
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Politique et sciences sociales
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81 Chs

Chapter 43



Yuriko and Takeru were silent as they looked at each other, Yuriko with a charming and inviting smile, while Takeru had an embarrassed expression on his face

"... So Takeru? Shall we go take a bath together?"


"Why not? You want to take a bath with me, don't you?"

"..." *Looks away* "N-No..."

Takeru's tone really weak and dishonest, because he did want to take a bath with Yuriko, but at the same time he felt it wasn't the right time to do it yet. At his answer, Yuriko made an annoyed expression

"Fine, Takeru... We won't take a bath together... But instead, you'll have to compensate it with more skinship with me"

"... ... ... Eh?"

Takeru made a confused face at what Yuriko said, but he felt that this option was safer than taking a bath with Yuriko... That was until Yuriko began unbuttoning his shirt, which he promptly stopped her, by grabbing both of Yuriko's wrists, but even then he was having quite the trouble in stopping her

"W-W-What do you think you're doing?!"

"Taking off your clothes"


"So that we can have more skinship!"

"... ... ..."

Takeru fell silent when he heard that word again, and then he finally realized what Yuriko was probably meaning by that


"Takeru... Choose one! You either take a bath with me or have more skinship with me!"

"I don't want to!"

The two were glaring at each other, while Yuriko kept slowly unbuttoning Takeru's shirt as he did his best to stop her from continuing it, while he also tried to think of a way to stop her from insisting on both options

"... F-Fine! I'll take a bath with you and have more kinship with you, but only if you get full marks on every test!"

"... And why should I agree with this compromise?"

"E-Erm... B-because... I-if you do... ... ... I-I'll buy m-m-matching rings f-for us..."

"... ... ... ?!"

When Yuriko heard, she also began to blush as her smile started to tremble from bashfulness as well, but she also felt that it wasn't enough for her to accept the compromise

"... ... ... Fine... I'll accept that compromise"


"But you'll also have to bathe with me and have more skinship with me every day if I win!"

"Wha?! No!"

"Too late! I already accepted your compromise!"

"That wasn't part of that!"

"It is now"

"I refuse to acc- Mmmmmnnnnn!"

Then as Takeru was about to refuse Yuriko's new demand, she silenced him by pulling him up for a very long and passionate French kiss, and then burying and holding his face on her chest. Takeru having nothing else that he could do against Yuriko simply flailed his arms

"Are you sure, you don't want to accept my demand, Takeru?"

"..." *Twitches*

When Takeru heard Yuriko's words, he stopped flailing his arms as he froze up

"Don't you want to feel them without my clothes on the way?"


Takeru's arms slowly went down and forward, until he could feel Yuriko's slim waist on his palms

"You do, don't you? If you hug me, I'll consider it a yes... And I'll even give you a reward if you are honest with me"


Then Takeru slowly hugged Yuriko in defeat, as his ears turned red as he did so

"Fufu, well done, Takeru. I really like when you're honest with me... Now for your reward..."

Yuriko let go of Takeru and moved a little away from him, then she lifted her T-shirt revealing to Takeru her "Heavy" assets, which were covered by only a single pink and cute piece of clothing


Takeru's face turned even redder as he began to have a nosebleed and then...

"..." *Slowly tilting to the right* *Pomf*


He passed out from too much pressure from Yuriko's heavy affection




"... Hah!"

"Ara, you woke up"

Yuriko was giving Takeru a lap pillow as she studied for the tests by reviewing her notes

"..." *Looks around* "For how long did I pass out?"

"About thirty minutes"

"I see... ... ... ?!"

Takeru who was a bit fuzzy from just waking up tried to remember what had happened and he ended up remembering the image of Yuriko's naked slim waist and her bountiful chest covered by a cute pink bra. And to make matters worse for him, he couldn't help but vividly repeat that scene inside his mind, which was causing him to turn redder and redder every time he thought about that scene and looked at Yuriko who was gently smiling at him

Unable to endure it anymore, Takeru got out of the lap pillow and got back on his feet

"... ... ... I'll go take a bath..."

"Okay, then I'll start making dinner"


"It's fine, that'll be my apology for earlier"

"I see..."

"Ah! Takeru before you leave, can I ask you something?"

"... Sure..."

"Is pink fine for you? Or do you prefer another color?"

"... ... ... ?! Y-Yuriko-baka! Baka! Baka!"

When Takeru realized what Yuriko meant by that, his face turned into a very bright shade of red as his tsundere side kicked in

"Ahahaha! I'm sorry, really sorry, Takeru. You don't need to answer it really"

"... ... ... Pink is fine... And... I quite like... Light blue..."

"... Hm?"

"... Yuriko-baka!"

And with that Takeru fled to his bedroom so that he could pick up his clothes, while Yuriko was left frozen in place with a confused smile, then she slowly turned her head forward, which allowed her to see her reflection in the tv screen, and then she finally noticed that she was also blushing quite intensely


And now that she was calming down since Takeru wasn't there, Yuriko began to think about everything that she did and said earlier

"... ... ... *Picks a pillow from the sofa* ... *Deeply inhales* *Bury her face on the pillow* ... *Muffled screaming*"

Yuriko was now regretting and agonizing over everything that she had said earlier as her reasoning slowly returned to her


Then, as Yuriko was shouting inside her mind, she started hearing the shower sound, which brought her back to her senses for a moment, which caused her to end up saying in a low voice...

"... ... ... I want to take a bath with Takeru... And have more skinship with him..." *Closes her eyes* "... I'm going to get a perfect score no matter what"

Yuriko's desires were stronger than her reasoning, so she promised herself that she would get the maximum possible score in the school, as she got herself up to start making dinner for her and Takeru