group of women flew after us.

I glanced back and saw that their colors were red... And then quickly became black.

My eyes widened and I grit my teeth. Forcibly raising my arm, I focused and then formed a wind shield.

Something broke. The blood vessels in my left arm as well as my bones.

The black-winged woman's eyes widened and she glanced back.

Suddenly, thunderous cracks. Gunshots firing. But those were stopped.

Ominous black bullets were suspended in mid-air, straining against my shield.

I narrowed my eyes and moved my arm, batting them aside.

Realizing my actions, the woman started chanting. Not long after that, another wind barrier formed, surrounding us.

But it wouldn't be enough. Just to be certain, I took control of it and then amplified the spell.

The woman's eyes widened.

I ignored it.

The spell, which had been a simple barrier, swelled into a localized tornado.

I spun it more until it became condensed, razor winds. And then I released them.

Screeching crosswinds. Deafening gusts.

For a few seconds, the surroundings turned bright yellow. But like before, ink began dropping in, turning everything black.

But that didn't matter.

We arrived at the cave.

Flone charged inside and quickly set me down, drawing her sword and shield.

Not long after, the six women barreled in.

It wasn't enough.

Still, the surroundings were darkening.

So then, to make sure we were safe, I lifted my left arm again.

"Jihu, no!" Flone looked at me and pleaded me to stop.

I shook my head and then focused on the cave entrance.

Energy flooded my veins, using my arm as a focus. Then, rocks formed out of mid-air and covered the entrance. However, I left microscopic cracks. Enough for air to flow in and out, but not enough to be seen from the outside.

Finally, the black color faded, leaving everything a bright yellow. Attention required, but not danger or death.

And with that, I felt my vision blur.

Static. As if exacting a price for my overuse, my senses went into overdrive. My vision blurred and my hearing dimmed. I felt nausea well up inside me and then stop, and my entire body flashed between hot and cold.

But only for a few moments.

White light splashed over me, and then the symptoms faded. They didn't disappear, but it became tolerable.

When I regained awareness, I noticed Flone standing, her sword drawn and black resentment filling the air.

The black-winged woman was kneeling in front of me, her brows furrowed.

Seeing that, I sighed. "Flone. Stop threatening our friends there."

"...Hmph." She scoffed and then sheathed her sword before moving back to my side. Pushing the woman aside, she said, "You idiot. Why did you even go save these people and overexert yourself that much?"

"Because it was necessary. So don't threaten them." I sat up and looked at the women.

First impression, they were all beautiful. But not in the human way, rather in the ethereal nature that fantasy creatures could have.

They were all still hooded, but the traces I saw showed that they weren't ordinary women.

The black-winged woman I saw earlier was the one that treated me. And she also seemed to be the leader of the group as she looked to me and said, "Are your wounds better? I attempted to heal you as best as I could, but the severity-"

"It's fine. The question is are all of you well?"

The group shared a glance and then the woman in charge turned back to me. "We are fine as well. Of course, it would have been a different story had you not intervened." She paused and then said, "Why did you?"

Flone sidled up beside me, her gaze sharp. Not only that, but her blue eyes were tinged crimson as well.

I leaned into her, causing Flone to relax a bit. After that, I looked at the black-winged woman and said, "I couldn't afford to let you die. After all... I think we're all stuck in the same mess anyway, right?"

"...I see." Did she pick up on the meaning from my statements? Either way, she nodded and said, "Then if I may ask. Are you the Magician responsible for destroying the facility?"

I nodded. "I am. And I presume that you all are those from the Federation that were on a mission to raid it as well?"


An impasse. The woman stared at me and I stared back.

"...Seol Jihu. You can call me Seol." Sensing the tense atmosphere, I decided to introduce myself.

After a moment's contemplation, the woman nodded and said, "Mikael."

I recognized the name. One of the biblical angels... but that didn't matter too much. "Rest easy. You've probably all had a rough time, right? I can't say that we're completely safe, but we should be good for a few hours."

Mikael paused and looked back at one of her allies. "Is he telling the truth?"

One of the hooded figures nodded and said, "I don't sense any falsehood from him."

A beautiful and enchanting voice.

Mikael pursed her lips and then nodded, sitting down on the cave floor. Following her actions, the others did the same. But they were still tense.

I wondered why for a bit until I saw Flone glaring at them.


She shook her head. "I can't trust people who won't show their faces."

"It's fine. They have their reasons."


I blinked and then looked at Flone.

Did my actions worry her from before? Or was it my current state of being? Either way, she didn't seem willing to take any risks, staring at the others without moving.

