
The School of Minds [English Version]

Aron_Vervaeke · Politique et sciences sociales
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9 Chs

Cat and mouse chess

~Aron POV~

Suddenly our phones all showed the same thing.

The rules :

- There are 2 types of participants Cats and mice.

- The game takes place in the school where certain areas will only be reserved for the mouse to serve as a cabin.

- The mouse cannot stay more than 3 minutes in the same cabin or risk being eliminated. And you have to wait 5 minutes before you can return to the same cabin.

- If a cat enters a cabin then it is eliminated.

- A mouse is considered caught if it is physically touched by a cat for at least 1 second. A mouse caught by a cat is eliminated.

- There are several secret rooms only accessible by a mouse. They contain an electromagnetic gun that can only fire once. These guns activate the chip that a cat has, which allows it to be eliminated.

- For the cats to win they must catch all the mice before the time runs out which is 1 hour 30 minutes.

-For the mice to win they must activate 5 hidden computers which allow them to unlock 2 exit doors which are in a completely opposite direction.

- To activate a computer you have to beat it in a game of chess.

- Cats are not allowed to camp for more than 1 minute at 10 meters around a computer under penalty of being eliminated.

- computers are portable and can therefore be moved, but only by mice.

- The more computers activated, the higher the difficulty.

1st computer: 1000 elo

2nd computer: 1500 elo

3rd computer: 2000 elo

4th computer: 2500 elo

5th computer: 3000 elo

This phone is really complete, you can send messages to other players and there is even a GPS application.

After that a second notification appeared to announce our role

Kenta : I'm a mouse and you?

Naomi : me too but I think that since we are on the same team then all four of us have the role of mice.

Haruki : Yes, you're right.

Me : Look. There are only 10 seconds left before the exam begins. Prepare yourselves.












At this announcement all the players started running everywhere throughout the building but always staying with the teams they had formed.

Our group was no exception and we found ourselves in a corridor with a door marked with an equation that we had to find in order to unlock it.

Naomi : if we have to find a code then there is surely a computer behind it. I'll take care of it.

Me : Wait for Naomi. There is a trap.

Naomi : Oh right ? However, this equation seems easy to me.

Me : Look closely, there are some lines that are a slightly different blue from the rest. It's the same color but that means that the ink that forms these lines is still fresh and they haven't had time to dry. It must be a cat that changed the equation to prevent us from reaching the computer.

Kenta : But why didn't he stay on guard?

Naomi : I think he only had time to modify the equation. That would mean the computer is less than 10 meters behind that door.

Haruki : That's right, one of the rules states that a cat cannot stay within 10 meters of a computer for 1 minute straight.

Naomi : It's good !

We rush into the room and find ourselves in front of a computer, which confirms our suspicions.

Haruki : I take care of the computer.

Kenta : Why you? You don't seem as smart as the girl.

Haruki : I may not look it, but I'm a brilliant strategist who is passionate about chess and board games. And a game against a 1000 elo computer is child's play for me.

After winning with disconcerting ease, a voice rang out.


Me : Let's get out of here, I don't think the 10 meter protection is still valid on an activated computer.

While we are running away the speakers are picked up again.


Haruki : Already! So I'm not the only chess player in this school.

While Haruki was smiling stupidly at the idea of ​​facing an opponent his size in chess, a man in white, like the ones who took our phones, burst in front of us.

??? : Don't make things harder, just let it happen.

He lunges at Naomi who seems to be the easiest target among us. But just as he was about to touch her, Kenta kicked him with lightning speed that sent him flying several meters away.

Kenta : Let's get out of here!

We run away at full speed.

Naomi : Was it a cat ? But since when do the men in white participate in the game ?!

So I was right

Naomi: Do you understand something, Aron?

Me : I think I understand but first you have to find an electromagnetic gun so I can show you.

Haruki : And how do we find that?

Me : The solution to the equation that Naomi solved can also be used in the GPS application built into our phone.

Kenta : Wow but you're really smart actually.

I don't know how I should take it but I end up thanking him anyway before showing them where the coordinates take us.


We arrived in a room with a special chess board that is played orally. Each square on the board is coded by a calculation and there is a timer which shows that if the game is not won before 10 minutes then the gun will be destroyed.

Me : Naomi takes care of decoding the boxes and Haruki takes care of winning the game, that seems to me to be the best option.

Naomi : yes I agree.

Haruki : Me too.

But suddenly a notification on all four of our phones appears.


Me : Damn, the participant is random.

Haruki : So that means we're supposed to win the game alone!?

Naomi : Yes, I think so.

Kenta : If this falls on me we're screwed.


A beeping sound from my phone catches my attention.