
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Clara Asher

Zero woke up to the sound of his phone. He rubbed his eyes and reached for the device. His thumb glided across the screen, unlocking a world of notifications.

His eyes caught a bright headline: "NSE Academy Online News Board: Ranking Benefits Announced!" Zero tapped the link.

As the page loaded, the detailed benefits of the academy's ranking system unveiled themselves:


NSE Academy First-Year Ranking Benefits

1st Place:

300 NSE Points

Exclusive Access to Research Labs: Work with the most professional professors.

Mentoring from Top Faculty: Receive personalized guidance to hone your skills.

First Choice in Elective Selection: Tailor your curriculum to suit your interests and needs.

Internship Opportunities: Priority access to internships with renowned organizations.

opportunity to join the NSE student council.

Ranking below benefits.

2nd and 3rd Place:

200 NSE Points

Access to Advanced Seminars: Participate in seminars led by industry experts.

Priority for Special Projects: Get involved in innovative research and development.

Networking Events: Connect with alumni and professionals in the field.

Ranking below benefits.

4th to 10th Place:

100 NSE Points

Invitations to Special Lectures: Gain insights from guest lecturers and professionals.

Participation in Collaborative Research: Work with peers on interesting projects.

Ranking below benefits.

11th Place and Below:

50 NSE Points

Standard Access to Academy Facilities: Utilize labs, libraries, and recreational areas.


Zero's eyes Focused on the words "opportunity to join the NSE student council," an extra perk for the first rank.

'This is what I wanted... the Student Council,' Zero thought, a hint of wicked glee in his eyes.

The Student Council at NSE Academy was not a mere ceremonial body. It was a core part of the institution's governance structure, holding more power than many might realize. It wasn't just about organizing events or representing the student body; it was about wielding real influence.

In the hierarchy of the academy, the Head Master and Vice Head Master sat at the pinnacle, but just below them were the members of the Student Council. The council had a voice in key decisions, shaping policies, directing funds, and even influencing curriculum changes.

Next in line were the top-ranking students from each class, from the sixth year to the first, who also enjoyed some privileges but were mostly under the sway of the council's decisions.

Teachers, though respected, found themselves below the top students, often having to accommodate the council's will. The rest of the students, the vast majority, were mere spectators in this game of power, their voices often drowned out by those higher up.

This hierarchy was a playground for Zero, a perfect game where he could maneuver, manipulate, and entertain himself. His villainous charm found delight in the despair of others, in the failure of those who dared challenge him. The council's power was not just an opportunity; it was a weapon, a tool to mold his surroundings to his whims.

With the first rank within his grasp, Zero's lips twisted into a satisfied smirk, his thoughts swirling with grand designs. Joining the Student Council was just the first step.

'NSE Academy,' he mused, 'prepare to be my slave.'

His phone buzzed again, pulling him from his thoughts. It was a message from Camila, sharing the link to the ranking benefits. Her text read: "Have you seen this, Zero? Looks like ranking high has even more perks than we thought!"

"what's with this emojis spam, it's not like her character at all..." Zero murmured.

He quickly typed back, "I saw it. let's aim for the top shall we?"

Zero texted for a while, and the conversation goes a bit like this..

Camila: "I saw it too! ٩(^◡^)۶ By the way, me, Kayla, and Mike are going to the cafe for lunch. Do you want to join? ( ˘▽˘)っ♨"

Zero: "Sounds good. I'll be there."

Camila: "Wait, let me make a group chat for us. Σ(-᷅_-᷄ ๑)"

[Group Chat: Zero, Camila, Kayla, Mike]

Camila: "Here we are, all together! ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" So, lunch at the cafe, everyone's in?"

Mike: "Count me in! I'm ready for some serious munching! Anyone else hear the new burger is to die for? 🍔ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )"

Kayla: "Oh, I'm curious now! Let's try it together! Zero, are you up for a burger challenge?"

Zero: "hmm.. I prefer taking my time eating.."

Camila: " Burger Challenge! Who will win?$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] My money's on Zero! "

Mike: "Hey, don't count me out! I might surprise you all!"

Kayla: "Haha, Mike, I believe in you too! Zero, don't you underestimate Mike here!"

Zero: "I am not.. and I am not doing a challenge just let me eat in peace.."

Camila: "This is going to be epic! ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ Let's meet in 30 minutes, OK?"

Mike: "Can't wait! ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3"

Kayla: "See you all there! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ"

Zero: "Why are you guys ignoring me.. *sigh*"

Camila: "Perfect! see you guys in a bit!"

With that Zero headed to the shower, and went outside.

As Zero headed toward the cafeteria, his thoughts wandered back to the structure of the NSE Academy.

Thursday's lack of classes had turned the academy into a hive of energy. All around, first-year students were training and practicing for the upcoming physical exams. The grounds were filled with the sound of gym equipment, the hum of focused concentration, and the occasional cheers or shouts of frustration.

The promise of potential ranking benefits had lit a fire under many students, and Zero could sense the increase in determination and desperation. Everyone wanted to prove themselves, and the ranking system had turned the academy into a battlefield of sorts.

Lost in his thoughts, Zero almost didn't notice Mike jogging over to him, his face flushed with excitement.

"Hey, Zero!" Mike panted, catching up. "Did you see those guys over there?" He pointed to a group of students sparring with impressive intensity. "They're really going all out. Tomorrow's exam is stirring up quite the frenzy!"

Zero glanced over, his eyes assessing the scene with a cool detachment. "Of course. Rankings matter here, and people will do whatever it takes to climb to the top."

