
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Politique et sciences sociales
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81 Chs

Chapter 66

"See you tomorrow, Yuriko-sama, Tanaka-san"

"See ya!"

"Bye-bye! Until tomorrow, you two!"

"Thank you for the hard work, everyone!"

"…" *Nodding*

All of the members of the student council were giving their farewells to each other, as they left the room one by one after having finished all of their assignments for the day. The only exception being, Yuriko and Takeru, as he waited for Yuriko to finish organizing her desk while sitting on the sofa of the stucco room.

"… And Done! Takkun! Shall we get going?"

"…" *Nods*

"Fufu, are you still angry about the teasing from earlier?"

"…" *Looks away*

"I see"

Seeing Takeru behave as usual, Yuriko approached him sat down right by his side, and pulled him for a hug as she began kissing him on the cheeks. Seeing his face turning redder, Yuriko gently made Takeru face her and kissed him on the lips.

"Takkun~… Shall we get going so that we can continue at home?"

"… *Looks away* … *Nods*"

"Good boy"

Yuriko gave Takeru one more kiss on the lips before they both got up, and left the room, but just as Yuriko was locking the door, she remembered something.

"Ah! Takkun, I just remembered about something that I need to check. So you can go ahead and wait for me at the shoe lockers, okay?"

"… Okay"

Hearing and seeing Takeru timidly answer her, caused Yuriko to happily smile as she got in a happy mood before she departed in the opposite direction from the way Takeru went.




"It should be around here… Ah! Found it… Hm?"

As Yuriko approached the classroom, the girl had told her about, she began hearing noises coming from inside it. So she carefully and quietly approached the slightly open door and peeked inside.

"Kehehehe… Kukuku… Kuahahahaha! My infallible plan may have failed due to that traitor, and those useless minions of mine! But with this! I will come out on top!"


Inside the room was the still self-proclaimed leader of the disbanded group of boys, as he made a very sore-loser villain speech to himself, which caused Yuriko to make a worried face about his current mental state unconsciously. And of course, the "leader" continues with his unnecessary villain speech.

"With this wonder of technology! Everything will be mine! I'll get to go out with Nanami-sama! And return to my position as a great leader!"

"… *Sigh*" <I should go inside and bring him back to his senses>

With a disappointed expression, Yuriko shook her head from side to side as she sighed, and silently opened the door. She stepped inside without making a sound, all the while hearing the boy's comically long speech. Then as she was about to touch his shoulder…

"… Yes! Yes! With this hypnosis device, I'll brainwash Nanami-sama into breaking up with her boyfriend, and make her think she's going out with me!"

"… Hah?"


Upon hearing those words, Yuriko couldn't help but accidentally make a very confused voice, alerting the "leader" who mechanically turned to look behind him with a shocked face, which only got even more intense when he saw that it was Yuriko, who was behind him. But then, in the snap of a moment, he realized his situation and made a comically evil grin.

"Hypnosis device, I choose you!"

And so, the boy activated his hypnosis device and pointed the screen toward Yuriko, who made a surprised face at his movements.

"Nanami-sama from now on you're my girlfriend!"

The boy gave his command as his experience with hypnosis techniques, from reading too many doujin, he knew that its effects were always immediate, so he gave his orders to the hypnotized Yuriko…

"… … …???"

Who could only make a confused face at what he was saying.

"Huh? Is this thing working? Oi, you're now thinking that you're my girlfriend, right?"

"…" <Did… Did he really believe that I would get hypnotized by a cheap optic illusion video?… Oh dear, might one day fall into of those online scams if continues like this>

Yuriko was still silent as she made a concerned face due to her worry about the future of the boy if he continued believing in those things. However, her inaction was seen by the boy as a sign that she was hypnotized.

"Huh? I should've read the manual of this thing. Well, since Nanami-sama doesn't appear to be moving… I suppose I can do that, right?"

The boy then tried to grab Yuriko's boobs, but…

"!" *Slap* *Snatches the toy tablet*


In one swift motion, Yuriko slapped the boy on the face as she snatched the "hypnosis device" from his hand. Feeling the stinging pain on his cheek, the boy made a surprised and confused face at what had happened.

"Haa… Good grief, did you really think someone would get hypnotized by one of those cheap illusion tricks?… Well, in any case, I will be confiscating this thing for now"

After saying that, Yuriko put the small tablet back into its box and picked the box up with all of its contents inside. Then she turned back and walked towards the door, but before leaving, she turned her head towards the boy, as she made a very intimidating smile and eyes lacking any light.

"Ah! And before I forget… The next time you try touching me like that, I won't be letting you go with just that, do you understand?"

The boy desperately nodded in affirmation to Yuriko's words.

"Good. Now please, get your belongings and leave, the school doesn't tolerate the inappropriate use of the classrooms in the after-hours" <And I should bring this to the teachers' office… … Maa, can wait until tomorrow!> *Puts the box inside her bag*

With that, Yuriko finally left the classroom and made her way to the shoe racks, where Takeru was waiting for her. Seeing that he hadn't noticed her yet, Yuriko approached him from behind and covered his eyes.

"Guess who, Takkun~"


"That's right! And now your reward!"

And as usual, Takeru's reward was a kiss from Yuriko.

"Shall we get going, Takkun?"



Some time later


It was currently early in the evening, and the two had just returned from their after-school date. And right now, Yuriko was sitting on the sofa in the living room as she read the box contents and manual of the hypnosis device she confiscated earlier, as she waited for Takeru. As for him, Takeru was currently inside his room, sulking at Yuriko kissing him in a public space with a lot of people.

"… Disclaimer… This toy does not control the minds of other people… … … How did that guy miss these big and bold words?" *puts down the box and picks the manual* "… *Flips page*… … … *Flips page*…"



Then Yuriko heard the sound of a door handle turning and opening the door, and when she looked at the direction of the sound, she saw Takeru walking towards the living room.



With a jump, Yuriko got up from the sofa and began hugging Takeru with a bright smile on her face, while Takeru could only remain silent, as his face was pressed on Yuriko's chest.

"Takkun, take off your clothes"

"!? N-No!"

"Takkun, you promised that we would have more skinship every day from now on, and that includes doing it every day as well"

"No! It doesn't! That wasn't part of the deal!"

"But I want to do it now, so it's part of the deal now"

"No! You agreed that we would only do it on the weekends! And we already did it yesterday!"

"… … … Ah!"

Seeing Takeru refusing to back down, Yuriko made a slightly annoyed face, before she looked back at the hypnosis device toy. She knew it wouldn't work, but she still felt like trying to give it a go. So, she picked it up and turned it on.

"Takkun! Look at this"

"… … … What?"

"You're now hypnotized, and want to do it with me now"

"… Do you really think that's gonna work on me?"


Yuriko simply smiled at Takeru as she kept the screen turned towards him.




"So, Takkun… Were you hypnotized or not?"

"S-Shut it…"

The two were currently lying down on his futon, with Yuriko hugging Takeru from behind, as his face was completely red from the embarrassment and shame after doing it with Yuriko.

"Fufu, then I'll take it as you saying you wanted to do it again"


Takeru simply remained quiet, as he pouted his cheeks in annoyance. Seeing that, Yuriko simply tightened her hug and pressed her body even more on Takeru's back, which was enough to cause him to twitch. Then Yuriko brought her lips close to his eras, and with a soft voice she said…

"Now Takeru… time for round two~"


And so, Takeru was forced to have another sleepless night.