
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

The Black pawn

Zero held out both closed fists towards the president, a pawn concealed in each. "Choose," he simply said, an enigmatic glint in his eyes.

Earl Garrett, surveying Zero's hands momentarily, confidently chose the left one. As Zero opened his hand to reveal the white pawn, the president's face lit up with a triumphant smirk. "Ah, white! My favorite," he gloated, "The advantage is already mine."

"Unlucky, Zero. If we are indeed equally matched, white will always emerge victorious."

Zero's response was to merely smile, unfazed, as he began placing his black pieces on the board meticulously. "Chess is a game of skill and strategy, not of colors," he retorted calmly, his voice dripping with quiet confidence.

Professor Holt watched the scene unfold, the tension in the room palpable. Each word exchanged between the two prodigies only heightened the electric atmosphere. He cleared his throat, "Gentlemen, are we ready?"

Both players nodded, eyes fixed on the board and on each other, eager for the battle to commence.

"Alright then," Professor Holt announced, "The match between Zero Elsher and President Earl Garrett will now commence in 3... 2... 1... Begin."

The chessboard, in its pristine and organized state, reflected the stillness of the room, broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the dual clocks. Garrett, seated behind the white pieces, took the first move, advancing his e2 pawn to e4, a classic opening. His fingers barely grazed the piece as it moved, exhibiting his well-practiced finesse.

Zero, poised and ready, responded swiftly by moving his pawn from e7 to e5, creating symmetry on the board.

"Ah, the double king's pawn," Garrett mused, shooting a sidelong glance at Zero. "Playing it safe, aren't we?"

Zero simply smirked, not taking the bait, "Every move has a purpose, President."

The opening phase proceeded in a series of well-practiced movements. Knights were maneuvered into position, bishops slithered diagonally across the board, and pawns acted as foot soldiers in this intellectual war. Each move was a testament to the players' mastery over the game.

Garrett soon castled to safety, securing his king behind a wall of pawns and signaling the end of the opening phase. Zero, in turn, opted for a more aggressive stance, pushing his pieces forward into the fray.

"Bold strategy," Garrett observed, attempting to rile up his opponent, "But boldness without purpose is mere recklessness."

Zero just smiled, shifting his knight to a more aggressive square, eyeing Garrett's queen indirectly. "Let's see if you can keep up."

Garrett, always one for flair, decided to up the ante, moving his queen out early and putting pressure on Zero's defense. It was a move that screamed confidence but also risked the queen's safety.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours as the middle game intensified. The board became a labyrinth of possibilities, a dance between offense and defense. Each player lost pawns, but neither was willing to concede any major pieces without a fight.

Zero's strategy became apparent as he started to create small pockets of control on the board, restricting Garrett's pieces and limiting their movements. With each passing move, Garrett's confident veneer started to show cracks.

"You might have me on the back foot, but the game is far from over," Garrett proclaimed, hoping to assert some level of dominance over the unfolding game.

"Isn't that what makes it thrilling?" Zero quipped back, tightening the net around Garrett's king.

In a surprising move, Garrett sacrificed his rook for a tactical advantage. It was a desperate play, one that could either win him the game or hasten his defeat. Zero paused, recalculating his strategy.

"Sometimes, sacrifice is the key to victory," Garrett declared, a note of triumph in his voice.

Zero leaned in, studying the board intensely. Then, with a swift move, he took Garrett's queen. "And sometimes, sacrifices lead to losses."

but then, He lost the queen.

Zero's loss of the queen, the most powerful piece on the board, felt like a turning point. Garrett's lips curled into a mocking smile. "Ah, Zero, has the great prodigy blundered so soon?"

However, Zero's eyes remained focused, and the weight of his strategy was evident in the pause that followed. Methodically, he advanced one of his knights, placing Garrett's king in check.

Garrett's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he retained his confident demeanor. "A bold move," he mused, moving his king out of check, right into the position Zero had anticipated.

Instead of retreating, Zero slid another piece forward, this time, a bishop, attacking the pathway Garrett's queen might take. Garrett, sensing danger, countered with his own knight.

"Trading pieces, are we?" Garrett mocked, expecting Zero to retreat.

Instead, Zero surprised him once more, sacrificing his knight by placing it directly in the path of Garrett's queen, putting the white queen in danger. The president's eyes narrowed, assessing the board, seeing the trap too late.

