
Recruiting members!

"Hey Charles... tell me something." I said while walking towards Charles who was trying to get the attention of several people.

"What is it Leila-neesan?"

"Are you sure somebody will join our club?" I said while putting down the sign which I held in my hands.

"Of course! Who wouldn't want to swim!?" Charles said while coming closer to me put one of his hands into his chest pretending to be patriotic soldier.

"Then tell me... why hasn't anyone joined our club? It's already been three days!" I said while sighing.

"Ehehe! Don't worry our trump card is almost ready!"

After Charles said that I saw him look towards the opposite direction.

I saw a figure of a man in on his trunks without wearing a top. The sunlight was revealing his well toned body. His hair fluttering together with the wind while walking on the golden sand.

When I saw this my heart couldn't help but skipped. But I immediately sighed afterwards." If only his attitude is a little a better." I said to myself while grinning.

"Sorry for being late." Eren said while looking at Charles. He then looked at me and I couldn't help but blush a bit and turned my head so as not to reveal my slightly red cheeks.

"You're just on time Eren! Now... let the actual recruitment of our swim club... begin!" Charles shouted while punching his fist towards the sky.

"Yosh." Eren followed Charles actions and weakly punched his fist on the air.



"Why... why is this happening!?" Charles said while weakly kneeling on the sand.

"Impossible..." Besides him Eren was also half kneeling his face with a shocked expression.

"I don't know if you two are just dumb or you really thought that Eren without a top will be able to attract people to join our club." I said to them while sighing.

"Shut up you ugly plain." Eren said to me his eyes glaring like a tiger.

"You... what do you mean plain!?" I asked while suppressing my anger.

Eren didn't say anything but just responded by looking at my chest.
