
The scary middle ground

"Don't Tell me that you were the one behind it, but why of all the people..." l said in sobs tears strolling down like a stream of liver. Because l wasn't expecting him to be that kind of person. " No Ellie it's not in that case, the point is that all of this time you were with me because you were spying on me and with all what we did together you were lying ..." he took my wrist and gripped on it hurting me. " So are you saying that what l did is more hurtful than what you did to me,huh?" she inquired still in a shock to even look at him..

Raeven_Lily · Histoire
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2 Chs

1Broken like a vase

I was on my spring vacation and was planning on to do the best moments of it because l knew that at any moment there would be a phone call which would automatically ruin my mood.

So l was planning on to do what ran over my mind. I was heading to the Bahamas for the break also to meet my bestie whom was the one who gave me this idea to go over there.

I sat in the airplane in the first class refreshing little by little, it wasn't for long when someone came to sit beside me and l politely took my hand bag and laid it in my laps so that he would sit.

He looked very cold and seemed like he was a type of guy who is always kept to himself and very unwelcoming and also we were in the same age but just a little bit older than me but anyways l didn't care about that.

Long story short the plane took flight and l quickly closed my eyes and went to my dreamland. And if course whenever l closed my eyes the old same horrible nightmare filled my mind making me somehow suffocate and terrified because whenever l remembered about that moment it would feel more real than ever.

Looking at how my parents were killed in a bad way, being slaughtered alive while me and my sister watched at three men do it laughing at us how we were screaming and crying telling them to stop but they never listened to us but kept on spilling blood all over this and after that horrible act they came over to us and took away my little sister, pulling her by the arms and then threw her on the other corner.

They were three big giant men, all of them surrounding her like lions starring at their meal. And when l realized where all this was going l couldn't take it anymore l tried to push away the other men whom were holding me steady but they didn't even bulge because l was still young even though l was the big sister l couldn't do anything to save my little lovely sister.

And just like that one by one they jumped on my sister pounding her as if she was there little toy and that broke me little by little, they did it while spitting on her and slapping as if she wasn't just a little girl.

"Please please just let her go....."l was just speechless and shattered that my mouth was just at loss of words.

What did we seriously do to deserve this and why her and not me she was just young...

"Hey hey, are you okay?"someone touched my face sharing the coldness he had to my boiling body.

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to look at the person who just woke me up from hell.

"...."l was still in the haze of what l was dreaming that l didn't know what to reply.

My eyes were all soaked up and very tearly.