
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantaisie
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96 Chs

Ash Corp

Tom took a deep breath, pausing momentarily to collect himself. Zero could feel the weight of the information about to be shared, and the air in the room thickened with tension.

"Adrian Asher," Tom began slowly, his voice notably graver, "presents a clean, benevolent image to the world. He's the face of a medical revolution, the man behind the cutting-edge drugs and treatments coming out of Ash Corporation. But the reality, boss... it's disturbing."

Zero's eyes narrowed, "Tell me."

Tom hesitated, choosing his words with care, "The information I managed to extract from Ash Corp's encrypted servers revealed a side to the company that no one outside its inner circles is aware of. There's a program they've been running, in secret, for years now."

Zero leaned forward, sensing the gravity of the disclosure. "What program?"

Tom gulped, "They've been procuring orphans, boss. Children, ages six to twelve. The documents show detailed files on each child, complete with health records, backgrounds, everything."

Zero's face hardened, but he remained silent, urging Tom to continue.

"These children," Tom continued, his voice breaking slightly, "they're being used as test subjects. Ash Corp has been trialing their experimental drugs on them. The effects... they're horrific. Some children have lapsed into vegetative states, others died during the experiments. And some, those who survived the initial trials, have become hopelessly addicted."

The room was silent save for the low hum of the computer. Zero's mind raced, processing the dark, grim picture Tom painted.

"Why orphans?" Zero finally whispered, his voice filled with a mix of rage and sorrow.

Tom shook his head, "No family, no connections. They likely thought no one would miss them, making it easier to cover up any... undesirable outcomes."

Zero's fists clenched. "How long has this been going on?"

"From the data, at least a decade. Maybe longer," Tom replied.

Zero took a moment, trying to control his rising anger. 

Tom adjusted his glasses, glancing at Zero's clenched fists. "That's not all. There's a darker thread connecting the Ash Corporation to the criminal underworld we've been dealing with."

Zero's eyes darted up. "Go on."

Tom clicked a few buttons and played a video clip. It showed a series of clandestine meetings between a familiar face and some shadowy figures. The face was that of the notorious 'Knife', the boss of the Knifepoint organization.

"This," Tom began, "is footage of Knife making several transactions with Ash Corp. It's clear evidence that they've been buying large quantities of experimental drugs from Asher's company."

Zero scrutinized the video, watching as money changed hands, and sealed packages were exchanged. "Knifepoint's sudden rise in the last few months now makes more sense. They had Ash Corp's backing."

Tom nodded. "And it's not just Knifepoint. There are other organizations, outside the city, that are deeply intertwined with Ash Corp." He flipped to another file. "Here, these three are the main culprits."

A list appeared on the screen:

Eir Veil (West side)

Crimson Network (East side)

The Syndicate (South side)

"These organizations, just like Knifepoint, have been purchasing drugs from Ash Corp for the past five years," Tom detailed, pointing to transaction records linked to each name. "It's a well-entrenched network. Ash Corp supplies the drugs, and these groups distribute them, both for medical misuse and recreational consumption. The profits, as you can imagine, are immense."

Zero's jaw tightened. "So, Ash Corp isn't just involved in unethical experimentation. They're at the heart of a major drug trade, fueling the crime we've been battling against."

Tom sighed, "Exactly. Ash Corp and these organizations are two sides of the same coin, supporting and protecting each other. And Adrian Asher, with his well-crafted public image, is the puppet master behind it all."

Zero's mind raced. "We will deal with this within 2 years," 

"from the three organizations, which produces the most profit?" Zero asked.

Tom replied, "The west side, then South, lastly East side boss" Tom continued, "but the West side holds the most people, in the document the west side's transactions there are double or maybe even triple the size of Knifepoint."

"Then we should use the media, do you still have the documents from Knifepoint that are related to Ash Corp?" Zero asked.

"yes boss, but most of these documents are cut short."

"meaning?" zero asked.

"it means that it doesn't directly show that Ash Corp is dealing drugies with KnifePoint."

'smart' Zero thought. "But you have the video of 'Knife' doing transactions correct? Just use that to prove our point, post it on the internet as anonymous, and spread rumors, we have to make it so that these organizations and Ash Corp itself are unable to make any noticeable moves."

"Okay boss, anything else?"

Zero paused, thinking. "Clara Asher from the academy... any connection between her and Adrian Asher? And while you're at it, see if they have any other family ties or vulnerabilities. We may need leverage."

Tom nodded, his face set in determination. "I'll dig deep and have something for you by week's end."

"Appreciate it," Zero responded, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

With a final nod from Tom, Zero ended the video call, sinking into deep contemplation.

Zero with a sigh, goes to his bed,



Name: Zero Elsher

Age: 12 years old

Power: 33 

Intelligence: 46 

Stamina: 37.5 

Unused points: 4 

Balance: 11,300 Zen

Skills: Future Sight -, Calm Mind Rank F+


"I have 11,300 zen saved up, if anything happens I can upgrade my skill or my stats" 

while thinking of plans ahead, suddenly Zero's obsidian ring vibrates violently, Zero felt a sudden jolt from the obsidian ring on his finger. It started as a mild tingling, but quickly intensified. It was as if countless tiny needles were trying to pierce through his skin from the inside out. He gripped his hand tightly, attempting to steady himself against the unexpected onslaught. His eyes shut tightly, and his breathing quickened. The sensation was alarming, a sharp, internal pricking that threatened to consume his entire hand. He instinctively tried to yank the ring off, but the sensation seemed to grip even tighter. The room began to spin slightly as Zero focused all his willpower on enduring the piercing sensation with final breath of consciousness, zero passed out.

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