"Very well." Mikael nodded and said, "We can do this much at least in exchange for saving our lives." With that, she pulled down her hood.

A beautiful face. Radiant and perfect, like a delicately sculpted image of a goddess. And then stunning black hair, shimmering with faint streaks of gold.

It was enough to enchant any person that gazed at it.

And the same was true for all of the other women. Paired with their exotic wings as well, it was definitely a fantasy come to life.

Of course, I couldn't be bothered with it since I had already become accustomed to beautiful women in the past few weeks.

Only when seeing that did Flone relax a bit. Still, she remained close to my side, keeping one hand on her sword.

Mikael stared at Flone, a wry smile on her face, before turning to me. Her gaze was curious, probing and yet hesitant.

I simply closed my eyes, doing my best to rest.

"...You are quite the impressive Magician." Mikael's voice called out. "I have never seen anyone with fine enough mana control to wrest the nature of a spell from the spirits themselves."

I shrugged, my eyes still closed, and said, "You meet a lot of strange people in life, Miss Mikael. Especially in this world."

"Miss Mikael, is it?"

I couldn't see her, but I had a vague sense that she was smiling.

"...In any case. I would ask what your plans are. Surely you did not intervene and expend such effort to save us out of mere goodwill?"

I opened my eyes.

Mikael was staring at me, while the other women were observant as well.

I nodded. "That's true. I do indeed have an ulterior motive... But I would like to ask you guys first. You can fly, but didn't leave. Is the situation that bad?"

Mikael frowned. "Yes. As you can imagine from our predicament and the enemies, the situation in air and on land is dire. It was to the extent that we were prepared to chance the Forest of Denial... but then that creature emerged." She shuddered and said, "We managed to flee, but no matter how far we ran it pursued. Although it appeared hostile to the Parasites as well, cutting them down, it chased us down regardless." She paused. "But you managed to kill it?"

I shook my head. "It's not dead. That thing... Well, it's not even really 'alive.'" I frowned, remembering the nature of that monster from stopping it. "It's like a bundle of malevolent mana mixed with a corrosive will. I'm not entirely sure how it came to existence or why it's here, but as long as we're in the area, it'll come back to hunt us down. Though it should take a while since I dispersed it."

Mikael's frown deepened. "Malevolent mana? Is that why the spirits had no effect on it?"

"Probably." I nodded and said, "It's akin to a spirit of pure darkness than anything else... though a lot more malevolent than that, of course."

Again, the beautiful voice from before spoke up. "He's telling the truth."

Mikael's expression changed, turning into contemplation and then acknowledgment. "I see. And I also see that you are no ordinary human." She shifted her gaze to Flone and said, "Neither is your companion. To control such resentment and negative energy..." She turned back to me and said, "And yourself as well." She paused and said, "You are clearly not from Paradise... Then, are you two Earthlings?"

"I am. Flone's case is a bit... unique, shall we say. And you... As well as that woman trying to probe my words." I glanced at them and said, "You're important people in the Federation, right?"

Mikael bristled, though she tried to hide it. "We are not obligated to answer that question."

I nodded. "As a person in those positions would state. But whatever." I stared in the distance, seeing the light begin to swiftly change color from yellow to orange. "Either way, we're all in danger here. But I have a plan to get us out, safely at that. Of course, it requires your cooperation. If you accept, we can all get out of here alive. If you don't, well..." I glanced at Flone.

Unlike before, her color had changed to a bright yellow as well and wasn't changing. "We can get out just fine. You'll have to chance it though."

Mikael frowned. "...Is he telling the truth?"

"He is."

I tilted my head, staring at the woman who spoke up. "...You shouldn't trust your ability that much you know? Divine Insight is powerful, but higher ranked skills can fool it."

The woman's eyes widened.

Mikael's expression became dim as well... but then she became thoughtful. "To perceive that much... You said that your name was Seol, was it?"

"You can call me that, yeah."

She stared at me and said, "Since you said that much, it seems that you have no intent to harm us. And in your current state, you cannot do much either. While your companion could, I doubt that it would be beneficial. So I am curious." She tilted her head and said, "What is this plan of yours that will get us all out safely?"

"Well... Have you heard of transfer circles?"

Mikael nodded. "I have. But what of them? You cannot be suggesting that we create one here."

"Create one? No. But stabilize one, yes." I stared at them and said, "I don't know who you all are, but considering that you're from the Federation, you should be decently familiar with magic, right?"

"...That is the case, yes."

"Then it's simple. I'll make a transfer circle that will take us near Haramark and fuel it. In return, you guys stabilize it until we get there, using your spirits. After that, we go on our merry ways."

