
The Second Chance Was Given

When the great King Arthur dies peacefully, little does he know that his story is far from over. Awakening in the body of an infant named Lawrence Hans in the enchanting world of Eldoria, Arthur finds himself surrounded by loving parents and devoted servants. Retaining the memories of his past life, he realizes that this new chance is not for revenge, but for true self-discovery. ❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜ From the earliest days of his new existence, Lawrence feels an inexplicable draw to the magic that permeates this wondrous world. Soon, he discovers unique abilities within himself, capable of altering the fate of Eldoria. Determined to make the most of his second chance, Lawrence sets out to uncover the mysteries of magic and to fulfill his true destiny. ❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜ Every adventure strengthens his resolve and leads to new revelations about himself and his powers. ❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜ This story of reincarnation, friendship, and magic will leave no one indifferent. Immerse yourself in the extraordinary world of Eldoria and follow Lawrence as he faces trials, battles formidable foes, and uncovers his true purpose. This gripping saga of a young mage striving not just to survive, but to become a legend, will forever remain in your heart. ❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

KraftNovels · Fantastique
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28 Chs

Eastern Borders: River Valley.

Eastern Borders.

On the Eastern borders of the kingdom, where powerful rivers frame fertile valleys, Captain Loren's squad was engaged in the search for Vancliff and his associates. Known for its swift waters and dense thickets along the banks, the region was an ideal hideout for those wishing to remain unnoticed.

The sunrise illuminated soft mists rising above the river, creating a ghostly glow. Loren's squad moved along the bank, exploring every hidden trail and cave. The wind carried scents of moist earth and decay, adding to the sense of uncertainty.

Their attention was drawn to tracks on the soft riverbank soil—footprints too large and deep for an ordinary traveler. The tracks led to one of the small docks, where remnants of recently used ropes and damaged boats were found.

A squad led by Sheldy, a young and decisive commander, approached an abandoned dock on the eastern border of the kingdom. The early morning mist, which slowly streamed above the slowly flowing river, added gloom to the surrounding landscape. The penetrating moist air was filled with the smell of old water and rotting wood.

Previously forgotten and used only by occasional passing ships, the dock now consisted of a tangle of twisted boards and semi-rotten mooring buoys. At the center of this picture of oblivion stood an unexpectedly repaired ship. Its deck had just been treated, clearly indicating recent activity.

Sheldy, casting a glance at the ship, instantly assessed the situation and gave an order to her deputy, Nuri, a silent strategist who was already prepared for action.

- "Divide the squad into groups, and search every corner of this area. We need to know whether the crew has escaped or is still somewhere here," — she commanded.

While the squad conducted their search, Sheldy climbed aboard the ship. Her steps on the creaking deck broke the silence. Ascending to the bridge, she headed to the captain's cabin. The door was ajar, and inside everything looked tidy—undoubtedly, the cabin had been used recently.

On a table covered with maritime charts and navigation tools, Sheldy noticed a fresh map. In the corner of this map was a crest—a golden lion on a green field, which she had already seen in other documents related to Vancliff. The map marked routes and coordinates leading to a small village upstream.

Sheldy carefully studied the routes, trying to understand the logic of the movements and possible next stops of the crew. After a few minutes of reflection, she gathered all the important documents, neatly folded the map, and descended to the deck.

By that time, the squad, having returned after fruitless searches, had gathered on the shore. Nuri approached Sheldy, awaiting further instructions.

- "No one was found commander," — he reported.

- "Prepare the squad for departure; we are heading to the village. We must use every opportunity to find out where these people might have gone," — Sheldy decisively said.

As soon as Sheldy's squad emerged from the shadow of the abandoned dock, the morning light began to illuminate their path up the river. The commander and her soldiers moved quickly but cautiously along the winding bank, anticipating an ambush or other signs of activity from Vancliff and his associates at any moment.

In the cool morning air, as the mist still swirled above the ground creating a mystical atmosphere, Sheldy, the squad commander, stood at the forefront of her warriors. Her posture reflected decisiveness and confidence, and her eyes scanned the ranks of her subordinates, assessing their readiness. Her copper hair was neatly gathered under a helmet, and a cape with the emblem of their squad—a double-headed eagle spreading its wings—draped over her shoulders.

She carefully monitored every detail—from the tension of the bowstrings to the gleam on the swords. Her leather armor was adjusted to not restrict movements, allowing her to react quickly in any situation. No doubts were visible on her face—only concentration and focus on the tasks ahead.

