
The Scoundrel

The cold breeze of december hit his bare skin, making him shiver. Sheepishly, he wish, silently, upon the stars to ease the pain. Darkness fill the place and he embraced it, almost like how the darkness gave him the comfort he needs. He fears many things but not the night, he love the darkness and the peace it gives to his soul: a nyctophile. Kiari Gray is a tall, moreno, scoundrel — a title given to him by the many. People call him many names including 'Bastard'. In school, everybody keeps a distance from him. Stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. But at home, inside his room, when nobody's there to judge him but him alone introspecting. He was 10 when he witnessed men in black killed his family — brutally. News broke after, thanks to the newspapers and tabloids which put the massacre on their headline. little did he know, Saynel Zyne faked the article: Kiari survived from the hands of the murderer. Yet all of the stories, with the big help of Saynel, in different pages and articles revealed the whole family died. Saynel adopted him and later on Kiari, eventually, called him Dad. He Kiari and prepared him ready to avenge. He mercilessly killed everybody that stood his way, bringing them no rest in peace at the end of the day.

petrichormusic · Action
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29 Chs

Chapter 6

I woke up early and heading to the kitchen. I saw a figure and instantly grabbed my gun and aiming to the figure. I walked slowly and turned the lights on.

She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Shit." Mumbled and put back my gun into my waistband. "You okay?" I said she just looked at me dreadful.

"Why do you have a gun?" She said and a tears fell down on her cheeks.

"Protection." I replied cold and deep dark voice. I felt responsible for her tears but I don't mind.

"Why?" I shot her a deadly glare and she smiled. She's weird you know.

"You know what you are cute when you do that!" She said exclaimed and I feel awkward to what she just said. I smirked and arched my browl.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in the same mannered.

"I'm sorry Kiari." She imediately shook her head " I mean Master. I'm hungry and looked for something to eat." She said with shy voice. I nodded.

"So?" I asked her and she looked at me quickly.

"I... uhmm I don't know what to eat." She said, avoid throwing me a glance.

"Fridge." I replied darkly and she shook her head. And playing with her bracelet.

"I don't know what kind of food is in the fridge" She said frowned and hopeless.

"Tss." I mumbled and pulled my gun at my waistband then she panick and gasped. I put the gun inside the drawer and opened the fridge.

I grabbed some ingredients like, avocado, wine, mayonnaise, lime, pickles and chicken.

I sliced the chicken, avocado and all that needed to be cut.

When I'm done cooking I place it at the dining area. I looked at her she was mouth watering. I was amused at her reaction.

I raised my hand looking her and signaled her to come over. And she followed me instantly.

"Sit." I said cold and blank.

"Woahh!! I don't know you can cook." she said looking at every meal I made. literally her eyes twinkled like a star.

I pulled one tissue from the tissue box and wiped my hand. And sit to the chair opposite to her.

"What is these? Is these avocado paste?" She asked adorably curious. Pointing the toasted bread with avocado cream  on top.

"Avocado toast." I replied casually and have a spoonful of chimichangas. She nodded.

"And what is that?" she said looking at my plate.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Chimichangas." I replied bored and I rolled my eyes. She's annoying.

"Hmm..." She twisted her lips whilst nodding

"eat." I said cold and she looked at me, Her hand hanging in the air as she try chose which one is she going to tast first.

"Hmm how about this? Oh, I know is dish...uhmm this is... Key lime pie!" She said delightful and chuckled like she perfect the exams in accouting, that kind of happiness.

I looked at her blankly and put down the fork. I sighed, I thought she's hungry why she still stay put and keep asking what kind of dishes I've cooked.

I raised my hand and pointinh onto the other dishes.

"Listen." She looked at me confused."Fried pickles, chicken and white Barbecue sauce, and chimichangas." I said with the casual voice while pointing to its dishes.

She just nodded and held her fork and eat the fried pickles then, the key lime pie, chicken barbecue and all she ate too fast. Fast tham I expected.

"Whe..arh..ho..ho..eh?" She talked while her mouth is full.

Stupid angel where's your manner?

"Manners." I said and I got up, took my gun from the kitchen drawer and walked outside.

I covered my head with my cap and put my shades on. Perfect weather. I headed straight to the garage and get in my car.

And start the engine, and speed through highways. If we tried to traveled from here to my secret house. It would actually take hours if we drive mildly buy for me it takes minutes, sometimes second.

