
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantaisie
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143 Chs

Saintess Claire the seer

Claire's POV

"Good morning Ms saint"

"Good morning to you too Mr Blake, and please, just refer to me as Claire."

"...That feels a little bit improper but if you insist, I will. Hope you had a lovely night."

"Yes, I did."

"That's good to hear. The others are at the..."

"I know but I would like to do my visit today bright and early so inform them that I won't be able to meet up with them."

"I am sorry but I don't think that is a good idea. you can't miss this training session. We need to do thorough preparations for the reception of his excellency His Holiness."

"Mr Blake, I have been training for the last two months without fail, missing a single day of practice is not that big of a deal."

"To you, it might not seem so but you do have to remember that tomorrow you will be showing your current abilities to his excellency His Holiness."

"I know and understand what you are trying to say but do you think one more day of practice will change anything?"

"Yes, I believe it can."

"How? I mean for the past 2 months I have tried doing all the training that has been prescribed to me but nothing has changed.

I am just a little orphan girl who came from a remote village. I am starting to believe that there may have been a mistake during my baptism. I can't still believe that I am supposed to be the saintess."

"Don't let those small setbacks put you down. You are and will be the saintess."

"Thanks for your encouragement but unfortunately you are the only one who believes so."

"Oh, are they still giving you a hard time? So that is why you... "

" This is not about them. I just feel like I want to take a break from my very exhausting life by enjoying the company of those children in the orphanage. It also helps me curb my homesickness."

"I understand that it can be a little lonely staying here with the Lumanaria as they treat you like an outcast but..."

"Mr Blake, this is not about them. I just want to relieve the stress I have built up over the last two months with the warm energy that those kids exude "

"... It looks like I can't talk you out of this. I suppose a recharge can be beneficial... I am willing to let you go for a few hours since you have been working hard."

"Thank you, Mr Blake. I will be back before the sun sets."

"Of course you will I will make sure of that."

"What! Mr Blake, are you planning to come with me?"

"Of course, let me just go prepare a carriage for..."

"Mr Blake, can't you just let me go alone? Travelling with a carriage is a little bit conspicuous."

"What! No, you are the saintess and as such should be treated accordingly."

" But I haven't officially been given that title and besides the carriage will draw unnecessary attention."

"...Yeah I suppose so... I can compromise on the carriage but I am still accompanying you."

"Mr Blake..."

"I won't change my mind on this. Your safety is my top priority so I will have to be with you at all times."

"... Fine. Can we leave now then?"

"As you wish my lady."

Mr Blake is really persistent, but I can't have him with me when I go to meet Maxwell so I have to find a way to escape him while at the orphanage.

Seeing as he is the only one good to me he can't be that bad but I don't trust the people from the church. The only person I can trust with this problem is Maxwell.

After arriving at the Orphanage I immediately delved into doing volunteer work such as cleaning, cooking and even playing with the children. This environment had such a sense of familiarity that it brought a little bit piece of mind to my tortured mind.

I also got to visit some of the sick children and by doing so got to practice a little bit of my rusty medicine-making skills. As their pale faces regained their colour I couldn't help but feel that this is what life should be about. Bringing back joy to the lives of those who have lost it brought feelings beyond satisfaction.

While I did all this Mr blake was there at my side following suit in all that I did. He was really serious about following my every move. But it didn't matter since he also brought joy to those children.

The appointed time was quickly approaching and I couldn't seem to get away from him. Then an idea came to mind.

"Miss Sai- My lady Claire. It looks like time has flown by. I think it is almost time for us to go back to the Church..."

"Oh ok but before we go back can we go celebrate our accomplishment at a tavern?"

"Miss Claire that is highly inappropriate for a church official like yourself."

"And why is that?"

" That is because you are the saintess of course."

"So I can't go to a tavern just because I am the saintess?"

"...No it is..."

"Well I am still not officially the saintess yet so I think I can."


"I am going and you are not going to change my mind."

Good looks like I can at least go to the rendezvous point.

Mr Blake and I then headed straight for the tavern I agreed to meet with Maxwell. After we entered the tavern I quickly scanned the area searching for that familiar face I had grown up with. Once I saw it I couldn't help but feel excited.

Finally, I was going to meet up with my best friend.

I then started to move tactfully towards him so as not to arouse Mr Blake's suspicion.

"Claire! Claire! I am here."

"Miss Claire do you know that young fellow."

"Uh... Yes, we grew up at the orphanage together. Let me go say hi to him."

"Okay, I will come with..."

"No need I will just say a few words and then come over to you. You just go find us some seats."


"Mr Blake I just want to greet him."

"...As you wish"

Looks like I finally get to talk to him in private.

"Maxwell, How have you been?"

"I have been well, what about you?"

"I am also good."

"It has been just a few months and you have changed quite a bit. Being the saintess must have had that effect on you. You must have become some big shot now that you even have a personal bodyguard. It really suits you."

" I think you are the one who has changed even more."


"Yeah, your aura is completely different. Being a hunter you must have had quite a few thrilling adventures."

" Not very but yeah it is something."

"Hope you are looking after yourself. Don't overlook your safety."

"You are already nagging me and this is our first face-to-face meeting in months.

I missed you."

"Me too..."

"So how is your training going? You must be really powerful right now seeing as you are the saintess."

"Well, Not really. My training has been quite slow."

"Don't worry about it. You will soon get the hang of it."

"Hope so...Maxwell I have something that I want your advice on."

"Really, what is it?"

"Well, it is..."

Red mist? Why is there suddenly a red mist in this? Tavern.

"Daywalker vampires!!! Everybody run!!!!"

What is happening? I can't seem to move my body.

Then the blurred picture of the girl who has been visiting my dreams appeared. The girl was all clothed in red and standing on a pool of blood with several branches flowing out of it. The image then faded away and my senses came back to me.

"So you are supposed to be the pure light witch. You don't look powerful though. Anyway, you might seem weak now but we do not know about the future so better safe than sorry."

After hearing her words I blacked out. When I woke up I found myself chained inside a dungeon prison of some sort.

"You are finally awake. What a catch you are. The only pure light which in the whole world."

"Light witch? I think you are mistaken."

"Oh, right I forgot that you call yourselves Lumanaria. Well, it doesn't matter what you call yourself all I need is for you to help me achieve my goal."

" Miss I think you have made a mistake. I don't have any ability to..."

"But you do. While right now you are weak you will one day grow powerful enough to break this accursed bond.

Anyway, enough of that eat up and have a rest

I will come back tomorrow to begin your training."

So that is the so-feared daywalker. Their reputation is well deserved. I could feel her domineering aura throughout that conversation. Well, what luck it looks like I will be spending my birthday in a dungeon.