
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Rank 1

Suddenly, the rhythm was broken by an unexpected announcement, "RANK 7, Class 1... Camila Ava."

Camila's eyes widened in shock, and a flurry of surprised whispers filled the room. She looked at Zero, Kayla, and Mike, her expression a mix of surprise and elation. The friends exchanged proud smiles, knowing how hard she had worked for this achievement.

Mike leaned over, giving Camila a friendly nudge. "Way to go, Cami!" he cheered. Kayla clapped her hands enthusiastically, her bright smile directed at her friend. "You really nailed it, didn't you?"

Zero, ever the stoic, simply nodded in acknowledgment. But his eyes spoke volumes, filled with pride for his friend's accomplishment.

The room's buzzing was interrupted as Professor Bennett continued with the announcements, "RANK 6, Class 1... Jennifer Laine."

Zero's eyebrows raised slightly. He remembered Jennifer as a member of Team 4, led by Carl. She had a reputation for her unparalleled analytical skills, and it was evident she had brought her team some acclaim.

Next, "RANK 5, Class 1... Kayla Aaron."

The group erupted in soft cheers, Mike giving her a playful shove. "Look at you go, Kayla!" he exclaimed.

Kayla laughed, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Yay! I can't believe it!" She high-fived Camila, the two sharing a victorious moment.

Without pause, the announcements continued, "RANK 4, Class 1... Lucas Belmoth." The tall, bespectacled boy in the third row nodded to the scattered applause.

"RANK 3, Class 1... Mike Rodriguez."

Mike blinked, momentarily stunned. He had been quite confident about his performance, and although third was a commendable rank, he had hoped for the second spot knowing zero will take the first spot.

Seeing his reaction, Kayla leaned over, squeezing his arm comfortingly. "Top three is amazing, Mike!" she whispered, trying to reassure him.

But before the group could process further, the announcements reached their climax. "RANK 2, Class 1... Carl Reiven." Carl, the leader of Team 4, simply smiled, his confidence unwavering.

"Finally, RANK 1, Class 1... Zero Elsher." The room filled with a mix of applause and murmurs of surprise. While Zero's recent victory in chess had made waves, few had expected him to claim the top academic rank as well.

Mike looked down, frustration evident on his face. It wasn't just about being second; it was about being second to Carl. Kayla leaned in, whispering, "He probably got ahead in the written exam, Mike. You know how tricky those questions can be."

Mike just nodded, trying to push down his disappointment, while Zero remained unfazed, accepting the accolades with his usual calm demeanor.

Professor Bennett, clearing her throat to draw the room's attention once more, began, "Now, as for the continuation of our curriculum, regular classes will resume from tomorrow."

She walked to her desk and picked up a tablet, its screen reflecting the ambient light of the room. "Each of you will need to register for a minimum of three elective classes. These classes aren't just a staple for your academic growth; they're essential for gathering credits toward graduation."

Camila, ever the inquisitive one, raised her hand, "Professor, can you tell us more about these electives?"

Professor Bennett nodded, "Certainly. Elective classes cover a broad spectrum of subjects, from advanced physics to the practical applications of chemistry, to the study of inter-dimensional mathematics. While these classes might sound challenging, they are designed to enhance your individual talents and help you specialize in fields that align with your interests and strengths."

Continuing, Professor Bennett added, "In addition to the academic credits, these elective classes will also award you NSE points. For those unfamiliar, NSE – or Neo-Scholastic Excellence – points, contribute to your currency for this school. Excelling in electives can boost your standings, and the total NSE points you earn this year will be added to your final scores. So, I suggest you choose your classes wisely."

Lucas, jotting down notes, asked, "How do we register for these classes?"

The professor gestured to her tablet. "Use the school app on your devices. There's a dedicated portal that will lead you to the school website. From there, you can view the available elective classes, their descriptions, and the respective professors teaching them. Once you've made your decision, simply register."

Mike, still brooding over the rankings, interjected, "Is there a deadline for registration?"

"Yes," Professor Bennett answered, "you have till the end of today. But I'd advise against waiting till the last minute. Some of the popular electives fill up quickly."

With that, Professor Bennett's gaze scanned the room, her expression warm and encouraging. "Please ensure that the elective classes you choose are scheduled in a way that complements your other commitments, such as your main classes and any club activities you're engaged in. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to raise your hand. Otherwise, you're free to leave."

She concluded with a cheerful note, "I've heard that numerous clubs are hosting their meetings on Monday, so I wish you all the best in selecting your electives that align with your passions and aspirations."

The student council room was located in a majestic, neo-Gothic building, distinct from the rest of the academy's architecture. The edifice stood imposingly with its stained-glass windows portraying legendary figures from past eras, each window casting vibrant hues when kissed by the sunlight. From afar, the building resembled a timeless monument to the academy's illustrious history.

Zero's footsteps echoed rhythmically as he crossed the vast courtyard, flanked by statues of past council presidents. Their stern faces, etched in stone, seemed to judge each newcomer, weighing their worthiness. Lush green hedges lined the courtyard, leading the way to the grand double doors crafted from dark oak and embedded with intricate patterns of mythical creatures.

Taking a deep breath, Zero pushed open the heavy doors, and the aroma of ancient books and polished wood greeted him. Inside, the vast hall stretched in all directions, with the ceiling painted to depict a celestial scene. The radiant artwork of stars and galaxies gave an impression that one was walking beneath an eternal night sky.

Along the walls, portraits of student council members from bygone eras stared back at him. Each frame was adorned with plaques detailing their names, tenure, and notable accomplishments. A rich burgundy carpet, with golden patterns, led him through the corridor, as muted conversations from various rooms on either side filtered into the hallway.

Finally, Zero approached another set of double doors, this one having the emblem of the student council – a golden phoenix rising from an open book. This emblem signified rebirth through knowledge, a core principle of the student council.

Entering the room, Zero was momentarily taken aback by its grandeur. The room was vast and circular, with a high domed ceiling from which a grand chandelier hung, casting soft golden light across the room. Along the circumference of the room, tall arched windows lined the walls, with sunlight streaming in, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.

Directly across from the entrance was a massive, oval-shaped table made of mahogany. Each chair around the table had a nameplate indicating the student council member it was designated for. At the head of the table was the president's seat, distinguishable by its slightly elevated position and the grander design.

Currently, a few members were already seated, engaged in muted conversations. They all looked up as Zero entered. Sarah White, the vice-president, stood up from her chair, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Ah, Junior," she greeted, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. "Glad you could join us."

Flanking her were two other members. To her left was Jackson Reed, the treasurer, a serious-looking young man with spectacles and a meticulously combed hairdo. To her right was Luna Morales, the secretary, whose bright blue eyes studied Zero with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Senior," Zero nodded in acknowledgment, "I hope I'm not late."

Jackson, adjusting his glasses, replied, "On the contrary, you're right on time. We were just discussing some of the initiatives we're planning for the semester."

Luna, twirling a strand of her raven-black hair, added, "And we're particularly curious to see what you bring to the table, given your... dramatic entry into the council."

Zero merely smiled, taking a seat beside Sarah.