
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Politique et sciences sociales
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81 Chs

Chapter 64

It was the middle of lunchtime, and as always, Yuriko and Taker were having lunch together at the rooftop without anyone being able to interrupt them.

"Here, Takkun! Say Ahn~"


"Fufu, very good, Takkun. Now it's your turn!"

"… Y-Yuriko, s-say a-ahn"


With a delighted face, Yuriko took a bite of the omelet Takeru brought to her mouth, a stark contrast to Takeru's red and bashful face from being fed by Yuriko. Something that Yuriko could never get enough of.

"Is there any food remaining in your lunchbox, Takkun?"


"I see, then if you excuse me"

Yuriko picked up the empty lunchbox on Takeru's lap, and put it away, alongside her equally empty lunchbox, before Eshe turned back to him with a big and bright smile.

"Now, Takkun! What did you bring for dessert?"


"You didn't bring anything?"


"Very well, then…"

In a very natural lady-killing manner, Yuriko gently rubbed Takeru's lips with her left thumb. That by itself was enough to make Takeru's red face become even redder.

"I'll have your lips as dessert. So, Thank you for the meal~"

Unable to do anything to stop her, Takeru was forcibly pressed down and kissed on the lips by Yuriko, and she showed no signs that she would stop anytime soon.





Inside an empty classroom, a suspiciously suspicious meeting was taking place, behind the podium used by the teachers, a student was making a suspicious pose of some suspicious smart man with glasses, as he held both hands in front of his mouth, to make himself look cooler and smarter.

"Gentlemen… Is everything ready?"

With those words, two boys knelt as if they were to give their really important report.

"Yes, our plan is absolutely foolproof"

"Nothing can stop us from getting our objectives"

"Umu, very good. With this plan gentleman… We'll finally get our chance to… Go out with Nanami-sama!"


In unison,, all of the boys inside agreed with their group's (self-proclaimed) leader, and they had a plan… A very ingenious plan.

"Now, we shall go one more time about what our (my) infallible plan is, infodump-kun can you explain it to us?"

"Very well. Alright, everyone! Our plan is simple! But unbreakable! We'll first separate the two *points at very amazing (bad) drawings of Yuriko and Takeru* Then! We will convince each of them to break up! And then! We will be able to go out with Nanami-sama!"

Correction, their plan was absolutely stupid and would fail immediately. But they all believed that it was the best plan because all the boys there were too full of themselves or had a bottomless ego or both.

"You heard the plan, gentlemen! Now! We shall put it into action! Go! My minions! Let's make those two break up!"


With that, the boys shouted in unison a statement of their comradeship as maidenless idiots, but the (self-proclaimed) great leader stayed behind, and hiding with his hands, he had an evil smile.

<Kukukuku! Yes… YES… YES!!! My plan is going perfectly! With this Nanami-sama and her boyfriend are to be separated, she'll get really stressed out from all the boys swarming at her… And when she's limit, I'll appear save crowd, then… She'll ask go with me, it's perfect!>

But behind the (self-declared) supreme leader, the (self-proclaimed) smartest strategist was also making an evil smile.

<Huhuhu… I know exactly what this fool's plan is, and I'll counter it by sending a second group of mobs to block your path, then not only show myself as the one who'll save Nanami-sama from her predicament! also steal position leader! And is completely foolproof!>

As these two were secretly planning on stabbing each other in the back as they laughed like villains, their very united army was already showing cracks in their ranks.

"Man, I can't wait to go out with Nanami-sama"

"What're you talking about? It's me, who's going to go out with her"

"Hah! As if! I am the one who'll become her new boyfriend!"

"On your dreams! I am the one destined to become her boyfriend!"

"Say that again, I dare you!"

"Does our friendship mean nothing to you!?"

"I was the one who invited you to this group, so of course, I'm the one who'll be confessing to Nanami-sama!"

And so, they all started to infight and argue for the right to confess to Yuriko, something that was forgotten by everyone until now.



"… I guess, we didn't need to do anything"


"… … … Wasn't that the boy you have a crush on?"

"… Had…"

"I see… I feel the same way as you"

As the boys were fighting amongst themselves, some of the girls who planned on sabotaging their plans, just looked at the crowd of boys fighting with dead fish eyes, as they began to reconsider some of their life choices.

"… … … You know, now that I think about it, that guy in my classroom who is always by himself looks kinda cute"

"I get what you mean, there's also a boy in my classroom who is always reading a light novel, whose face is not that bad"



"Jokenpo to decide who gets to go back first?"





"Puhaa! Fufu, as I thought, you're my most favorite dessert, Takkun"

"…" *Looks away*

Yuriko had a very satisfied face as she kept pressing Takeru down, which only allowed him to look away with a face filled with embarrassment as his shirt was half open, showing many hickey marks around his neck and chest.

"Hmm… We should still have a few more minutes before the first bell rings, so… Thank you for the meal!"

Without a single trace of hesitation or remorse, approached Takeru a second time and began kissing him again, but after just a few seconds into their kiss…

*School bell ringing*

" "!!" "

With the sound of the bell, Yuriko regretfully pulled away from her kiss.

"… Shall we get going, Takkun?"

"…" *Embarrassedly nods*

"Right, now let me help you fix your uniform"

With that, Yuriko began buttoning Takeru's shirt, in a manner as if she was already used to doing so, and when she buttoned the last button on his shirt, to help hide the various hickey marks on his, Yuriko brought her face close to Takeru again, but this time, she just made a face of someone expecting a kiss, which Takeru could easily notice.


And with a lot of hesitation, he gave Yuriko a short kiss, which was enough to satisfy her for now. Having gotten almost everything that she wanted from Takeru, Yuriko got up and picked him up in a princess carry again.

"I-I-I c-can w-walk m-myself…"

"No can do, Takkun. You must pay back for the time we didn't spend together last Saturday"


"But, if you really want to walk by yourself, then you'll have to give me a goodbye kiss once we arrive at your classroom"


"So what'll it be, Takkun?"

"… … … P-P-Please c-carry me…"