Beside her, Nuri, the deputy commander, walked along the column. His appearance and demeanor spoke of years of military experience. He was responsible for logistics and the condition of the weaponry. Every glance from Nuri was significant—he checked the arrow supplies, the integrity of the armor, and the condition of the weapons. His deep gray eyes missed nothing, and his hands automatically adjusted the placement of equipment on the soldiers, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness in battle.

The squad consisted of twenty well-trained warriors, each prepared to perform their duties. Archers with drawn bows and arrows ready, infantrymen with swords and shields, healers with ready packs of medicines, and magicians with spells at the tips of their tongues—all were set for battle and full of determination to protect their lands from any threat.

Feeling the weight of responsibility, Sheldy raised her hand, calling for attention. Her voice sounded confident and clear, issuing commands:

- "We stand before an important mission. Each of you has been chosen for your skills and courage. Remember your duty and that we protect not only our lives but the future of our families. Be vigilant, watch over each other, and do not make mistakes."

After her speech, the squad moved forward, overcoming the foggy landscape. Every step, every movement was coordinated and calculated, like parts of a well-oiled machine. Sheldy led her people, each of whom was ready for the challenges that lay ahead, confidently and with dignity, as a true leader.

As the squad led by Sheldy advanced, the terrain became increasingly tangled and difficult to navigate. The river, which had previously flowed calmly and slowly, had broken into numerous small streams that crossed their path and formed wet lowlands. These areas were full of traps made of mud and water that could ensnare the feet of an unwary traveler at any moment.

Everywhere one could step, the soft soil left deep tracks, making walking difficult and requiring each member of the squad to be extremely vigilant. The water in the streams, murky and cold, rustled underfoot, creating a background noise that, together with the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds, created a surprisingly calm yet tense atmosphere.

Nuri, an experienced scout, and Sheldy's deputy led the squad. His eyes were narrowed, and his gaze focused on the ground before him. With each step, he checked the soil for a solid foundation and avoided areas where water collected in deep puddles or turned into swamps. He held a long pole in his hands, which he used to check the depth in front of him, ensuring safe progress for the entire squad.

As the team crossed another small stream, which had been full of water in the spring but now consisted only of scattered small ponds and marshes, Nuri carefully inspected every corner. He tried to find the most stable places to cross, minimizing the risk and avoiding possible mishaps.

Every movement, every glance from Nuri was filled with experience and knowledge of the terrain. He not only monitored the safety of the route but also paid attention to possible traces of human or animal presence that could indicate activity in the area. All this time, Sheldy, watching his actions, assessed the situation and coordinated the actions of her warriors, ensuring maximum coherence and readiness for unforeseen circumstances.

As Sheldy's squad approached a local village, the paths they followed began to show increasingly clear signs of recent activity. Soft, wet riverside sand, bordering a small river, was marked with boot prints and deep wheel ruts—a sign that someone or something had recently passed through there.

The atmosphere in the squad immediately changed; the air filled with tension and anticipation of an impending confrontation. Sheldy, with her characteristic decisiveness, immediately reacted to the change in the situation. She raised her hand, signaling a halt, and the entire column instantly froze as if awaiting command.

- "Reconnaissance," she ordered succinctly, addressing Nuri and a few selected scouts "Survey this area, find any possible signs of activity or hidden shelters."

As soon as Sheldy raised her hand, signaling a stop, the air around filled with tense anticipation. The squad instantly froze, each fighter attentively watching the surroundings, ready for any commands from their commander.

- "Nuri, take Riku and Maylon with you. Check the shore for additional tracks or hidden shelters," Sheldy commanded in her calm but authoritative voice.

Nuri, the deputy commander, nodded in response and quickly coordinated actions with the selected scouts.

- "Move quietly, use your knowledge of the terrain, and don't forget to check every corner. We don't know what awaits us," he instructed his comrades.

Riku, an experienced scout, and Maylon, a young but clever fighter who had quickly earned trust with his skills, responded.

- "Understood, we'll be like shadows," whispered Rik, winking at Nuri before departing.

Maylon, taking the lead, began carefully checking the soft sand for the depth of the ruts.

- "Look, Rik, the wheel went deeper here, it suggests a heavy load," pointed out Maylon, bending down for a better look.