"And what guarantee do we have that this isn't an ambush? That you won't teleport us into the depths of human territory to hold us captive?"

"Guarantee, huh?" I stared at them for a while and then said, "Well... That depends. Do you want to trust my word and actions? Or do you want me to force you to obey to realize that I could have done it at any time? Because I can do that just as well considering how in tune you all are with the world's natural energy."

That woman with the beautiful voice flinched and quickly stammered. "M-Mikael. He's-"

"Telling the truth about that too, huh?" Mikael stared at me and then shifted her gaze to Flone. After a few moments, she nodded. "Very well."

"Leader?!" One of the women spoke up. A pink-haired one with butterfly wings.

Mikael shook her head. "Seol has shown that he's trustworthy... At least to this extent. Furthermore, if it is true that he is the one the humans sent to destroy the mass production facility, his interests align with our own. It is unlikely that he would harm us, all things considered."

"Unlikely! But-"

"It is a gamble." Mikael nodded, staring at me. "But one I am willing to take. After all... You do not seem the sort to go back on his words."

"Heh. And you're pretty insightful for an angel that knew nothing but following orders until you fell."

Mikael's eyes widened a fraction and then she nodded. "Yes. A fall from grace tends to do that to you."

"Mm. Well..." I stared at the floor being dyed orange and forced myself up. "Might as well get started."

"Jihu." Flone frowned. "Don't strain yourself." She looked at the others and said, "We can just head back ourselves, right? There's no need to hurt yourself for these insects."

"Insects?!" The woman that spoke up against the plan bristled.

Mikael held up her hand, quieting the woman.

"True. But there's no harm in piling up a few favors, right?"

Flone looked hesitant, but seeing my gaze, she sighed and nodded.

After that, I walked into the center of the cave and held out my left arm. Glancing at it, I saw that it was a mangled mess. Blood continuously dripped down and bits were split like unsightly apple skin.

I shrugged and placed it on the ground. Since it was already in this state, I didn't need to worry about it.

Blood dripped onto the stone floor. Then, it began creeping out, tracing a magic circle.

Mikael's eyes widened. "This phenomenon...?" She looked at me and said, "Seol. Who- No, what exactly are you?"

"At this moment? The one who will save your lives. Now, get ready. I don't have the fine control to do more than set our destination, so if we pop out somewhere along the way instead of near Haramark, that will be on you."

Mikael's gaze grew serious. "We will handle it."

Flone glared and said, "You all better. If something happens to Jihu, you won't escape alive. Even if you run back to the Federation whatever, I'll hunt you down. All of you." She carefully stared at their faces and said, "I've memorized them, you know?"

I sighed. "Flone. Please."

"...Just warning them, Jihu."

Mana welled up, fueled by my three mana stars and then thin traces of pure energy I extracted from my core. With it, the fabric of time and space became thin, twisting.

I focused, recalling Haramark's location and aiming the end of the tunnel. Then...

"It's time."

"Girls!" Mikael spoke up.

A chorus of beautiful chanting.

Crimson light, both from the magic circle and the approaching danger.

And then, it vanished, along with all of us.


The cover of night. When the transfer finished, we arrived beneath a starlit sky and a pale white moon.

I staggered the moment we did, my left arm pulverized and my leg bones turned into dust. The faint control holding my body together was slipping. Still, I forced myself to stand firm, binding everything in place with sheer will. My mangled left arm snapped back into a vaguely humanoid shape and my disintegrated legs locked back into place.

Mikael glanced around, her eyes wide. "We... truly arrived?"

The other winged women did as well, reactions similar to their leader.

I sighed and leaned on Flone for support.

She grabbed me and helped me up.

Mikael turned back to me and then bowed her head. "Seol Jihu. That name and this favor. I won't forget it."

I nodded back. "And I won't forget yours, Mikael. I'll put in a word with Teresa that you guys tried to help."

Mikael's eyes widened a fraction and then she shook her head. "Truly, an unfathomable man..." With that said, she unfurled her wings.

The woman with the beautiful voice stared at me one more time and then unfurled her wings as well, an act followed by the others.

Mikael stared at me one last time and then said, "I am sure this is not the last time we will see each other... So until then."

I nodded.

Like that, the women from the Federation vanished, blending in with the night sky.

"...Are they gone?"

Flone stared after them and then nodded. "They are."

"Good. Then... would you mind dragging me to the Temple of Luxuria? I... really need proper treatment."

Flone sighed, but adjusted me around her and said, "I told you not to overexert your-"

And before I knew it, my consciousness cut out.