
The Scion's Jack of all Trades Wife

They first met on a train. She just came out from retirement of being a hermit while he was traveling incognito. He was reading a book when she interrupted his concentration. “Do you want to know how fast I read?” The man looked up, his charcoal eyes peered at her, an eyebrow was raised. How shameless can she be? But whatever, she needed to read that book. “I can finish it in thirty minutes.” “So do I. If you stop talking to me,” the man once again buried his head on the book. “I can give you a very detailed book review?” The man continued reading, treating her like an air. She pursed her lips, thinking how she can convince the man. “Giving up so soon? I thought you want to read this book?” The man threw her a glance, raising the book in front of her face, tempting her. “Okay. What do you want?” She braced herself for his outrageous answer. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sure you can give it to me.” She squared her shoulders, indicating him to proceed with his request. “Just a kiss,” the man said, his charcoal eyes became darker. She almost fell from her seat when she heard the man’s request. She looked at the man’s lips unconsciously then back to the book. For the first time in history, Li Nuxie wanted both. ================= This is an original story. I just changed the cover which is from Canva. I hope you like it. :) Thanks. By the way, I'm an amateur writer and English is not my first language so please pardon my grammar.

Yuinavarro · Général
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84 Chs

Crazy Three

Li Nuxie buried herself in the middle of the pillows. She even imported pillows from Hong Chi and Li Chanying's rooms. For the last two days, she holed up in her hotel room.

Hong Chi was leaning against the wall, shaking her head every five minutes. On the other hand, Li Chanying was resting her chin on her left hand, sighing every 30 seconds.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Li Nuxie screamed inwardly before sitting up straight. "The two of you," she pointed her fingers towards Li Chanying and Hong Chi, "if you can't do anything aside from shaking your head and sighing as if it's the end of the world, get out of my room," she pulled the comforted over her head as she laid down on bed in a fetal position.

"Give my pillow back before I go," Li Chanying grumbled. How can she sleep in her room without pillows? Her bed looked like a fluffy guy whose head was going bald.

Hong Chi rolled her eyes before she straightened her back. She went to the foot of the bed and without a warning, pulled the comforter, revealing Li Nuxie in her white shirt and black undies.

Li Nuxie screamed as the cold wind from the air conditioner brushed against her skin, sending shivers to her whole body. "Hong Chi, I hate you!" She reached for a pillow and covered her face.

"Stop acting like an idiot, Xiexie. Tomorrow is NU C's launching. Unless you want Liu Lanzhi to laugh at you, then by all means, you can sleep all you want," Hong Chi's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Li Chanying took a sharp breath when Hong Chi mentioned the name. "Stop it," Li Chanying reached out for Hong Chi's hands. "That's her bottom line. You can't just go around and mentioned that woman's name in front of her," she glanced at her cousin who was still in the bed.

"Oh, shut up," Hong Chi waved her hand dismissively. "I tell you what?" She kicked the bed. "If you can't control your emotions, then you do not have the right to inherit the Li Textile."

Unable to move, Li Chanying's eyes darted back and forth from Hong Chi to Li Nuxie. Her cousin has not moved since Hong Chi said that woman's name.

Seemingly not contented that she did not get any reaction from Li Nuxie, Hong Chi took a step beside the bed. "You know what, I once heard someone said 'Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice.' Xiexie, you just don't sit and wait. If you want it, just go get it."

"Stop telling me what to do!" Li Nuxie's voice was a little higher than her normal tone. However, the pillow remained over her face as she curled in the bed, bum exposed.

Li Chanying's hand went to her throat as her gaze flew towards Hong Chi. Both of them were doomed. Why did she have to be a collateral damage when it was just Hong Chi's fault? But Hong Chi wasn't fazed. Instead, she curled her lips.

"Well then, stop acting like you needed to be told what to do," She turned to Li Chanying. "Let's go. We still need to go to the salon."

Li Chanying opened her mouth to speak but all she had done was exhaled while staring at her cousin. Hong Chi pulled her out of the room. Literally.

"My goodness, Ying. Xiexie is enough. Must you be absent-minded too?"

Grasping Hong Chi's arm, Li Chanying chewed her lower lip. "Chi, do you think that's effective? What if she wallowed in self-pity and—" she closed her mouth.