When I arrived to the Baron's house. The guard let me in instantly. I got down from the car and shut the door. And I get inside Baron's house I traveled straight to his room, It was locked but I can managed to opened the door silently. Inserted my knife to the door knob and it opened.

It was dark. But I memorized this place. I know Baron was still sleeping I didn't have a plan to wake him up. My tensed presence will do. I roamed around his room and sit on the study table at the corner.

One...Two...three... tak.

Baron's get up, and he stopped I know he saw me only my figures.

He switched the lights on. And he was crossing his arms on his chest and he looked at me cold and serious.

"Ugly Kiari! Get out! I hate your presence! I'm still sleepy dude." She said loud yet sleepy like a kid.

"Haha stop it idiot." I said amused to him. He's really a childish dude but he become serious when it comes to the mission.

I stood up and walked through his bed and laid down.

"What?! hey ugly kiari get up!" He said shaking my body and smacked me on my thighs.

"Don't call me that!" I shouted. Stupid Baron really pissed me this early.

"What? it's true." He said smiling playfully. That was his way of annoying me.

"Wanna die?" I asked throwing him a deadly glare. And I throw him a pillow. He caught the pillow and he walked close to me and start hitting me. I grabbed the pillow and he ran away to the bathroom.

I laughed to his expression.

"I'll kill you Baron!" I said with annoyed voice but obviously I was just kidding.

The bathroom door slowly opened and he peep outside smiling like crazy. I know he planning to do something to me. Run!, I hurriedly ran downstairs before he flash the waters on me. And freaky annoying I heard his robust laughed. I proceeded to their kitchen and get the pitcher inside the refrigerator. And I slowly entered his room, I peed inside and he was stretching his body.

I walked slowly and got ya! I flashed the waters in his whole body and he stunned, shivering.

And he turned around and shot me a deadly glare. And I raised my hand with peace signed. He rolled his eyes and raised his middle finger. And get inside the bathroon.


Sit on their living room waiting him. I heard his footstep on the stairs and now his front of me still had that deadly looked. I just shook my head and smiled.

"I hate you ugly." He said in a deep dark cold voice. And now i'm the one that looked at him mad.

"I'm handsome." I replied cockily and he smirked then, snickered.

"Aissh! come on Man tell me why are you here?" She asked crossing his legs and both hands to his chest.

"Cris." I said serious. And he changed his sitting positioned and we became more serious when we talked about the mission.

"What's your plan?" He asked with his dark voice and emotionless.

"I will kill Jack's first and next all Cris pets." I replied and angered filled me up. Thinking what he have done last time.

"How would you do that?" He asked. And took a sipped of his brewed coffee.

"I tracked his location last night and he's in Pine Grove resort." I replied darkly. And took a sipped of my coffee. He nodded.

"Okay. I'll prepare our men." He replied holding his tea and I nodded.

I went home and saw Selina mapping the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked in cold voice.

"Oh! hi Master! I'm mapping the floor obviously, isn't it?" She said sarcastic. I wanna kill her in this state. I smirked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Stop that." I said the usual tone.

"Why?" She said conffufled and gave me a perplexing looked. I looked that her with warning. I know she felt scared. "Uhhm... I was just trying to help? Since I don't have a money to pay, you for letting me stay here." She said looking on the ground. I signaled the maid to take the mapped. She stunned for a while and quickly lower her head.

"Uhmm I'm sorry but don't worry I'll find a job to pay you." She said still not throwing glances on me.

"You're stupid." I said to her while shooking my head. "Change your clothes." I said and walked up stairs.

"I'm Master excuse me! Uhmm... I don't have clothes." She said mildly embrass.

"Okay then." I got down from the stairs and grabbed her hand, taking her to the car and drove our way to Mall of America. When We get her I saw her stunned expression. I parked the car and grabbed her inside. I know she felt embrassed on her clothes. She was wearing oversized shirt that he borrowed to Brex. But,she still look like an angel

When we entered the mall. I brought her to the botique and let them chose what's best for her.

After one and half hours of waiting at the couch. She finally showed, I'm expecting this.

She was wearing a nude dress and doll shoes. She's beautiful, I contained myself and maintained my tensed looks.

She walked slowly towards me.

" Is it fine? do I look like a woman now?" She asked conffufled looking at me. I nodded paid for her clothes, It's costly but perfectly fit to her and with that I don't mind. The lady hand me more than 50 paper bags.

"Wait?! why do you buying it all?!" She asked a stupid questioned. I smirked and rolled my eyes. And walked out of the botique.