"I don't understand your play, Zero," Garrett said arrogantly, shrugging off the move. He chose to capture the knight with his king, believing he had averted the threat.

Without missing a beat, Zero advanced a pawn on the edge of the board, navigating it to the last rank. This move allowed him to promote the pawn, and with a triumphant flourish, he replaced the pawn with a freshly crowned black queen.

"Check," Zero announced, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smug grin.

Garrett's confidence began to waver, realizing he'd been outplayed. His white king, once guarded by an army, was now becoming increasingly isolated. Zero began his onslaught, using his revived queen to systematically hunt down Garrett's remaining pieces.

With every move, Zero's queen danced across the board, backed up by bishops and rooks, decimating Garrett's defenses. One by one, Garrett's pieces were cornered and captured: a pawn taken on the edge of the board, a knight trapped between the rook and queen, a bishop cornered with no escape route.

Garrett's once-boastful expression was replaced with one of frustration and disbelief. Each of Zero's moves was calculated to not only capture pieces but also to limit the white king's options. With every passing moment, the president's options dwindled.

The final stages of the game saw Garrett's king in a desperate dance, trying to evade the relentless pursuit of Zero's pieces. But with every square, he moved to, another path was blocked off.

Eventually, with his pieces obliterated, Garrett's king stood cornered, trapped on all sides. Alone. Zero leaned forward, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Even a pawn has its uses," Zero mused, moving his promoted pawn, to a third queen to the box in the white king completely.

"Checkmate," he declared with finality, sealing Garrett's fate.

Garrett, his face pale, looked at the board, then up at Zero. The weight of his defeat pressing heavily upon him. The room was silent, save for the ticking of the chess clock. The battle of wits had come to an epic conclusion.

Professor Holt's voice cut through the tension in the room, "With this game concluded, Zero Elsher is hereby announced as the victor and will be inducted into the Student Council as per the rules of the challenge." He took out a paper, which appeared to be a contract, and read aloud the specific clauses pertaining to the victor's rights and obligations. "An official announcement will be made on Monday to inform the student body of this change. It's important for clarity and to avoid any confusion."

The professor gave a curt nod to both the players and left the pristine white room, the door clicking shut behind him. Silence prevailed, with only the remnants of their intense battle sprawled out on the chessboard between them.

Earl Garrett continued staring at the board, replaying the game in his mind, trying to pinpoint where he went wrong. He let out a deep sigh, his competitive nature bruised, yet there was admiration in his eyes as he looked up at Zero. "I never thought I'd be outplayed like that. Welcome to the elite circle of the student council, Zero. I do hope we'll get along."

Zero's grin was a mix of mischief and arrogance. "Thank you, President. And don't forget to promote me appropriately. You're well aware of my capabilities."

Garrett's eyebrow arched inquisitively. "Do you play chess often? My father is a grandmaster, and I've beaten several grandmasters in my time. My current ELO stands at 2700." He paused, watching Zero's reaction, trying to gauge his prowess.

ELO, in the world of chess, serves as a rating system. It quantifies a player's skill based on their wins, losses, and the level of their opponents. An ELO of 2700, especially in men's chess, designates the player as a 'Super Grandmaster', a title only a few can boast of worldwide. It's a testament to exceptional skill and mastery of the game. Yet, here was Zero, having bested such an opponent.

Zero leaned against the doorway, his smile never wavering. "I enjoy online chess quite a bit."

Garrett's brow furrowed in disbelief. "Online chess? You expect me to believe that you only play online and yet defeated me?"

Zero's smirk grew wider. "I'll leave you with a little tidbit, President. My online ELO hovers around 3000."

Garrett's eyes widened in shock. Such a score was nearly unheard of, even in the digital realm. Before he could question further, Zero, still wearing that triumphant grin, stepped out of the room.

Garrett sat back, dumbfounded. "A... a monster," he whispered to himself.

As Zero made his exit, the muffled sounds of Garrett's hysterical laughter seeped through the door. Zero's reaction to this was a chilling, sinister smile that crept across his face. The thrill of the game, the high of the win, and the look of sheer helplessness on Garrett's face when his king stood alone – it was intoxicating. Zero exhaled sharply, a bizarre moan of satisfaction. "I want fucking more..." he murmured, as the hunger for helplessness and despair began to brew within him.

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