Mike grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Including you, Mr. Calm and Collected. Admit it, you're excited about all this, aren't you?"

Zero's lips curled into a small smile, and he inclined his head slightly. "I wouldn't call it excitement. Let's say I find the whole situation... intriguing."

Mike laughed, clapping Zero on the shoulder. "That's as close to excitement as you'll ever admit, isn't it? Come on, let's not keep the ladies waiting. I'm starving!"

They continued their way to the cafeteria, passing more students engaged in training and study. The atmosphere was electric, the anticipation palpable. The NSE Academy was a world of competition, ambition, and hierarchy.

For most students, it was a path to personal growth and career development. But for Zero, it was like a log that fuel his entertainment.

The cafeteria loomed ahead, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air. Zero's thoughts shifted momentarily from his grand plans to the more immediate pleasure of lunch with friends.

As they entered the cafeteria, Kayla and Camila waved them over, their table laden with delicious treats.

"Finally, you guys are here!" Kayla exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Let's eat!"

Zero settled into his seat, and so does Mike.

"So, Zero," Mike said, leaning back and patting his stomach, "how do you plan to conquer tomorrow's physical exams? I mean, apart from annihilating everyone else with your sadistic actions."

Zero looked up, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Strategy and preparation. I've studied the previous exams and identified potential patterns. I'll adapt as needed."

'except for that brat Carl and their lackeys, no one else is a target' Zero murmured.

Camila's eyes widened, and she leaned in, excited. "did you say something Zero?"

Zero only shakes his head.

Kayla laughed. "You make it sound like a mystery novel! I can't wait to see how it unfolds."

Mike grinned, finishing his burger. "Well, I'm just planning to wing it and have fun. Maybe I'll surprise you all."

'probably with that stamina stats of yours' Zero thought.

They continued to chat, the conversation flowing from the exams to classes, teachers, and even the latest gossip within the academy. All the while, Zero observed his friends.

Finally, they finished their meal, and the group headed out of the cafeteria.

"Thanks for the great lunch, everyone," Camila said, waving her arms dramatically. "See you all tomorrow at the field and good luck..!"

Mike and Kayla echoed her sentiments, and they all parted ways, heading to their respective dorms or study areas.

Zero walked alone, his mind once again thinking. The physical exams were merely a stepping stone, an opportunity to prove himself and gain further leverage within the academy's hierarchy.

As he strolled through the academy's pristine corridors, he passed a notice board filled with announcements and upcoming events. One particular notice caught his eye, and he paused to read it.

It was an invitation to a special seminar hosted by one of the top professors, an exclusive event for the top-ranked students. Zero's eyes narrowed, seeing another opportunity to expand his influence and gather more information. As he was about to make a mental note to attend the seminar, a sudden movement caught his attention.

A girl with crimson hair, so vivid it seemed to catch fire in the sunlight, bumped into him, causing her to drop the books she was carrying. Her hair cascaded in soft waves down to her shoulders, framing a face of delicate beauty. Her eyes were a matching shade of red, large and expressive, filled with an unusual mix of determination and innocence. Her skin was flawless, with a gentle blush that seemed to enhance her stunning appearance. She was dressed in the academy's uniform but wore it with a unique flair that set her apart.

Zero's momentary surprise quickly turned into action as he bent down to help her pick up the books. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice cool but not unkind.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you," she replied, looking up at Zero with a slight smile. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw Zero brought her book to her. "Thank you very much for helping me."

Zero handed her the books, his eyes taking in her appearance without any obvious emotion. "No problem? My name is Zero Elsher, First-year class 1."

"Clara Asher," she said, accepting the books and tucking a strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. "I'm a first-year in Class 2. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"First year? weren't you speaking for the representative in the student council on the first day of the week?" Zero responded, his mind already working to assess this new character in his grand game. Clara Asher. The name was not familiar, but her appearance was unforgettable. Because she was the one who holds a speech representing the student council on the first day.

"due to some circumstances, I was immediately recruited as one of the student council members" Clara explained with a smile.

"I was just on my way to the library," Clara explained again, her voice soft yet firm. "I have a lot of work to do because of the exams, especially when I have the duty of student council."

"Ah, the exams," Zero said, a knowing look in his eyes. "Well, I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, Zero," Clara said, her eyes shining with gratitude and something else, something that piqued Zero's curiosity. "And good luck to you too. I've heard a lot about your written exam. I'm sure you'll do great."

"I intend to," Zero replied, his voice filled with quiet confidence.

With a final smile and a quick farewell, Clara hurried on her way, leaving Zero standing by the notice board, his thoughts now occupied with this unexpected encounter.

'Focused Sight' Zero murmured. Hoping to see the new character stats and talents, suddenly a notice came out in front of Zero view.


Name: Clara *?*?*?*?*?* Asher

Age: *?*?*?*?*?*


Intelligence: *?*?*?*?*?*

Stamina: *?*?*?*?*?*



Zero's eyes widened as he looked at the screen, his mind racing. What was this? He had never seen such errors before in the system. Was it a glitch, or was there something more to this girl that he couldn't see? The lack of information was puzzling, frustrating even. It was a mystery, an anomaly in his perfectly calculated world.

'Who is she?' he thought, his eyes narrowing. 'What's hiding behind those question marks? Why can't I see her stats?'

He pondered over the encounter, going over every detail, trying to make sense of it all. Her appearance was striking, her demeanor intriguing, but this... this was something else.

Clara Asher, he mused, a name to remember.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ullyses1creators' thoughts