On our way out of the mall she stopped at mcdo. I continued walking and she followed. I put all the bags on my SUV, she was about to get inside but I grabbed her hand and we entered the mall and headed straight to the mcdo. I looked at her she stunned and she looked at me, I raised my browl signaled what's her ordered.

"Uhmm...Fries." She said then twisted her lips. Cute.

" Five large fries and soda." I said with cold voice and the lady in the counter looking at me. And she smiled at me with a glisten eyes. I looked at her with a bruning gaze and she looked away.

"Please." Selina added, smiling to the lady. "You ordered too much." She said at me and I rolled my eyes. Handing dollars to the lady.

Our ordered came and she took it from the lady smiling adorable. I smirked, she proceeded to the vacant sit at the mcdo while bringing the tray of fries with her.

I sit on the chair opposite to her, I crossed my arms and legs looking at her casually bored. She glanced at me continued munching her fries and drinking the soda.

"Why you aren't eating?" she asked and shrugged. I didn't replied instead, I grabbed one soda and took a sip.

After one hour staying at mcdo waiting for the angel to finished her meal. Finally the time has come. I stood up, placing my hand on my pockets and quicky walked out the mcdo.

"Master Thank you!" She exclaimed with puppy eyes and she giggled. I looked at her blankly. " Don't worry Master I'll find a good job to pay your kindness!" I looked at her with a burning gazed as her word pinched my heart.

Kindness? the demons don't have that.

She looked away and stopped talking. We reached the parking lot and I get inside the car and she do the same. She sit quitely and doodling on ramdom object in my car and she twisted her mouth upside. I pressed the start of my SUV and it's automatically start the engine.

"Seat belt." I said to her and she quickly put the seat belt. And she sit quitely looking outside the window. I drive slowly for her to enjoyed the outside scenarios.

After an hour we reached the masion, She get down on my car and proceeding behind the SUV and I followed her. I opened the car  compartment I grabbed the shopping bags before she grabbed it. And quickly start walking inside the house I go upstair and put the shopping bags inside her room.

"Thanks Master." She mumbled without looking at me. I looked at her emotionless and nodded. And I go out of her room and traveled to my room.



Picked up the call.

("Hey ugly we found him. We're here in our new secret.") He said and I smirked. I instantly walked out of the house heading to the garage and get inside to my ferrari. And speeding up through the highways. After 30 minutes of driving I arrived to our new secret house. My few of my men sitting outside and drinking liquor it's fine with me. I get inside and Jack lying down the floor shirtless and unconcious.

Bogard was smoking beside me and I beckoned in my one men to come over. He hand me the muriatic Acid and I flashed it on Jack's face stunned and yelled out in pain. Watching him lying on the floor while his skin slowly burning and suffering to the pain.

I did a single nodded on my men and they held up jack. I shot his shoulder just liked what he did to Selina and made myself a sheild from bullet. He yelled out in pain with grimacing looked.

"You're...a.. devil Kiari." He told me and I smirked watching the blood carelessly scrolling. I walked closer to him clutching the knife from my waistband.

He looked dreadfully sweating and I start slitting his neck and he's excruciating in pain. The blood and gore filthy the floor.

I cut his stomach and he's now under nearly lifeless. And I snatched my gun from my waisband and aiming it, to the centre of his head. I was slowly pulling the trigger when my phone rang.

I looked at the I.d it's selina's maid. I answered the call in an instant.

("Master, Do you now where selina was?") She asked shaking. I walked out the secret house before answering her.

"I don't know maybe in her room." I replied and I heard footstep on the other line. Shit! I curse under my breathe the thought she's in danger terrified me.

"She's not here Sir." She said and my heart beat doubled. I run onto my car as fast as I could and start speeding through the mansion. She has no phone I can't tracked her location.

In a second, I reached the mansion and get down in my car and ran inside.

"Where is she?" I said deeply dark and catching my breathe. The maid worriedly shook her head.

I ran through her room and search for something maybe she left a note or any sign.

I roamed around her room and found a sticky note the lamp shade table. I immediately traveled to my car and drove to park, cafè and everywhere.

After how a minutes of finding her. I saw her at the park eating Ice cream. I sighed before getting down she looked at me guiltless and confuse, She stood up from the swing and ran to my direction and I looked at her as anger filling in me.

"Hey what are you doing her Master?" She asked stupidly guiltless while I terrified myself finding her.

I grabbed her hand tight and bring her to the car.