- "Well noted," approved Rik. "Let's check if they turned towards the river. It could be their way of avoiding notice on the common path."

While the scouts continued their work, Sheldy and Nuri discussed further actions.

- "Once they return, we need to decide whether to continue following the trail or wait and set an ambush if they come back for the cargo," Sheldy mused, looking in the direction the scouts had gone.

- "I agree," replied Nuri. "We need to use every opportunity to learn more before taking the next step. I hope they find something."

Soon, Rik and Maylon returned, bringing important news.

- "We've found a village where they may have set up camp. There are traces that a heavy body was dragged towards the village," reported Rik, handing Sheldy a scroll with notes.

- "Excellent work," praised Sheldy. "Let's gather and discuss our next steps. Every piece of information could be the key to solving this puzzle."

With these words, the squad began preparing for the next stage of their mission, armed with new data and a reinforced resolution to uncover the mystery of criminal activity on their lands.

Reaching the Village

As the squad approached the village, the sun began to set on the horizon, painting the sky in bright shades of orange and pink. The village, which appeared almost empty, lay peacefully in the twilight, unaware of the grim affairs lurking in its shadow.

Sheldy instructed her people to stay in the shadows and avoid drawing attention. They moved slowly and cautiously towards the center of the village, where, according to the maps, the main square should be.

- "Be on alert," she whispered to her fighters. "We do not know what lies ahead."

Thus began a thorough check of every house and street, searching for any evidence of Vancliff's stay or his accomplices. Every rustle and every light in a window was met with tense attention and readiness for action.

As the fog slowly gathered like the curtain before the final act of a tragedy, Sheldy and her squad cautiously moved toward the center of the village. There, an ancient square framed by low stone houses with wooden roofs appeared desolate. The air, laden with the scent of bonfire smoke and freshly cut grass, amplified the feeling of an inevitable clash.

As the last warrior of Sheldy's squad crossed into the square, the silence was shattered by screams and sounds of attack. Ambush groups, previously hidden in the shadows of houses and around corners, along with villagers swayed by promises or threats, surged forward in an assault.

- "Alert, ambush!" Sheldy shouted, instantly transitioning into combat mode. She drew her sword and took up a defensive stance behind her shield.

Next to her, Nuri quickly assessed the situation and took command of the troop:

- "Archers, take to the roofs! Infantry, form the front line! Mages, we need support here and now!"

However, the assault was too sudden and well-planned. The villagers, exploiting their familiarity with the terrain, attacked from the shadows, forcing Sheldy's squad to spread their forces thinly.

Archers attempting to gain advantageous positions were knocked down by stones and arrows shot from dark corners and hidden windows.

The infantry attempting to establish a defensive perimeter were overwhelmed by mass attacks coming from every direction.

One after another, Sheldy's warriors fell under the enemy's blows. Each second of battle was filled with screams, the clang of metal, the sounds of struggle, and the bitter scent of blood. Vancliff's people vastly outnumbered Sheldy's squad.

- "Nuri, watch out!" Sheldy yelled, slicing her way to the center of the square, attempting to rally the remaining warriors around her.

Nuri, leveraging his veteran skills, effectively covered her back, parrying attacks and responding with precise slashes of his long sword.

Despite their efforts, the enemy's numerical superiority and the surprise of their assault were decisive—most of their squad was either killed or severely wounded.

When the last of their comrades fell, Sheldy and Nuri found themselves back-to-back, repelling the attacks of the remaining assailants.

- "Nuri… you need to retreat," Sheldy whispered, assessing the situation. "There's no chance left… you must survive to deliver the information to the King and the Elders..."

- "I'll hold them off… now go…" Sheldy continued.

- "I understand, my lady… I swear by the Great Light! Your bravery will always be remembered!" Nuri said with tears in his eyes, assuming a formal stance before running towards the forest.

Soon, Nuri's silhouette vanished into the tree shadows. Sheldy exhaled with relief, looking around. Dust rose under the feet of the enraged crowd as they closed in around her, leaving her only a narrow space to stand. Dusk was settling, and the first stars began to twinkle in the rapidly darkening sky, illuminating a scene where a tragedy could unfold. The heavy tension hung in the air; the eyes of those gathered reflected fear, anger, and a thirst for retribution. The light of torches, trembling in the hands of some fiercely inclined villagers, cast dancing shadows on the ground, making the atmosphere even more sinister.