Hong Chi crossed her arms as they walked along the hallway. "And you call yourself her cousin? Man," she blew out her cheeks as her shoulders went slumped.

Li Chanying closed her mouth shut. The truth was despite growing up, Li Nuxie was the most unpredictable. Just when you were sure you know her already, another side of her will show up. Damn, sometimes Li Chanying wondered if her cousin has a split personality.

She snapped out from her thoughts when pain numbed her upper arm. She looked at Hong Chi then to a part of her arm which had turned red. "Why did you that?"

"To wake you up. Are you sure you're adopted? Both of you are spacing out."

Li Chanying took no offense with what Hong Chi has said. She was used to being called adopted. In fact, it has become an inside joke within their group. "I'm just wondering if Xiexie has a split personality," she said after a while.

"Well, if you don't do your job well, she might get a split personality due to heartbreak," Hong Chi said, fueling Li Chanying's suspicions more.

Turning her head sharply, Li Chanying's lips quivered. "Is that true?"

It was Hong Chi's turn to be speechless. Seriously? Why there were people who easily believe other people's opinions? She smacked Li Chanying's shoulders, shaking her head at the realization.

"Ouch!" Li Chanying rubbed the area where Hong Chi's palm struck.

Hong Chi stopped in front of the door, pulled her key card and swipe it near the door handle. She pushed the door open as soon as a soft click was heard. "Stop overthinking," she took a step inside the room, followed by Li Chanying. The door closed automatically as both of them dived on the bed.

"I miss my bed," Li Chanying stretched her body while laying on her stomach.

"By the way, what happened to your investigation?" Hong Chi asked.

"Aside from the glaring information, I can't dig deeper," She turned around and faced the ceiling, her hands were in her stomach. "It's as if the trail was covered intentionally."

Hong Chi arched an eyebrow. She was still laying on her stomach. "Just like what you do when Li Nuxie don't want to be tracked?"

Li Chanying nodded. "Yes, just like that."

"As expected of the person who can brush elbows with the Second Young Master Xu, eh?"

Pulling herself up, Li Chanying glanced at Hong Chi. "Do you think Xiexie will be okay? I mean she is not familiar with the matters of the heart."

Hong Chi' shoulders shook before bursting out in laughter. "Hey, Li Chanying, go look in front of the mirror and repeat what you've said," another round of laughter bounced inside the room. "Maybe, you'll realize it."

The three of them can be said as inexperienced when it comes to matters of the heart. Although Hong Chi was the pervert of them all, she hasn't been in a relationship. Just like Li Nuxie and Li Chanying. Suffice to say, the matters of the heart were way out of their league.

She doesn't mind sending grown men into tears inside the board room during meetings.

She doesn't mind rejecting incompetent business proposals.

She doesn't mind taking over soon-to-be bankrupt companies.

But definitely, she does mind going crazy over a man.

Hong Chi tugged the hem of Li Chanying's sleeves. "Hey Ying, if I go gaga over a man, look for the nearest window and throw me outside. Okay?"

"Eh?" What happened now? Li Chanying was clueless.

"Just promised me," Hong Chi reached out for Li Chanying' hand, intertwining her pinky finger with hers. "That's pinky promise."

Li Chanying inclined her head while curling her lips. Their clique was indeed weird. Chao-ge used to call the three of them as 'Crazy Three' because all of them are crazy according to the only man in their circle.

The other one wanted two men while the other doesn't want to fall in love.

How about her, then? Well, she does appreciate women with nice legs. Does that mean she like girls? "But I want big birds!" she exclaimed.

Hong Chi who just sipped her soda from the can choked and spilled it. She slapped her chest as she continued coughing. "What the hell?"

Li Chanying felt the coldness crept through her skin towards her back and palms. Oh no. Did she just scream it? "I-I mean—"

"I heard it loud and clear," Hong Chi cut her. "You said 'you want big birds.' Whose big bird then? Spill," she demanded.

"I mean I want big birds in general," Li Chanying told her, without realizing the implications.

Hong Chi put her hands on both sides of her face while staring at the woman in front her, wearing a sky-blue A-line dress. "You and Xiexie are really cut from the same cloth. Totally unpredictable."