Sheldy stood motionless, her eyes wide open, her hand gripping the hilt of her sword. She was ready to fight but understood that her chances of survival were exceedingly slim. Her armor was coated with dust and mud from previous encounters, and her face bore an expression of determination and readiness to face whatever fate had in store.

As dark clouds gathered over the village, a crowd started to assemble in the main square. The air filled with whispers and shouts: "Traitor!" "Murderer!" "She will pay for everything today!" People jostled to get a better view, their faces twisted with anger and hatred.

From the crowd, a figure emerged like a shadow. It was Vulvia, a half-elf and one of Vancliff's most ruthless henchwomen. She walked slowly, and anyone who stood in her path fell, struck down by the precise thrusts of her dark dagger. Her eyes burned with madness, and her smile was twisted with cruel joy. She seemed not human, but death itself, moving through the crowd, instilling fear in all who watched her.

When she reached the center, she stopped in front of Sheldy and scrutinized her closely:

- "How interesting," Vulvia said in a slow, concealed voice, "so this is what the commander of the elite squad looks like, the one who thinks she can capture the great Vancliff Lenwayne? I'll remember your face, in case I want to draw it... as a memory of my victory."

"Does that old man Godrian think that Lord Vancliff purposely left that scum, Lucy, in the Eastern Forest? Ahahahah! Well, no matter... And what is your name, my dear?

- " I've completely forgotten, I know your name, heh! Shaldi, Shurdi... Ah, yes! Sheldy, commander of the squad," Vulvia continued, her voice soft but every word slicing through the air. "I propose a game to you! The one who wins stays alive, and the loser dies. Well? Well, well? How about it? Play with me!"

Silence fell over the square. Even the torches seemed to hold their breath, unwilling to interrupt this moment. Sheldy looked at the crowd, then at Vulvia, and nodded, accepting the challenge.

- "Accepted," her reply was clear and decisive.

The crowd instantly backed away, leaving a circle clear for the duel. The ground of the square was packed hard, the perfect arena for a fight. Sheldy and Vulvia stood opposite each other, each sizing up her opponent, looking for weaknesses in stance, gaze, and gestures.

The duel began instantly. Vulvia attacked first, her movements fast and precise, as if she were dancing a deadly dance. Sheldy tried to dodge and parry the blows, but each of Vulvia's maneuvers was filled with confidence and strength. Using the skill "Analyze," Vulvia quickly determined that Sheldy's mana core was already depleted, while her energy reserves were nearly at their peak.

- "Oh, you're tired already? What a pity your mana is so weak," Vulvia taunted, dodging an attack and counterattacking with double the force. "And so! Your Mana Core 'Porphyros' (Purple Level) is so weak!"

In the flurry of dance and dodges, Vulvia laughed over Sheldy.

Ignoring the taunts and provocations from Vulvia, Sheldy confidently parried the attacks, using her elven grace skills to dodge and counterattack. The exchange of blows was fast and brutal, each one potentially decisive.

The fight seemed to last for hours, minutes stretched until it became clear that one of the fighters had reached their limit. Sheldy became increasingly exhausted, her breathing quickened, and finally, a slight falter in her defense gave Vulvia the chance to strike. She delivered a decisive blow, swift and precise, forcing Sheldy to drop her sword.

At that moment, Sheldy felt a sharp pain—the blade of Vulvia had pierced her defense, leaving a deep gash in her chest.

- "That's the price for weakness Ahahahahaha!" Vulvia said irritably, with a manic laugh, pushing Sheldy to the ground. She raised her sword, ready to deliver the final blow.

At this critical moment, Sheldy gathered all the remnants of her energy for one last attempt to fend off the attack. Weakly but resolutely, she raised her sword, blocking Vulvia's blow.

- "I'm not ready to die yet," she whispered, gathering strength for a possible counterattack.

Instead of continuing the attack, Vulvia suddenly lowered her blade, and her eyes darkened with surprise.

- "You've shown courage, old woman," Vulvia unexpectedly said. "So you're still alive? Hey guys, pick her up and hold her! But make sure she doesn't die! Got it???" Vulvia called to several people, looking at Sheldy with a mad gaze.

- "Now, you'll be my toy hehe," Vulvia shouted joyously, jumping on the spot.

- "Drag her to my workshop! Quickly!"

After which, barely alive, Sheldy was dragged away following Vulvia.